Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Sorry but I might not be on tonight. Trouble with my internet cable arose and I'm forced to redo the end again. Given how retardedly difficult this cable has been before it may take me all evening.
I LOLed at Sigurd and the Apron. That was great!
I've discussed around some details and I finally nailed what I think is a winning combination for a couple of internal arrangement details.

First, the bridge:
Miharu's new bridge will effectively be a balcony in a large chamber meant to volumetrically project the space around the ship. The bridge will have a total of 12 consoles.

Each of these consoles have by default simpler redundant controls (buttons, dials, control sticks, rolling balls, flat two-dimensional screens) in case of equipment failure, with volumetric screen displays being the standard operation interfaces.

Upper tier:

Command Console:
Captain's command console. Probably for monitoring and multifunction.

Stand-by Console (2):
Console's flanking the command console, offering multi-function and monitoring features as well, though not as extensively as the command console. Meant to be an auxiliary control station in case of damage, or to be an observation seat for other personnel (such as a medical officer or an infantry squad leader) to keep abreast of ship's happenings.

Middle tier:
A step down from the upper tier, the middle tier offers three stations, one in front and two others roughly 60 degrees right and left of the command console.

Tactical Console:
Weapons control and general combat operations of the ship.

Helm Console:
Handles most aspects of ship locomotion.

Communication Console:
Primary console for any outer-ship communications.

Lower tier:
Six other stations lie a step down from the middle tier, set in pairs 60 degrees right and left of stations on the middle tier.

Tactical Pair:
  • Defense Console:
    Handles ship defensive systems and armor condition.

    Sensor Console:
    Observation and perception outside the starship, passive/active sensors, a degree of Fire Control acquisition.

Helm Pair:
  • Logistics Console:
    Handles ammunition and ship supplies, outfitting and preparation of auxiliary crafts and power armor, and coordinate damage control.

    Engineering Console:
    Takes charge of the ship's power generation system, the ship's power grid and the vessel propulsion systems.

Communication Pair:
  • Intelligence Console:
    Involves electronic warfare, communication jamming and interdiction systems.

    Mission Operations Console:
    Observation inside the ship, data analysis, communicating orders and instruction to any ship attached organization such as security teams, shuttles, armor wings; ensuring mission control with allied ships.

* * *

I figured that the Miharu-refit would have a standard of 10 starship operators, 16 technicians (4 damage control teams), 4 medical personnel, 4 caretakers and 12 infantry (3 squads) active on the day shift.

Evening shift would involve 4 more starship operators, 4 more medical personnel, 4 more caretakers, 8 more technicians and 4 more infantry.

Night shift would require the addition of 4 starship operators, 8 more technicians and 4 more infantry.

Total standard crew would be 18 starship operators, 32 technicians, 8 medics, 8 caretakers, 20 infantry. For a total standard complement of 76 - any of the other shifts are effectively a skeleton crew.

Shift organization would look like this:

~ Day shift
Day: Active
Evening: Stand-By (free time)
Night: Sleep

~ Evening shift
Day: Stand-By (free time)
Evening: Active
Night: Sleep

~ Night shift
Day: Stand-By (free time)
Evening: Sleep
Night: Active

Hence, in the ship's highest activity period - Day shift - both other shifts can be made to pull double-duty as needed.

Caretakers would need to prepare meals for: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Midnight - hence why there are two caretaker shifts. A caretaker night shift doesn't seem very necessary.

Infantry personnel may be a lot more present in a military police/internal ship security role. In case of the ship being boarded, they cold very well spread out into the damage control team and direct them to fight more effectively, or stay in more concentrated groups of 'elite' combatants.

I may include a bunkroom as well as a kitchenette, separate toilet/bathroom area and several 'plush' quarters separate from crew... to accommodate for ship visitors. There's always the possibility of getting guests, or of the ship being used to ferry Star Army personnel from one point to another. Seeing the original purpose of the Himiko-class to occupy an ambassadorial role, it would seem like a good touch, if space allows.

One thing to also take into consideration with that would be the number of escape pods. The ideal number following star army regulations appear to be 120% of standard capacity. In such a case, this would be an estimated crew capacity requirement of 92, meaning sixteen 6-person escape pods.

I possibly need to consider having enough auxiliary crafts to ferry the totallity of the crew around when not in emergency status. A sizeable power armor complement may be required as well to accommodate for the active combat crew (all infantry and technicians), the less active personnel (starship operators, medics, caretakers).
Alright guys guess what? Its time for me to go home for a couple weeks of rest. This means I'm leaving. So for a few days during transit chances are I'm gonna be out of touch. Plus when I get home well, there's going to be a lot of excitement which will prevent me from getting access. So with that said, I gotta apologize because I know this is going to directly affect a few folks.

First off, Uso, you've been a real champ at posting back. Yeah that sucks you had to reinstall windows but its like a necessary evil sometimes. And you bounced back which has been fun. I hate asking to make you wait, we'll see if maybe Fred has something he can do to turn things. Or we can just downshift for a few days. I really want to keep writing and such.

Fred, yeah man if I don't see you on IRC before I go then I figured here's my warning and such. Well, we already knew but now that its happening its like not much we could've done to plan for it I guess.

Anyways, I'll see you all on the other side of the Atlantic.
whoah.... How did I miss that? I remember reading Uso's post directly beneath it, and all the posts above it, but Gallant's post kinda popped out of nowhere! I will get to it now.
3 weeks until I finish "A" school! this means I'm in crunch time, so there may be spurts of activity and postingness from me but I don't know.
Congratulations Kim, just a little bit longer. Its home stretch time!

Oh and greetings to everyone from Kuwait! *wave*
Hey Blas, be safe and stay hydrated!

from Kuwait!
That's one place I don't really want to go back to.
Doshii Jun said:
See now, I totally feel like an asshole, because I killed an RP opportunity for Miyoko/Yukari. I'm sorry, Kel.

Pff, I actually personally found it funny. Even if she manages to hide it physically, I think she mentally had that deer-caught-in-headlights look.

What she should have remembered is that it's barely possible to intrude in anybody else's business too much, since MEGAMI is watching them all pee anyway.
I have no idea to what you make reference to Tom. :P

Oh btw, Hello everyone I'm back in the USA!

Coming at ya from Atlanta! Yaaaah! Just one more hour till I get home!