Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Sorry for the late post; K and I were in (yet another) bad car wreck. We're fine; no damage. I'll be around tomorrow, probably on IRC on occasion.

Doshii, that sucks!

I'm glad to know you're both alright, but car damage along with all the repercussions of dealing with that (car insurances if you have them, knowing how to get to work, finding alternate ways to travel) might make things pretty hectic for you.

...and that's just as you get out of your 12-day shift. Ugh.
Damn dude! Yeah sorry to hear about the car wreckage. Hopefully the insurance company isn't much of a hassle. And right before the holiday weekend no less. Glad the two of you are safe though, that's the most important part.
There is a silver lining, however:

I get to tell people, when they ask if K and I are OK, that we're "shaken, not stirred." </caruso>
Why would my missiles have been useless because of her shields?

On the page, it specifically says the subspace missiles are designed for created holes in shield systems, which is specifically why I picked to use them.
Ideally, if Kyou would've fired first, the shields would've collapsed and then Asher's missiles would've done tons of damage.

But the way things went, Asher didn't get behind cover right away so his attack started sooner than Kyou's. His missiles did enough to reduce the enemy barriers to zero - Kyou's missiles by that point would be mostly wasted, so I thought it was better for her to hold on to them (ammo is limited, so I thought I was being nice).

That, by the way, would be a good thing to remember in future battles, to try and coordinate shots like that. There are some things done as a coordinated team (or a pair of characters) which will have much higher success rates than anything each of you can pull off individually.
Miharu has company!

Also, Kyou finally got a lucky break at a crucial juncture. The dice rolls I was having for Kyou before were a little lackluster. Hopefully Aendri will appreciate it just as much as I did when I wrote it. :D
Armor Team, I'm missing Kai and Masako's input. Provided some direction, I can fast forward your people to where you want to go as long as there is no opposition in the way.

Miharu, I haven't had any replied regarding bridge operations. I'll likely need a Yukari post to start it out so she can give directions to her subordinates.

We're pretty much halfway clear of the mission. If Miharu can dispose of the Sakura squadron and if the armor team can clear the roadblock facing them... the end should start to get insight. I'm hoping the long drawn battle inspires for you guys something that's hard and grueling to go through rather than tedious and repetitive. ^_^;
i would very much love to post, but somebody 'Worked on' the local phone lines so now the internet is out. i'm currently typing on my cell phone, which is not conducive to posting.
What is this about shutting down life support, Blas?

I don't recall anyone mentioning anything about shutting down life support in the command structure. Not to mention the power being saved from shutting down base life support functions is minimal and that the atmospheric screens and internal forcefields depend on it. Not to mention internal gravity/inertial dampening is the only thing preserving the crew from being turned into mush when Yukari pulls off non-CDD maneuvers at sublight speeds with the gravimetric engines.

Heck, the energized armor actually stems from the force field system based on the life support system functions.

Not to mention that the Miharu presently does not have any power difficulties. Everything is still working out fine.

Lesson of this post: don't shut down life support. It is - like the name indicates - important for keeping you alive.