Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I was thinking of waiting for Tom to tell Rin what to do... since he's the closest one to her and is in her group for their set of instructions....
I know i've been exploring options, Kai's had his drones out from the beginning, after his first magazine in the LASR he switched to the forearm weapons, and now he's getting closer due to the range loss, So he has plenty going on.
Ouch. Slowdown. We will be making the plot move onward at a faster clip shortly. This will require regular posting from participants - those not managing are not going to keep up, will be NPCed, or will have unfortunate things a la Eucharis rules happen to them - dun dun dun.

Also, in a shameless self-promoting fashion, I'm announcing here that I'm opening up for commission requests - sketches, to be more precise. Those interested can take a look at my CPR-revived DeviantArt page to give the journal a look. Hopefully, I can turn up stuff that's not over a year old soonish.

Yagen said:
For IC sake, please ignore this post.
"Nyton, I think someone's breaching into our communications!" Takuma shouted into his helmet, an annoyed, almost defeated tone to his voice. Are they trying to hack into us before we get them? ...what does a la Eucharis mean? No matter what it meant, he couldn't help but shiver. The dramatic sound effects didn't help either...

Accepting commissions? Like military commissions? Do they think we'll abandon our team just like that!? An idea caught Takuma's mind. Maybe I could become a robot...

So much for team loyalty.

"Excuse me, mysterious voice? Who are you and what would your commission have my person do? I won't kill my entire squad. Unless you make me a robot. Then I may decide to. Or, won't be able to...since the programing will do that..." Takuma's voice trailed off into the non-existent wind.

Thanks for subtly pointing out that I posted that in the wrong thread, Yagen. ^_^;
It looks like most everyone has posted something but I've waited long enough. I need something by tomorrow from Moonie and 5tar. Otherwise I'm going ahead and NPC'ing their characters so we can advance the line. I realize that I may be a day in the future for some folks so I'll set an Eastern time frame to expect that day to be up. :p

0630 AM Saturday

That should do it. By the time I get off of work I'll be able to check. Of course if I'm working late that's just bonus time. If I don't see anything then I'm pushing ahead.
I'm sorry for the inactivity as of late, I just haven't found myself enough time to delve into the five or so pages I'm behind on to get up to speed enough to post. Kai's been updating me, but if I don't have a post up by the time you need to move you have my permission to NPC him and I won't think a thing of it.

Sanjuro really would not have been much of an asset to this particular fight anyway, so if you want, you can reflect that if you end up moving him.
Yeah I really sort of counted on him to be a liability but I wanted to give you a chance to write out just how he would do it. I don't think I can capture his eloquence quite the way you do it.

Finally off of work so lemme pound something out real quick now that the deadline is passed. Sorry 5tar, if you've got things going on that I'm not aware of then you'll have to post them on OOC recently. I'm still not on IRC nor do I have a lot of time.
Yagen: You are hilarious, man. :D

I LOLed.
Busy at work. Soooo busy at work. Ugh.

My braces come off tomorrow. That should shave off 5 minutes from my flossing time, so I'd be saving 15 minutes per day. I look forward to spending it on sleeping (yeah right).
Been sleeping on what to post and where to sneak in.

Rest assured, I am here, and I -am- checking back at -least- once a week, if not moar.

x-X; It's a lot of crap to read and catch up on.
Okay, we just bent reality and Yuzuki is now on Miharu. I don't really mind, if that's where you think you'll have fun with Yuzuki, Gallant.
This is what I get for having to sort through too many backlogs.

I'm going to have to track you down soon now, Fred! We have things to discuss! Very important things! :D

[Edit: Might as well leave the post up there, if it doesn't actually matter. If you're going to screw up, might as well screw up royally and stick with it.]
According to Nyton, Yuzuki isn't on the armor team, which would logically place her on the Miharu, as she was never actually sent to the Auxiliary ship, to my knowledge.

Nyton said:
Okay seeing as we didn't get to do a pre-mission briefing I need to go over some stuff OOC so you know what the plan is and can act accordingly IC.

Assault Team is made up of: Kosuka, Kei, Yuri, Nimura, Kai, Yoroko, Takuma.

Support Team: Nyton, Sumaru, Tom, Rin, Mara, Sanjuro, Ichigo, Aoiko.
Shoot, another crew member I must have forgotten about. Well I recall Kotori ordering I think all personnel to the Auxiliary ship so that might have included her as well. I dunno. For now though I don't think it makes much difference.
GALLANT!!!!!!!! WB!!! On a slightly different note, sorry Nyton, Fred for not having posted :( Posting now.

edit: GALLANT I HAS A PROJECT FOR US!!! This battle has inspaiahd meh to create! I'll PM you :)
I would be considered living. I'm just waiting for something for Kai to do besides walk down the hallway.

Haven't seen Jake in almost a week, methinks.
Its alright man, no pressure. Just good to know you're still alive.

BTW, Tom not ignoring the direct question in the last post, just giving everyone else time to have a chance to post their 'yaaa charge' bit. Just don't keep us waiting too long folks. And yeah a head count would be nice.