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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I think you can safely assume that they won't be using an encryption key as small as the one they use today. After all they have a computer just as fast as yours so their key will be proportionally larger making it exponentially more difficult to crack. Realistically you should expect it to take 100 years of constant computing at least to break their encryption with a purely brute force method known plain text attack.

Assuming you don't already know what some of their encoded information is it would take much longer.

Of course this is assuming they are using an encryption scheme that doesn't have a flaw in it. You should consider checking to see what encryption scheme they are using and find out if someone has broken it already.
Uso's correct.

Takuma managed to decrypt enough during the mission to salvage some base access information, internal maps, music files and the nekomachina specs from a less protected system that was a proxy of the Bowhordia KAMI computer. These are, to a hacker, the likely starting puzzle pieces he can use as a springboard to reconstitute a puzzle.

Takuma's main asset that he brings to Miharu include IT, demolition and electronic sabotage along with the Kessaku OS certification (like Miyoko). As far as I know, these have since become his speciality (though he might have lacked heart and dedication in the past - something which shows signs of changing).

I know I emphasize Takuma's specialization, but it doesn't mean Miyoko herself is unskilled. She just has a more general knowledge of that field compared to him.

Also, even though Takuma is our hacking expert, we're talking about a huge amount of information. If Miyoko intends to have results within the day, she's likely going to have to search by point of interest or keyword.


I'M GOING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's been said and man am I ever happy. Still some more hurdles and hoops to jump but they'll get done. I am finally going home. Expect better postage then after the festivities and reunions are done.
It's been a long time coming! I bet Blasito will be excited.
Oh yeah they are. I just spoke to Annie on the phone and she's all in a tizzy getting everything ready and cleaned up. I'm like, hey so long as the house is still there I don't care how it looks.

Although on a concerning note one of our cats, Annie's oldest, is suffering serious health issues right now. At first she was losing weight and I thought it was a tape worm but it turned out to be a backed up and possibly bleeding colon along with an infected absessed(sp?) tooth. So hopefully the vet is in time to help her out. I would hate to lose a cat just before I get home. Plus Blasito knows each cat and misses one when they're not around. I couldn't help but find that so cute when Annie told me he says "Serena sick, I miss Serena." XD
I hope everything goes well for your family in that regard. Welcome home!

* * *

Kel, Yagen... I'm waiting on posting from you.
Whoo! Welcome back, Blas!

I hope your trip went well. It's nice to know you're back with your family in time for thanksgiving.
And there. 1 month contract as a QA Tester over.

Too bad it couldn't be extended, but it was a learning experience to work at a Dev studio.
Matt, thank you amazingly much for finding that incredibly inventive way to keep my character alive and inactive when I disappeared. That makes my life much simpler and hassle-less (less hassled?). If it's okay with you and Jake, She should be making a miraculous recovery sometime in the near future,
"Days," the ship's AI promptly replied. "This is why I recommend a more specific keyword search so that you can have something to work with in the meantime of a comprehensive index being available."

I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing anymore or not, so I have to check. Miyoko's asking to get the block at the beginning that lists the files on the drive and where they're at decrypted, not the files themselves. I was a bit unclear the first time around, since I couldn't actually find a universal name for them.
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