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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Been a little busy, what with the end of the term coming up and some other stuff. I'll get a reply to Yukari as soon as I can, though.
The main problems with Sanjuro about Yukari's request is that:
1- No ST backup of the Taisa was made, ever!
2- Because of the lack of ST backup, Sanjuro lacks the specifications needed to make the body in the same likeness. He could've gotten some in a medical exam, but that also never happened.
3- Clone-making? Isn't that illegal?

This is obviously all Saito-Hei's fault. *eyeroll*

Y'know, I think this was actually one of the first arguments they ever had. Ah, nostalgia.
I knew that Kotori never had back-ups made, but I was never aware that she never underwent a physical examination as they are so common. A fault on my part, for the most part. Does this mean that there's no information about Kotori at all?

Also, I didn't really write anything about an actual Soul Transfer into my post, since I knew Kotori never had one...Sanjuro is just making a body in the likeness of the Taisa, as per Yukari's request. Is the hemosythetic tank system so specific that I can't put in some measurements and make a perfect lil' lady?

And do I need to start making some edits, is the biggest question on my mind.
MoonMan said:
I knew that Kotori never had back-ups made, but I was never aware that she never underwent a physical examination as they are so common. A fault on my part, for the most part. Does this mean that there's no information about Kotori at all?

I seem to recall that a long, long, long time ago when somebody needed to upgrade bodies, the hemosynth tank got a snapshot of their current body from the nodal system's recordings of them. Dunno if that's still a valid method or not (or if my horrible memory just fabricated it.)
kai said:
Couldn't the NH-23 just upload everything into Miharu?

I have a feeling our NH-29 Signaler version eliminated that prospect.

Also: What Kel said. A medical exam on a Yamataian ship is a formality; we've got a quantum computer and sensors up the wazoo. Creating a picture-perfect blank-slate NH-29 is pie.
Hey guys!

Kel, Doshii, I need more precision from the both of you.

Yukari seemed to want to keep Miharu's nose toward Dominion. When she slid under the vessel, did she move in an orbit to keep the nose pointed at Dominion's belly, or did she just fly under it with only the dorsal turrets able to fire on Dominion's underside? I thought it was the former.

Also, it's important to realize that Miharu is only 10 kilometers away from Dominion. As faer as distances go in space, that's very short range. Firing the torpedoes out-of-arc is no problem since they'll shoot away and then zip back to home in on the target. The problem part is that those transphasic warheads have a blast radius of around 30 000 kilometers...with Miharu very close to the origin point of the explosion, with no active energized armor and minimal (20%) defensive shielding.

Now, unless there is a desire to see Miharu stripped of her dorsal armor and everything on her upper decks, I'm leaving you the chance to edit... you know... just in case you'd rather we keep our rollbar, sensors, the mural in the baths and the potted plants.

Just poke me once you've tweaked your posts to your liking.
Christ, I leave you two alone for a day, and you go and pick a fight with a nano-machine-monster thingy. Can't take you two anywhere, can I?

Aaaagh... yeah, I somehow thought that those had the same 1 mile blast radius as the antimatter warheads. Editing it now. (Obviously Miyoko is correct in usually asking permission before firing torpedoes.)
It looks like I forgot to arbitrate them. Sorry. I was too busy trying to make the NH-18 look scary ^_^;

I'll present you with a choice, Aendri:
1) you can request that I correct my last post and apply the effect of the grenades, which will result in moderate damage to Asher, Kyou and two of the NH-18s (the one Asher attacked and the one Kyou is being attacked from). Asher and Kyou will be knocked prone by the blasts from the grenades and Kyou will still be attacked by her NH-18 opponent... except it'll have only half the chainsaw-tentacle limbs wrapped around her instead of eight.

This option may require an edit of Asher's subsequent post as well.

2) you can edit it out of your post and keep the ammo. Kyou's next combat turn will have her be 'very lucky' in compensation to make up for the previously lost action.
So... Instead of badass Asher, we have thrown-on-his-rump, Asher?


Friendly fire sucks.
That's the host's job! I'm just a client on this server. How was I supposed to know that AmayasGate24/7NoRespawnFFonRealism was gonna be like this?
I'll go option two, just for simplicity's sake. I just wanted to make sure what had happened to the grenades.
We'll stall a bit with Nimura and Tsuya - we need to have Nakamura team catch up - and that requires a Kyou post for starters.

Cadetnewb, I haven't seen a post from you since a bit now. You do know Tom left something for Nao to do, right?
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