Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Nyton said:
Well guys I'm in Virginia now. And looks like internet is good. The room I've gotten hooked up with is NICE. Only downside is I'm away from home. But hey at least I can call Annie on my cell instead of having to wait at a crappy phone overseas. Anyways I need to get some writing done.
Welcome back Nyton! I hope you get to see Annie and Blasito soon!
Welcome back, Blas. :)

Anyway, can all ya'll technicians/sprites who are supposed to be in the subdeck make your way there? I don't want to hold up the group because it seems everyone is getting near where we need to be to start the mission.

In your post, are you saying that both Azuki and Ayumu were in the same medical bay that Sanjuro and Miyoko were in? Earlier on Kotori made mention of both medical bays on the Miharu were to be used to facilitate STs, so I assigned the two of them to the secondary one while Sanjuro took Miyoko to the main medibay.

Is this a mistake, or am I just reading it wrong and the two of them had just entered, or...?
You know what, I messed up. I had forgotten that there were two bays and written it as such. Okay I'll just rewrite that stuff dude. Sorry about that.
My personal recommendation would be to just void the entire post.

There's not only the predictament that the nurses were at the wrong place, but as far as I'm concerned several other people were added to Masako's briefing session that weren't even invited there (like the caretakers Nyton created).

Besides, Masako's in charge of the assault team. Those people should probably be in the other armor bay, following instruction the person in charge of ship defense, Nyton, would've left them.

That's my opinion, anyhow.
Good speech there, Tom.

Now, all that's left is for Masako to straighten her team out, for all players involved to pick a weapon loadout... and we're ready to go.
You may have noticed that I created a thread that pertains to the gear and condition of the power armors that are in the assault team.


That's to help track your situations better during the mission.

Furthermore, if there are any changes you like done to your units before your teams launch, don't hesitate to ask me. There were some ammunition types I selected by default because they had gone unspecified thus far.
Okay, just a precision for how we are going about presently:

Right now, we're sort of in a combat turn pacing:
I write a post which is typically the resolution of the actions the crew and the opposition have performed. Then, I write the actions the bad guys are performing (most of the time those will be open-ended, but not always).

Then, the crew gets the opportunity to act. Since each combat turn is essentially 10 seconds long, try to have the actions your characters do be fairly short. Also, tell me what you attempt to do so to keep the result of your posts open-ended, as i am the one whom arbitrates success or failure (this is usually a number from 5, 10, 15 or 20 that I choose, and then I roll a 20-sided dice to determine how successful an action is - the higher the better).

Since we're in a space combat sequence, I usually wait for a post from Yukari, Nyton and Kel to proceed. While I'd like to allow everyone with a fair chance to post, once these three people have posted I will move on to the next combat turn to keep the plot fast paced.

Tom, Yuzuki, Nao and Kyoki are welcome to post during these windows of opportunity. Miharu has begun to sustain internal damage, so, your contribution is important. Just understand that I can't wait for you - you see, while all this space battle stuff is going on, our infantry are twiddling their fingers and waiting.

Also do feel free to send me PMs or tag me on IRC if i am there for questions. I am available to give advice to help your character act like trained professionals. I will however not tell you what to do, or what is the best action to undertake to solve a problem - that's your job to figure out.

Finally, know that I go by the creed "the bad guys want to win too". The enemies in this mission will really try to survive and win. This last mission has several possible endings, and some of them are 'bad ends'. If Miharu is defeated, I've arranged with Wes so that SARP will feel its repercussions as a testament of us being there, trying to make a difference.

Miharu was made, from start to end, to be an epic adventure plotship which would give those involved the power to make a difference. Some players here are veterans whom have been part of Miharu for awhile and finally get to see this promise fulfilled; other players are new and are being trust in a rather difficult mission.

This said, this mission is more difficult than the ones that came before, but it is not a suicide mission. It is possible to complete it, and even complete it well if you stay at the top of your game and have solid teamwork. Kotori will help you, of course, but while she may be pivotal in your success, she is not the one whom will ultimately make the difference; you - the players - are the ones I intend that power be given to.
As far as I knew, with our CFS down we don't have graviton beams of our own either. That was why I wrote that they weren't available to help with the targeting of the Xianfruglu ships. Oh and I forgot something. Sorry gotta make a quick minor edit.

Post Edit:

Done. Just added the complying with orders to send power to armor.
Hey, don't worry about it.

The ship is being hit, shaking and quaking. Nao was busy trying to not hit her head on something. :)

...and no, actually, you don't need to post between two particular players. The combat turn requires input from 3 people, but between my own posts, you can post anytime in there (though after Yuzuki and Tom does give the the option of ordering you around).
When you say that only the connectors on the Miharu side are working, it means that the Hoshi's having problems connecting?

Looks like we're getting to the tipping point, one way or another, so I don't want to mess up this post.