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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

My post is a little ambiguous because I'm not exactly sure how the layout of the teams are right now. I'll roll with any changes that are needed.
Your actions looks feasible, Tom. I've not had any trouble interpreting them. We'll know soon enough if they work out. :)

Kai and Ichigo are the only characters left to be posted for. As I recall, Kai Nakamura no longer has countermeasure missiles - he changed them out for offensive warheads so Masako's order doesn't really apply well to him.

I'll auto Ichigo and have her follow orders if Doshii doesn't post for her before Kai posts.
Nyton tossed Ichigo a loaded gauss bazooka during his actions. I don't know if you caught that or not Doshii. I'm guessing you didn't maybe?
That's what we get for not reading and/or remembering anything. We were warned.

Blas, you're up first. I'll wait for everyone else.
I'll reply soon as I'm done entertaining Annie with the ending of Persona 4 and putting the little guy to bed. ^^

Edit: Little guy in bed but Persona 4 is definitely not over. *sigh* Looks like we'll be beating it for real another night.
She shot at the mishhumachina, got jostled by the Ryusei II exploding and probably got knocked on all four... and when lots of aether beams started streaking all around, she wasn't hit.
Blergh... okay.

Things were looking up for Miharu. You were past the halfway point for Mission 5, about to get to the meatiest part... but then people screwed up and allowed Kotori to die.

Since then, we've been kind of having a shitstorm over the GM forum - there's a lot of people whom greatly cared about this whom are really not happy to see things go up in smoke like that. While perhaps realistic, it doesn't seem to be very fun (it was also a pretty nasty happy birthday gift for Aendri whom turned 19 yesterday).

So, you guys can either try to survive from here on in and make the most of a snowballing situation, or we can retcon and allow you guys to try again from this post, with the following piece of advice.

Mission tips:
All that's needed to collapse the Mishhumachina's shield is a single subspace-detonator mini-missile. Most of you with counter-measure leg missile packs have those.

If you want to attack the mishhumachina, it might be best to time those attacks after your shield-collapsing warheads have taken down the mishhumachina's shield barrier. You can ready your actions to attack then for maximum team coordination... though keep in mind destroying the mishhumachina once its shields are down is the Ryusei II's job, not yours.

Also, while you can ready actions to use your guns and drones to shoot down launched mini-missiles, your counter-measure missile packs also have Multi-Function Missile Avoidance mini-missiles that - much like the flare/chaffs of a fightercraft - can distract launched mini-missiles off target.

So, if that's what you guys want, just chime in here and say so. If the majority seems to want that, that's what we'll go for.
I'll leave it up to everyone else. I can personally keep on going even if the conclusion ends up being a 'bad end'. But that's just because I've played plenty of DnD Campaigns that end up with party wipes.

Personally, I would like to rewind and re do it, but I'll go with whatever everyone else says.
Okay folks I'm gonna have to swallow some pride here and vote we retcon. I say swallowing pride because retcons almost always feel like cheating. I feel as writers we're above such things because we should be clever enough to solve problems and dig our way out of any hole we may inadvertently fall in. This time however I feel we messed up royally. I include myself on that because there were things I had not done right as a writer which contributed to this dilemma.

So after much agony over this I have to admit that my heart is leaning towards the retcon. The Miharu is a writing project that while it has the thrill of a game is also a heavily invested creative endeavor that I would hope my hand has gone far to help craft it into a superior piece of literature. Or at least entertained some folks. Maybe it's just my ego but I love this story and I don't want it to end badly.

Okay that's my choice and I can live with the retcon. I will say this much, it definitely shook me up so I'll be striving to write a lot better after this whichever way it goes.
First, I have to say I'm saddened by the whole defeatist attitude many of us took on (Not me, this kinda got my juices going) and that I think there is a way for us to pull this off, even if it would be very difficult.

However, I feel that the way all the players are reacting, I don't think we really can, because everyone beat themselves before they could even start.

I am in favor of the Retcon, on the grounds that it is our best chance for going out and completing the objectives of the plot, something that I, as a GM often hold high above the ideals of reality or circumstance.

However, I still believe the ball was not dropped when Kotori died, it was dropped in the way many of the veterans reacted, Harsh as that may sound coming from me.