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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

It was my intention to give Yoroko's some time to post for his character because I skipped her twice already (for unimportant "She'll obey Nyton anyways" reasons) but seeing the impending vacations of several individuals... I'll be gearing up this plot to progress rather quickly.

Basically, my prerequisites to posting again have shrunk down to tom and Nyton, whom I know will be reasonably active and are in leadership roles anyhow.

I normally wouldn't do that, but seeing all we've been through, it's my goal to give this mission a proper closure as soon as possible. Thank you all for your understanding.
Hrm... I hope I'm reading that results post right. Then again, it might be mystery kind of stuff since there weren't specifics for Rin. Oh wells....
You want wall of text, try that on for size!

Actually I was listening to this really nice classical fusion track and my mind drifted along while I was posting. So I kinda got carried away with the dream segment. I could have gone on a lot more, believe me-- it's why most of it was left vague and without detail.

Oh, the tl;dr of the post - SUMARU IS DREAMING, k!?
I thought it was a nice, semi-incoherent dream sequence - like dreams usually are. I'm a bit surprised the ending did not make him wake up - but I'm sure that'll come in time. ~_^
Doshii Jun, Kel... that's pretty much your cue to post. Yagen, feel free to signify what's going on with Takuma too.
I like how Kai's been completely ignored for almost two pages.... I really don't know what to do with him, as his state calls for GM intervention at the moment.
Nyton, Moonman or Kim... pretty much. I figured you'd want a doctor to have Kai looked over, to be honest. Yoroko helped him up and get to Hoshi so she can be posted for to interact with him. the exact circumstances ofyour arrival in the medlab are pretty much up to you to determine too.

The Nyton character is already posted for... so, perhaps Blas will be able to have Sanjuro care for Kai in Moonman or Kim don't manage to first.

Sorry you felt you we're shoved to the side. We kinda blitzed to get the mission done and over with.
Sorry I would've addressed that last night with a huge medical center post along with Nyton's bridge actions but it was getting real late last night and I had to get to sleep. If nothing's been done after I get off of work today I'll handle it.
Hmmm...pondering about posting as Masako sometime just so I can get used to her again after a long period of not roleplaying as her. If I can, I'll probably post after work today, since it's probably going to be a very long inner monologue.

Like she hasn't had any of those before.
With Miharu getting ready to rejoin with Hoshi, Masako should be working on getting her Black Knight 5 Mindy II team back inside Miharu (the Black Knights were escorting it after they had set jury rigged mines around a gas giant's asteroid ring).
I'll see if I can get a Sora post up tonight after class and studying up at the school. I graduate "A" school next month so I'll see how much time I have between schools to get some rping done. =D
Matt, I need to point out two things:

~ The first is that most of the power armor ordonance is inside the Hoshi. Masako and the rest of the Knight team do have teleport modules, but they have not had the opportunity to reload.

~ The second is that the field the Hoshi and Sekkou are generating are anti-interdiction ones. The objective is not to hinder FTL capabilities, but rather to prevent them from being hindered. No slowed torpedoes in such circumstances (and besides, Sakura gunships have no torpedo launchers ^_^; ).
Kimmmmmy. D:

A Sora post would be perfect about, you know-- a few days ago. But now will do too! :3
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