Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Question mostly for Matt, but if Fred can answer, I'm cool with that: Can Yukari's Leader Support Pack actually determine what the humanoid shapes are? At the very least, could it define visual details about them, such as "Humanoid Shape No. 5 has blocky shoulders". That would allow her to make inferences about what her sensors are telling her.
The Leader Support Pack seems about as good as a CIES (surprisingly - I didn't think it was that good - noted for future reference) - because of that, Yukari has access to a magnetic resonance scan and that should allow her to determine the relative shapes of metallic objects present in sensor range.

Of course, there is already plenty of metal and electronics to garble the picture, but seeing as to how an AIES alone is a quantum computer, I'm sure the resolution and the computing process can translate it into pertinent and useful information.

Of course, this requires active sensors. If you can see them that well, odds is that if their sensors are any good, they'll know they are being probed.
Pretty much what Fred said. That post took me a while to type mainly because I was researching the Leader Support Pack. Though I think it's a bit Overpowered.

After all, it's using a package normally meant for Destroyers and Escorts on a Power Armor.
Friday, my parents arrive for the weekend, then I head to Seattle for a week after they leave. I may have regular internet access in Seattle, I may not.
Okay, this is not working out. So, I hereby implement some changes:

I've volunteered Tom to be a Co-GM. Ta daa! Congratualtions Tom! Before you balk, just let me tell you that you're already doing the job that I consider belonging to a co-GM, which is basically helping me manage the playerbase.

Everyone, a round of applause for Tom.

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Moving on.

Kel and Yagen, once Kel comes back from his vacation week (btw Kel, happy birthday), I want you two to keep a pace of at least 1 post a day from either of you. That means a minimum of 1 post per 48 hours from each of you. I'm sorry if I'm nagging like this, but I'd really wish we could just gain some momentum and have things happen.

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Rin, bug Tom. He's supposed to be around and he's your boss.

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Kai, carry on. It's really swell in my book that you're roleplaying via e-mail with Gallant.

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Yoroko is, apparently, not being played. Just assume she's being NPCed someplace.

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Moonman, if you want Sanuro to do anything, tell me. I'll make it happen.

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Blas is on hiatus, presently, so, he's studying power armor stuff. Leave him alone. =P

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Power Armor Sim people, things are not going so well for you, right? As in, slow as molasse?

Matt PMed me his plans for the armor sim. Seeing that he's posting sparsely of late, I'll take over.

Dang, I wish this sim would be a situation that'd involve the whole crew.

Anyhow, we should be able to have something good if you just post frequently. Like Kel and Yagen, I'll need at least 1 post a day to keep a good momentum - it worked well that way in the first armor sim I ran.

Doshii Jun, right now, you're a key player. Yukari is sort of leading so if you don't give input, it sort of stalls others. I am going to need you to be active. Is that going to be alright? (answer Yes if you really can, not to placate me).

We've something like a week or two, maybe three, to straighten out that armor sim. Hopefully, Miyoko and Takuma's investigation of the datacore will shortly follow up. By that point, wether we are done or not, Miharu leaves for Nepleslia.

I wish I could give you all the luxury of leaving you progress as you please, but understand that as GM of this plot, I can't let it stagnate and that I must make efforts to make sure that everyone has something to be occupied with (wether by their own initiative, or me giving them something). Or, at the very least, try to.

Alright, I'll fight to live up to your expectations. First though, could you set up the scene and start us off with the core? I'm not exactly sure what the core looks like, but a quick jump post should help and would be greatly appreciated.
Actually Fred, I'd appreciate if you could at least help out a bit if I'm running behind. I'm currently trying to do a major re-vamping of the Abwehran's infrastructure to make things more intuitive for me. This also means re-vamping character creation to make it easier for players to create Abwehrans.
No worries, Fred. I've been bugging Kyoki for a JP, but she's busy for a bit.

If we can't get it together, I'll just SP some.

And... errr thankS? XD
Unfortunately its going to be more than just hiatus. Just found out my local MWR which I usually frequent blocked out Star Army. I'm still bogarding some last minute internet here before it gets cut off but once that's done I'll only be able to check things from the MWR on the OTHER side of post. And only for 30 minutes at a time. I managed before I guess I can manage again. But damn why does it have to be so out of the way??
Thanks for what you pointed out, Yagen. I posted accordingly. If you ever need help 'fastforwarding' to a more pertinent situation and set the setting, don't be shy to ask me in the future.

As for the sim, I believe two players have yet to post. Aendri and Plaidmage.
Man, I wonder what filtering software they're using and why it was blocked? Maybe because we're considered a "game" over on DMOZ.
Sorry. I've been moving, and even now I'm having to work off of a barely working condition laptop. I'll get something up shortly, and I'll try to stay consistent, but I can't guarantee it.
Sorry I'm not trying to ignore SARP. I know I've been on here and there and such. I've just been busy with packing and my mindset is not here perse. Hope this isn't ruining anyone's day. If it is I can kick start something. >_>;;;