Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Tom said:
I call shennanigans! The source of our demise was obviously Mr. Plum, with the wrench in the subdeck!

Nonsense! It was clearly Colonel Mustard, with the fusion cutter in the wardroom!


Also, Go Go Krazy Kaptain Kotori!


Sorry if I walloped the dramatic flow there, I just really felt like posting with Asher.
Asher and Tsuya happened to be in different shuttles, in different shuttlebays at that, so seeing I do not believe either of them can teleport over, I made edits to turn their tussle into a conversation.

Not to mention that this spares Tsuya the trouble of being reprimanded for bodily throwing a Daisy power armor at a shuttle's rear hatch; those shuttle doors aren't indestructible, y'know?

This said, I don't mind the roleplay itself. You guys have been waiting now for a bit. You're coming pretty close to seeing some action now: all I need is a few more posts and off into the maw of the beast you go.
My internet's been horribly unreliable over the past few days, and it just seems to be getting worse. So, if I abruptly disappear over the weekend, now you know why!
Apology time.

We deployed a few days ago. The tour will last about a month and a half. Now, I've been trying to sit down and check and keep up, but it seems every time I get sat down, someone else needs to use the computer for business purposes or one thing or another, and frankly, the Miharu is a lot to read. Can't even get logged in before someone comes to me with something. Between standing watch in a mainspace (a full time job) and being overall responsible for the small boats we have onboard (another full time job) - at the same fucking time (How am I supposed to cram 48 hours into a 24 hour day?) - I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.

I will try to post, soon. I'm just completely swamped right now and it might take me a few more days to sort out when I'm going to have some free time, or if I'm going to have free time, at all.
Dude I feel your pain. The military seems to think that one guy can do two jobs at once all the time. Good luck with that and keep plugging away. Maybe there's a couple other people who you can spread the wealth to?
Yea, I know, right?

I got up this morning, yesterday. 2330 I'm on watch. There's only two people qualified for my watch in my section, so I turn over the watch at 0730 the next morning, and then head full-tilt into what for me is a normal workday.

I've been here like three weeks and these people trust me completely, and I'm expected to pull a full workload on a couple of boats that have been in operation since goddamn 1988. And I'm standing a mainspace watch on the side (Twelve hours out of the day).

So, 12 hours I can't work, coupled with maintenance that NEEDS DONE NAO... Honestly, I don't use my rack anymore. I just pass out somewhere and wake up an hour later. This really nice all-weather quilted jacket I stole from Deck department rocks for sleeping.

Time at work, today; 24hrs+. Available posting time: 0.

I'm going to eat and go to sleep now.

Hang in there, Gallant.

* * *

Aendri, I'm going to repeat what I said earlier - you seem to have had missed it.

If you fire an anti-matter weapon like the BSPR in a place with atmosphere, the weapon is going to blow up in your face.

The anti-matter the BSPR shoots out will instantly hit the matter in the atmosphere (oxygen, nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide molecules) right in the weapon's barrel, and that impact point blank will likely destroy the BSPR and damage your Daisy.

The insides of Amaya's Gate are very likely to have atmosphere. Keep that in mind.
Sorry about the double, but I remembered my reasoning. Tactically speaking, it makes plenty of sense to vent the atmosphere in any landing areas you don't absolutely need it in. It forces boarders to deal with null-grav as well as any enemies, and if done when not expected can force groups to alter tactics on the go. So I reasoned that if there was going to be a defensive force in the bay, it would most likely be suited up and already vented, which would give me a major firepower option where we were at our most vulnerable.

I figured it made sense to explain my reasoning behind having that weapon ready.
Venting wouldn't do much to the enemy. The enemy is, likely, comprised mostly of nekomachina and misshumachina. They're robots. Robots don't care if there is air to breathe. Even for what is alive, they're likely in PA, like a black mindy.

Anyway, you'd still be in an area with a fairly recent atmosphere. There's still a chance of some stray air atoms... do you REALLY want to risk a premature explosion when you fire your positrons? The radiation even is going to affect you more than a machine too.
Kyoki, I was referring to from their perspective. Most of our crew does require air to breathe, so venting the atmosphere as soon as they knew we were coming would be common sense. It's a battle, and you take any and every advantage you can in battle. I find it hard to believe that someone as supposedly smart as Amaya wouldn't recognize the little details like that in strategy. So yes, I did consider it a distinct possibility, along with someone turning the gravity off on us, and other such little things that can force us to change tactics on the fly.