Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Looks like Blas has some net access now! Woot.

Sorry for the slow uptake on my part - and my lack of reply to your PM Jake - I'm still mostly indisposed for the moment, until January. Just stay in the hangar for the time being and I'll help out once the new year comes it.

Oh, Yoroko, I corrected mistakes of you calling Yoroko "Kuriko". Careful there. ^_^
Sorry my last post got a bit cut off. I ran out of time last night. If you don't mind I'll just tag on that little bit I meant to put in.
Sorry about my inactivity as of late, Christmas and New Years was spent elsewhere and I had little time to get online. Couple that with the fact that my internet now bounces between pleasant and god-awful faster than a Yamataian FTL missile and you'll get the jist of my post holiday. D:

I'll attempt to catch up and give ya'll a post as soon as I'm able.
Hey guys there's still plenty of androids to shoot at left in the hangar. Anyone who still hasn't written some actions can do so. Please do because sooner or later Fred will post his something. Otherwise I would like us to leave the hangar eventually. We're keeping some other folks who would like to join in waiting.
Hi guys. I have instructions/permission to insert myself into the plot. But I've been very tired lately. I just came back to work after vacation and my body is still adjusting.

Anyway, just letting you guys know that I'm not dead or anything.
Ah it looks like things are moving in here, good. But I still haven't gotten a response from the other ship's AI. I'd like to join in with the rest of the combat, but I need a response to move Sumaru ahead.
Sorry. I could've sworn I already replied to that. Maybe I just thought of replying and never got to it.

Posted for you 5tar. Hopefully, that'll free you up to act.
I could very well be wrong about Miyoko's count of the torpedoes... by my count, if they started out with the numbers listed in the Miharu wiki page, I think they actually fired off more of certain AS-7s than they had to begin with. I could very well have missed a post earlier about just what loadout we had going in, though.
Well, supposedly, Yukari organized the Miharu's ammo storage so that they'd end up with a third of each in the rollbar launcher, meaning 8 of each. So, the actual content shown on the wiki would've been juggled around to...

Cargo bays
12 chibi-MEGAMI probes
8 AS-7 Anti-Matter torpedoes
24 AS-5a torpedoes

In rollbar launcher
5x AS-7-1-TA, Type 1 Transphasic Aether
8x AS-7-1-AM, Type 1 Anti-Matter
6x AS-7-1-SDM, Type 1 Subspace Detonator

Then some more were made. 3 more AS-7 transphasic aether and 2 more subspace detonator warheads.

So, the inventory before the fight started should've been:
In rollbar launcher
8x AS-7-1-TA, Type 1 Transphasic Aether
8x AS-7-1-AM, Type 1 Anti-Matter
8x AS-7-1-SDM, Type 1 Subspace Detonator

Miharu's torpedo usage so far...
2 TA ~ opening volley to destroy shuttles
2 AM ~ once emerging from Bowhordia's atmosphere to attack Obakemono
1 SDM ~ knocking out enemy shields to have the Black Knights teleport in the Yui destroyers and finish off Obakemono with main cannon
2 TA ~ to finish off Lamia armors
2 AM ~ to destroy Ketsueki corvette Nu 3

Following this, you can edit Miyoko's report in regard to the current inventory:
In rollbar launcher
4x AS-7-1-TA, Type 1 Transphasic Aether
4x AS-7-1-AM, Type 1 Anti-Matter
7x AS-7-1-SDM, Type 1 Subspace Detonator

Stored torpedoes in the cargo bays is uncertain, seeing the hull breach Miharu took where the Uriko bomber was normally stored. A damage report should confirm wether there were any losses or not )Yukari's in charge of asking for that).

I hope that helps. :)
So I graduated bootcamp.

Division 909, for anyone who knows what that means - I know a couple people shipped off to Navy boots. Might have ended up performing at your graduation. Part of the drill team. We performed at several!

While I havn't settled yet, I expect to settle into a consistant internet connection within the next couple of weeks, so if possible I would like an update through PM (since I do not have a great deal of time to browse through the forums quite yet - I will soon! Soon! Just not now.)

So I have learned a few things about Ships, as to be expected, and I'm hoping to apply that to my writing and sort of flesh a few things out. If you still need help on the ship, Fred, well you have an engineer back. ENFR, to be exact. Long story there.

Good to be back.

Carry on~
Sweet. The Gally has returned. We still need to do our pirate clusterflux thingy. Glad to see you're back. I hope your connection returns soon.
Actually had something written up for that, but I think it got ruined and there's a good chance I am going to be too lazy to sit down and copy it from handwritten crap to e-crap. I'll come up with something. Definately gave the CF Rpg a little bit of thought and I think I have a general plot that could actually launch something interesting if we can get it rolling. This isn't the place to talk about that, though. Different forum, later. Possibly there will be an OOC discussion thread in the CF if people are still interested.

Arrrr, pirates.

I wasn't quite sure if I missed something obvious on my post, like needing to look for a specific terminal in a certain room or something similar. Since we have to look for a terminal, however, I would assume we won't know what to look for anyway. Hmm. Well, just mention it if it doesn't make sense.

Oh and I'm still alive, in a sense XD.
Hey guys I know I've been busy and such with no access to IRC but I need some input. I don't want the hangar scene to drag out much more but I am trying to wait for input from other players so they can feel that they are actually contributing and not just being funneled into whatever it is Nyton is narrating. If anything I was hoping there would be more shouting, more wrassling, and more shooting. Even just shouts at each other about things like reloading, helping each other, targeting stuff and blowing it up, would be great. Basically I need your help to do this. The more is put out, the more I have to work with. I know this is supposed to be the big combat scene all our combat specialists were waiting for so go to it! Nyton is only calling shots, not personally guiding and controlling your Armors. If you want to write someone screwed up and is getting jumped then do it. It may give someone else a chance to play hero, or get traumatized, or something. Right now its really kind of the freebie round because the enemy guns aren't hurting anyone. Yet.

Also, I know not everyone can think of every little teeny detail of what their Armor does but the more you play with it, the better and easier. Trick out your drones and use them, pull out a second gun and fire away if you think your character can do that, swoop about, do some acrobatics, be bad ass!

Aside from that, please post. I'm trying to give people time so that everyone can post something. I guess I haven't really been keeping touch to know what everyone's lives are like at the moment. I know we're all busy I am just not aware as to how busy everyone is right now.

I just paid into our little internet fund but right now its looking like it won't get set up till at least mid-February/mid-March even. So yeah. I'm gonna be using these MWR PC's with slow connections, no IRC, and no privacy for a while yet.