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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I hate to be unavailable again after being scarce during the end of the school year, but I will be gone for the next week on a camping trip, leaving tomorrow morning. There is a slim chance, however, that there may be wifi access for adult leaders. (It was hinted at last year, but since I was a scout, there was no way to check, really). I'm bringing my laptop so I can write in the commissary in the evening, so if the mysterious rumors are true, I will be able to post.

I'd hate to miss a week's worth of posting since things are going fairly fast-paced right now and I don't want Takuma to have to sit there and mope about his arm the entire time XD. Oh well, if there is not internet, then I'll just have to deal with that missed time.

*throws explosive potato chips in the air*
This week starts my mandatory living in the classroom time for the next 2 weeks. >> If my internet is stable, I'll do my best to post.
I know it's hard for you, so I don't mind waiting, just remember us when you get some free time that you could spare to post something up.

Hey Kel!

Don't sweat it. We're soon to go on a timeskip to the next day which will likely put Miyoko on even footing with the other characters.

While you're here, maybe you could take a look at this thread? I'd be interested in your input.
Okay I finished editing the JP and posted it up. We can try and finish it up tomorrow since not everyone showed up. Okay tomorrow for me is Thursday. Matt, Yoroko, Kyoki, we all know what time we all show up so lets just make it the same as before and wrap things up. I don't want to go too long but Fred is cool if we're all done by Friday.
Something has come up. Turns out I have to do something this morning, so I can't show up for the JP. I could do it tomorrow, but I'd rather no hold it up any further. If you guys want to go ahead with out me, then by all means, go!

I'll PM Nyton a post for Rin that will get her out of the scene.

Sorry guys.
We're about ready to make a timeskip to the next day. With this, I'll narrate up how the former day closed and will proceed to make most of the characters whom were 'disabled' active again.

This should give Kai, Sumaru, Sayuri, Camellia and most of the other wounded the freedom of coming to, getting out of bed and coming to term with what happened to them.

Please note that once the timeskip is done, the period immediately ensuing until the mission's "end" (until Kotori debriefs her senior staff and interviews a few people) is largely going to determine whom gets to stay on Miharu and whom will be 'reassigned'.

For some player characters like Kel's Miyoko, Krisslanza's Yuril and Moonman's Sanjuro, this is a chance for them to pitch back in and be as active as the rest of the plot seems. If you have no reason to actually post, or can justify 'absence' via vacation and such, you will need to tell me. Either I can accommodate you, or help you.

Please understand that Miharu currently holds a fairly large number of players, but some of them barely show any activity. Because of that, some people interested in participating on Miharu have to be rebuffed because "we're full". As the coming missions are going to be easier, less spec-ops fare, the opportunity to open the door and allow new blood in is present... so, some cleaning up may be in order... if you'll forgive how callous that sounds.

Do know that deadweight players in SARP are typically dealt with harshly. I have a policy, however, of trying to keep those inactive characters in the background until a mission's end either to avoid killing them or to give them a timespan in which they could 'jump back in'. Kurohoshi Masako is an example of a character whom was kept on ice, but was able to be recovered - Masako was used as a 'offscreen' NPC for most of Mission 3, and her player Matt still managed to pick her up to become active again.

So, the inactives are going to be reassigned elsewhere on some excuse. Their players will be able to pick them up later if they wish, though there won't be anymore insurance that Miharu will be able to accept them again.

You'll notice that Aoiko, Lin's character, died. That's one point where I broke my own rules, because Lin had a fairly bad track record; joining plots, participating in a little, then dropping out/becoming inactive only to hop plots again to repeat the process. I saw very little goodwill behind the character, or enthusiasm at roleplaying her alone (funny, when I had Kotori back on Wes' Sakura I didn't have to be prodded or begged into posting - I was already enthusiastic about participating); and I decided to deal with her indefinitely. If the player wishes to reclaim her character at a later date, Lin will have to make up an excuse having her character restored.

Anyhow, I figured I owed an explanation for that.

So, the cards are on the table. I'm looking to have this post do more than just spur people into posting just once 'to be safe' after the timeskip. Make no mistake: I'm looking forward to seeing them -active- again.

In addition, if some of you wish to transfer to other plotships, now may be a good time to get this done. Maybe Miharu doesn't have enough power armor action for you? You could try the Senbu. Maybe the Eucharis' faster posting clip and shorter-paced missions would be more appealing for you. Just let me and the plot's GM know, and we'll try to accommodate you.

That is all. Expect the timeskip to come about somewhere around this weekend.
I am going camping again this weeken, because of that i will likely not be able to post in the miharu. Ill still be able to check on the forums trough my phone but due to the excessive amount of effort and time it will take to make any decent quality post from a phone i probably wont respond.

edit: Fixed some T9 text mistakes.
star, i'm gonna try to get a post for you today if my net holds and i can stay out of Vicadin stupor nap to get one typed up. >> i had my 2 lower wisdom teeth pulled today so i'm not allowed to leave my barracks room until sunday morning to go study at school, so i have the time to post if i can stay awake to do it.
Since I have hardly touched Takuma's character page since its creation, I gave it a complete overhaul and re-write. Everything is written to be more descriptive and clearer than it was before. The main new thing added is a dialogue between Kiyoshi and Takuma that led to his decision to join the Star Army. I figured it fit and was appropriate in portraying his character.

What I want to change, but decided to ask first, is to change his demolition skill to an entertainment skill in something like writing. It seems like that skill only exists because my older noobish self wanted to give him as many skills as possible so I could do a lot with him.

The link to his page can be found here.
Welcome back!

Having demolition made Takuma an able saboteur amongst other things. It was a trait few on Miharu had.

I would suggest giving him the entertainment skill in addition. I don't really mind as long as the IC excuse holds up to scrutinery.

* * *

This is the last day for anyone whom wants to post before the timeskip. If Kim doesn't make it, characters will be autoed to the next day (which will be in the same thread as a continuity).
I'm apologizing in advance for this week. My editor's on vacation and I'm the only editor in town, so I'm doing most everything. Posting rate is expected to plummet.

5tar, Kosuka and the others will want to talk to Sumaru, but I can't post that yet because, well, I'm swamped. Sorry.
Sorry to hear that Jake-man. I know we all want to read your posting goodness but its cool. Work has the tendency to be.... work.
It's cool bro, I'm gonna wait on a post from Kim before I write anything for Sumaru.

I'm going to let Kim dictate what happened over the night, so I really don't want to post until then.
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