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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

For the Black Knights, you can post whenever you wish. We're not on combat for the moment and Mara's shuttle brought Masako's team in.

Abwehran Commander, I'm thinking of having Mara ask Masako to leave Tsuya with her. In light of Sanri's death, it'd look reasonable to have one more person guarding the ammunition supply, and it'd put Tsuya significantly less at risk while still having her be useful as an NPC.

To revive Nyton, I'll need a Sanjuro post to start recreating Nyton's body - Hinoto will swoop by to add the cerebral chip. By the time Yukari is done with her little investigation, Nyton should be ready to go.
CadetNewb, I was wondering when you'd post again.

I must say, that last post of yours was a great way to roll with the punches and make up for it. Well done.
None whatsoever.

* * *

Sorry Moonman, I went and narrated Sanjuro working to revive Nyton. It's been 3 days already and I didn't want to leave Blas stewing any longer.
That's fine, been trying to get some online time, but I've been hustling lately looking for summer work.

I appreciate you not killing his swagger, though. Really. :V
Don't mean to be taking so long but between the depth of epicness I must write for such an awesome resurrection plus the fact I'm getting my ass beat at combatives this week my attention is divided. I'm tired even after just waking up.
I also need to apologize. I'm on Day 7 of a 12-day shift, and my energy (let alone my time) is limited. I'll try and post tonight.
Fred: Should Kotori reply to Nyton? Feels like she'd have something to say kinda right then. Something along the lines of:

<Kotori> "Nytooooooon! Why do you have to bring everybody doooooooown~"
Kotori does have something to say, but she told Yukari to handle it. When she tells someone to handle something, she means it - Yukari is the people person after all. =P

Basically: "Straighten out the situation, tell me what I have to know and then I'll decide what we need to do."
Hey guys are we waiting on someone specific to post? Am I holding anything up? Just wondering since things seemed to just suddenly stop real quick.
Actually, I probably owe the armor team an update progress post, and I owe the bridge people a Kotori post. I just haven't done so yet.

So, it's me, me, and all me just lazing about. Expect something to come up late this evening or tomorrow morning (don't hold your breath - I'm still looking for my muse).
Apparently, I took a one week break from roleplay. One that is over.

Bridge reply for Yukari and Nyton (Miyoko too, though there's not much for her to respond to).

Black Knight reply. They return to the site of Masako's death and find out that two NIWS have been waiting for them... and yeah, visually, I totally meant for them to be inspired off KOSMOS from Xenosaga. Heh.
I need a couple more posts to move on with the Black Knights. I also need a Yukari post to move on with Miharu's bridge.

Kyoki is waiting for a Tom post, and I devoutly hope Tom has an handle on what is going on with Cadetnewb's Nao... because I don't.
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