Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

The file index is as encrypted as the rest of the files on the hard drive. Without the right encryption key, Miharu can't make head or tails of anything on the stored data.

What Miharu can do is take information you've already decrypted, see how it was encrypted, and start from there to try and piece out the rest. Decrypting the whole thing will surely take a good while, but Miharu can try going by a keyword match and decrypt select portions of the data in priority to other sections.

Basically, Miyoko seems to have a choice between taking it easy and wait for a week before being able to read the whole thing at her leisure, or go and ask for very specific topics she wants to learn about, just like you'd do an internet web search. After all, we can search over the internet without needing a file index to do so, and still find what we want to know (most of the time) as long as we know what we are looking for.

Asking to get the file index unfortunately means that Miharu would be able to make out more of what the index identifies anyways - so by the time Miharu would be done with the search, the decryption effort would be nearly over.

Also, it could be just because Miharu is upset Yukari had her self-destruct in a simulation, but she seems to think that because Miyoko is both a Heisho and the ship's science officer that she should stop asking Yukari for information, and instead be the person to provide information and solutions. =P
I haven't seen anything from Kai and Gallant of late. Everything okay?

Yoroko's is apparently gone to the military, so her character is hereby an NPC. DragonNova is around, but gave up on her character so it's about the same with her.

Tom, Kyoki and Aendri - keep trucking! Tom's mostly the one giving this direction right now.

Masako and Plaidmage, you've enjoyed cupcakes, but if there's anything else you need done and need help for it, don't hesitate to call on me for help.

Moonman, Nyton and Wazu are on the verge of going to see Sanjuro (and experience his fine bedside manners).

Kel's posted, but I haven't seen much of Yagen. I figured Takuma could be just as much interested in the information being laid bare as the rest, even if he doesn't quite have the context the two others share.

Lastly... Doshii where's my post?!
I have not heard from Gallant in a while. Every few weeks he has E-mailed me promising posts that never come, so I'm pondering just cutting what we were doing off at the current point and having Kai wander about, or perhaps go back to working on his Daisy.

Edit: SO naturally I check my E-mail and there's a post from him.

Yea, my schedule is tight and sometimes just drains the life out of me. Even if I want to post, I'll sit down and stare at the screen and just be too tired to compose anything.


This month is the HOLIDAY STAND-DOWN. The ship's been bouncing around so many places that high command ordered us to sit on our asses for a period of 30 days, so half the ship can go home and see their families who, I am told, they have not been able to visit in several years. We are being granted 'time off'. Of course, directly after this we will get underway for another couple of months, but for the moment, I can check the forums and browse and even be lazy for several hours if I want. It's nice.

Neat timing, no?

Breaking off doesn't sound like a bad idea, though. We need to go bite holes in other people, soon.

PS; Yoroko went Navy.

I asked em' to say 'Hi' to my old RDC's!
Is it just me, or did the Age field just start displaying with the last forum update (making me and Fred 0 years old. I mean, sure, I'm immature, but give me a little more credit.)?
You guys are obviously timeless beings with ages so vast the forums cannot comprehend them, and therefore revert to the default of Zero.
Plaidmage, Moonman... there is a grave matter I must discuss with you.

It's about a part of your previously posted JP. This part (spoileriffic, click the link above first if you haven't read Moonman's latest post):

Tsuya bit her bottom lip as Sanjuro sampled the cookie. Her fingers curled into the plate she was holding, and she closed her eyes in anticipation of the inevitable berating... she did like him, it was true, but she still hadn't gotten used to his constant harshness.

Noticing Tsuya staring at him in anticipation, Sanjuro furrowed his eyebrows. “…what is it, Yamada-Hei?”

"...what do you think?" Tsuya replied. "I mean, of the cookie."

“Oh,” Sanjuro said, his confusion cleared up. “It was very bland. The chocolate was very boring. I don’t know why, but it seems like you used too much of the wrong kind of vanilla. They could use some improving. Around the board, probably from the basic ingredients and up.” Sanjuro named off all of the flaws he found in her cookie with the subtleness off a Nepleslian rock band in a Yamataian nursery.

As Sanjuro went on, Tsuya drooped further and further. Eventually, her arms slumped enough, and she put the plate down on Sanjuro's desk as tears began to stream down her face. "...I am s-sorry, Ashitaka-h-heisho... I... I will n-not... cook you anything, a-anymore..."

Sanjuro’s eyes widened as the young neko began to tear up, and by the time they were rolling down to her chin, he was looking rather confused and frantic. “Wh…what are you doing? Why are crying? Stop crying!”

"...I m-made you cookies so w-we could be friends and you d-don't even like them..." She was practically bawling by now.

The medical officer clenched his teeth in panic, suddenly feeling very lucky that there was nobody around to witness this. This was perhaps the first time Sanjuro had seen a nekovalkryja bawl in such a manner over something so trivial. “Of course I don’t like them, Yamada-Hei!” Sanjuro said, waving his hands at her as he attempted to calm her down…with all of the wrong methods. “They were not very good. It’s the truth!”

It was utterly impossible to read without being interrupted by lengthy fits of giggling. Please take this into account in your next JPs.
Fred said:
Plaidmage, Moonman... there is a grave matter I must discuss with you.

It's about a part of your previously posted JP. This part (spoileriffic, click the link above first if you haven't read Moonman's latest post):


It was utterly impossible to read without being interrupted by lengthy fits of giggling. Please take this into account in your next JPs.

Oh Fred, always with the jokes.


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I'm waiting for follow up on the Gate matter. I know I already got a Kel reply.

Matt, I'll admit to a blank regarding Masako and what she could do. I would - hesitantly - point out either armor maintenance, or helping people in the subdeck fix stuff. The latter may be more interactive than the former given the number of people involved.
Okay just to give everyone warning, next week I will be going on holiday to New York. My wife has expressly forbidden me from bringing my laptop and thus I will not be online for next week. Please take note of that. :)
So I just noticed, reading back over the logs, that I double-posted. This is interesting, because I changed the second post slightly. Ahem. Ahem...



Sorry, Kai! Didn't notice you had already posted it up. Hard to fix now, though. Just going to write on and pretend it NEVER HAPPENED...