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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Basically what Blas said- I mostly planned to just look around the site and see what I could find on my own. I don't forsee much coming of it either way, but being familiar with her enemy's physiology is just what Tomi'd do.
To be honest, this is actually kind of exciting. I was doing research into topics like this before just out of curiousity so I can stay up on the stories but now that it's actually necessary and I can IC study deeper backgrounds and draw my own conclusions this is even more fun.
Sorry for the heavy request/paranoia/complicated post there. My Shadowrun background is starting to become obnoxiously obvious.

----added edit-----


My entire Naraku file became gibberish on Wordpad before I could transfer it to a better format for NO F!!!ING REASON!!!!

That was HOURS of F^^^ING work!!!

Okay shout mode off. I'm still pissed but I'll just have to start over when I get the chance.
Well, I'm grateful for the effort. I'm sure you at least learned a lot about the subject matter yourself when you did so, so, it's not a complete loss.

As for the ranting, don't worry. Everyone needs to vent once in awhile ~_^
Thanks. I managed to go back and remake my original file with a better organization. But that means I got pushed back so I won't be able to check the old boards until later.
Oh and speaking about making dinner, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Been making dinner with Annie since early afternoon and it's turning out great! Mucho hungry now!
I don't know if we can find turkey at Taiie...

Should we make a fold to Elysia and grab us a plump Elysian Patrician female? I hear some Nepleslians say they're pretty tasty.

My awesome parents brought thanksgiving dinner to me at work!
I had meatloaf and barely noticed it was Thanksgiving except for this cool double xp event in Pangya.
Ah man, if I'd known I woulda invited you. We have plenty of food leftover right now. This was the first turkey Annie and I cooked and it turned out perfect. ^^
I hate you. The turkey of K and I ("Pepper") turned out great, for a Butterball, but I only had a paring knife to cut it with. That took forever, and it was still a goddamn hack job.

Oh well. White meat to win.
We weren't sure what knife to use. We just picked a medium sized knife, a two pronged fork and went to town. The meat was tender so it fell apart easily after the initial cut. That helped lots but it did make it difficult to hack out even slices. But chunks did just as well. ;p

Oh yeah shifting gears, I think Leutre and I will have to do either a little PM discussion to figure out what Leutre learns and how he does on his training instead of dragging out a long post post post post fest. Maybe a short JP but that would be tricky to organize unless maybe available for that tomorrow. I dunno. Right now's not the time to figure it out but I thought I should mention it.
JPs would be best. Us people need to hang more together. JPing between yourselves when you have free time and can find another of the gang online is encouraged.

Maybe do a dare party?

*dramatic crackling thunder SFX*
Well that would definately not be happening tonight. I just have a moment to chit chat here right now. But yeah a JP tomorrow would be great. The scene itself wouldn't have to be too long since they would only have maybe thirty minutes before the dinner bell chimes.
Kotori said:
Maybe do a dare party? *dramatic crackling thunder SFX*
I concur with this idea. Then again, I'm a Sakura player. You know how we roll.

Very pervertedly.
I was thinking the same thing, that a long postout might stall the thread. I'll try to be on AIM a few hours tomorrow evening. I'm doing some other typing stuff anyways, so I have no problem waiting. Whenever you're free just message me.

I'd prefer somewhere 5pm-10pm (We're on the same time zone, by the way), but if that's unacceptable I can probably juggle my schedule a bit.

And based on Nyton's domineering of Leutre, any attempts at a dare party will probably turn into something involving whips and chains. I bet he's freaky like that.
Leutre Veressis said:
And based on Nyton's domineering of Leutre, any attempts at a dare party will probably turn into something involving whips and chains. I bet he's freaky like that.

/r/ Star Army S&M yaoi plz.
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