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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I've just joined the Gameloft's Quallity-Assurance functionality tester team. I start next monday.

Meaning: I finally got a job after 1 year of looking for one. It's a one month contract for starters, renewable by 2 weeks increment... until they love me enough to keep me longer.

They're going to love the hell out of you. CONGRATS MAN!
Good work, amigo.

Make sure you work your butt off and impress your superiors. I'm sure you're up to the challenge.

I did some game testing myself for Red Storm Entertainment. I was a QA for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: LOCKDOWN. I'm in the credits!

You'll be in some soon, as well.
Congratulations there Fred man! Good going on the job!

Sorry I haven't been anywhere lately. Internet in the room is cut. Only place I can access here now is at the big MWR at my base which is on the far side. Also I've been suffering the most massive amounts of writers block which I think is mainly due to me just being a few weeks away from departing this dump.

Anyways if I'm not around I figure I'm pretty much tucked away character wise for the time being. Again, the inconvenience is felt, apologies again.
Thanks for the votes of confidence guys. Hopefully, I'll stand up to those.

In other news, Yagen, I was hoping from a post from you before we continued.

Sprite No. 1: "The Taisa sleeps so peacefully ... but she keeps reaching for someone who's not there. It's so sad!"

Sprite No. 2: "That's her fantasizing about killing us for peeping on her. We should probably go."

No. 1: "WAIT! She's starting to reach her hands down there. This is where it's good."

No. 2: "We're so dead."
Does Miharu have anybody who's any good with decryption, or is that down to Miyoko and Takuma? I didn't see anybody with cryptography listed as a focus under Communications.
Actually, that was Aoiko.

Aoiko's player skipped out on us... and the character got killed during Mission 3. Oops. >_>

The three closest candidates after Aoiko would likely be: Yukari, Takuma, and self-taught Miyoko piloting the giant dinosaur robot with laser eyes.
As the players involved in the simulation know, I've been using percentiles and knowledge of the technology used in a manner to make the battle feel more...well dangerous.

However, my d100 and d10 seemed to have loved Doshii. In a manner that made me roll two back to back 100% rolls.
Fred said:
The three closest candidates after Aoiko would likely be: Yukari, Takuma, and self-taught Miyoko piloting the giant dinosaur robot with laser eyes.

That's what I thought... wasn't sure, though, since Suzume mentioned them having specialists for this kind of thing. I mostly just wanted to avoid her looking like an idiot if she asked Miharu who could help and it turned out that there's somebody she should know who's good at decryption. Oh well, it'll be a chance for Miyoko to break out her math-fu.
I'm waiting on the replies of a few people.

For Tom (and semi-Rin), there's this to reply to:

Remember, Ichigo and a couple of sprites preceeded Tom and Rin to go and do some extra vehicular work in Daisies. Those are the only sprites out and about in space.

For Takuma, there's this here:

If you can backtrack to his previous simulation, it should refresh you on the contextual knowledge Takuma had of the situation. Seeing he acted successfully in the network, maybe his cobbled up encryption key could be useful for the incoming hacking attempt of the encrypted data drives.

* * *

Miyoko depends a bit on Takuma, so no prompt to post again - though you can if you want to bring up something, Kel.

Also, the sprites mentioned a 15 minutes guesstimate to setting up. That more or less means 'whenever Takuma comes back' - the wonders of things going 'at the speed of plot'.
Kel said:
Does Miharu have anybody who's any good with decryption...I didn't see anybody with cryptography listed as a focus under Communications.
Hanako has a good chance of decoding things if you need. It's good to have friends!

*Kotori and Hanako are watching the Miharu plot and comment on it in a breaking the fourth wall fashion*
Hanako: "Kotori, Kotori! Have your people call me for help!"
Kotori: "Eeh? Aren't you busy already?"
Hanako: "I'll delegate! Not to mention that I'm totally uber at decoding stuff! This'll be a synch, trust me."
Kotori: "Um, yeah, I'm sure. But if you do it, how are my people going to earn their pay - and even more, earn their promotions?"
Hanako: "Aww... okay, I get it."

Which is probably why Hanako won't be contacted. Sorry Wes, but my players need to do this kind of stuff to gain the experience to be considered 'good at it' later.

Oh, and Hanako doesn't speak using contractions. That's just creative license on my part. =P
Yagen, Kel's character is Saito Miyoko. That's 'Miyoko', not 'Miyako'. =P

Just telling you. No biggie - I mix up Nyton's rank all the time so I'm little better. XD

Kel, I'm waiting on a Miyoko post - in case you want to make any.

This sounds like a challenge.

So I'll admit that I have no idea how to proceed with the decryption thing. Having a computer with nearly infinite speed available makes brute force stuff a lot more viable. Silly things like 'compute every possible message that could be on there, encrypt them with every known encryption algorithm for every possible key, and see if any of those match the datacore's contents.'

On the other hand, if it were that simple, it wouldn't really make sense encrypting it in the first place. Just having Miyoko read over its encrypted contents to try finding anything out about it would be slightly more futile than trying to figure out exactly what the weather was like yesterday by staring really hard at the sand on the beach.

I dunno, I just feel like I'm missing something obvious.
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