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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Time for after mission reports! You know, the thing some of you keep saying "I'll do that later" and never do? Well, this time, some of you are expected to send them over to Kotori.

Here are the links to the respective posts in the Star Army Communication Network for: Yukari, Nyton, Masako, and Tom.

Those need to be done before the debrief (like we did back at the end of mission 1) at the end of our IC day (the sooner done, the better). No, I don't expect uber-professional stuff - just whatever you can manage.
I saw Pisces mentioned and thought I should mention it's in the Yamatai system now.

So much for the space station which was at the intersection of 3 nations.

Thanks for the heads up, Wes.
I'll finish Takuma's simulation tomorrow morning. I'm feeling way too tired and I know I'll destroy logic even more than I already am if I try to finish it. It may also make more sense time-wise to split up the posts than doing it in the time of one post, but that probably doesn't matter much.

And Miyoko missed it! She's never going to be able to forgive herself.
See Jake? I told you Blas was a good example for you. He gets two weeks leave and loses no time making sure Blasito is an elder brother by the time he's done with his next tour of duty.
I preparation of the texture work I wanted to do on the overhauled ship, I spent some time trying a few things out, with the older ship as the testbed for those. Here's some of what I've come up with.

Guys, a bit of a slowdown here?

Kai, Yoroko, Miyoko and Rin... you guys okay? Anything you'd like done that you'd need help with?

Moonman, if there's anything you want to cover with Sanjuro, send me word.

Yukari and Masako seem like they've a talk to have. It's Masako's turn to reply, if I'm not mistaken.

Didn't Yuzuki want to touch base with Tom? I believe he's idling, looking at damage reports and stuff. Now would be a good time to do so.

Sumaru was supposed to meet with Kosuka and her pupils to talk about the previous mission. what happened to that?

Exhack, Sayuri is awake and Hinoto woke her up. I know you have new projects with Sayuri, but if you want to roleplay her around a bit (I recall you wanted her to meet Kotori) well the opening is there. If that changed, please contact me and tell me what you need.

Finally, Nyton and Takuma seem like they're doing well in the VR chamber. Keep going. *thumbs up*

* * *

Finally, we have a few people whom wanted to join. Just a mention for them that the 'next day' on Miharu (likely to be skipped to once I cover the senior staff briefing - that's after Kotori meets with Sayuri), I'll be introducing you aboard. Sorry for the wait and thank you for your patience.
Gallant's waiting to get stabler internet before he responds, so i'm just waiting for him, once we wrap that up, I'll find something to do. Perhaps kai can go and work on repairing his PA or something.
I'm fine with Sanjuro for the moment, and my limited timespan of activity is coming to a short break. I should be, hopefully, ready to resume actions in the coming weeks.
Nice to see I'm only known by my character's name! Dx Anyway, I could've sworn I said I was going to be missing for a while.... It's not as if I can post while I'm camping.

Anyway... I don't know what to have Rin do once she's in engineering.
Fred only said character names. it just so happens that two of us have the same name as our characters...
I was hoping to catch Moony for a JP, but we have bad luck there. Other than that, there's not really much for Miyoko to do at the moment. If nothing particularly enticing pops up before the time skip, I'll probably just have her go back to her room for some alone time, but I wanted to hold off on that until I was sure nothing more interesting was going to be an option.
Are the times you PM'd me still viable, Kel? I MIGHT be able to fit something in; truth be told, I thought you lost interest when Miyoko made a mad-dash for the medical bay door, hah.
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