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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Just a note, Sumaru's Star Army rank can go up on a CO's recommendation. Just thought I'd mention that here since it seemed like it wasn't really addressed properly.
Mm. That's not like it was explained to Kotori ICly.

Oh well, maybe her conversation with Yui later is going to help clarify things. She'll likely broach the topic.
Not that it makes much difference, but cancel my absence. I decided to stay home and work on a writing project that I didn't want to lose momentum on.
This week is going to be a long and stressful one for me. I'll be posting as best I can, but my editor's on vacation, so I'm doing everything.
I still live. I'm just settling into this new course load but so far so good. =) Hope to get posting again once I get caught up. o.o

Sanjuro suddenly looks up sharply from the stack of reports he had been pouring on over his desk. "...unsightly mess sense is...tingling..."
Woo. Loss of momentum.

There's something Wes wants to do with me in regard to Kotori giving her report to Yui. That'll probably be JPed once we get an opening to do so.

Moonman and Tom, I'd appreciate you pitching in OoCly to detail the proper way a vessel like Miharu could have passage into Nepleslian space to possibly go as far as Nepleslia's orbit and use a shuttle to ferry Wazu back to some terminal orbital station.

The rest of you can keep going with the Aftermath thread. We'll eventually transition to the next morning when we'll greet some new recruits. Aendri, you still need to get your new character submitted and approved.
Wazu's ship would be trying to intercept any message to Nepleslia about Wazu and arrange a meeting near the boarder to pick him up, if you want to go that route instead.
Crap, OK. Fred? Does anyone on Miharu know yet about the NMX? Because I was under the impression we didn't yet. Nyton mentioned it to Yukari while they're doing their in-the-hall planning session, so I'm not replying until I know for sure.
You're going to find this rather unhelpful.

I've no clue. This came up before the intended timeskip. I'm blank here.
Crud. Can we make a call on it one way or the other? I can roll with either; dunno about the rest of us.

EDIT: Blas is saying that it's here, but I didn't think that was confirmation of the actual NMX war happening. At least when it came to the crew actually being informed about it.
My intention in regard to this is to address the NMX war going into full swing after the ship refit. That happens post-Wazu delivery.

My opinion of in-character reaction is unchanged. I'd rather characters go emo and angst about it after the timeskip rather than before.

Holy fsck. Happy birthday Doshii!

Additionally, Wes, if you want that Yui/Kotori JP, you need to establish a JP opportunity with me ASAP. If I don't get it, Yui will have to content herself with an after-action report written to her from Kotori. I have new players waiting.
It would have been nice of you to actually show up at our scheduled JP time on Saturday night, Fred. I was on IRC all evening.
Wait, we actually officialized it?

Uck. Sorry - then I'm the one at fault. My grandfather's birthday was then and it sort of flew out of my head. Can we reschedule anytime soon?
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