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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Seeing that we have a new player, I'd like to have a schedule update from everyone. It'll help see whom can JP at what time and who can't.. as well as give us the chance to schedule some bigger JP eventually.

Be nice and give me the times converted to GMT-5, pretty please ^_^
Current availability-
11 AM to ??? (usually around 2 PM)
10 PM to 4 AM

I can probably maybe hopefully get on at 8 or so at night if given plenty of forewarning, but I make no guarantees about that.
My schedule is still the same until the end of this semester (the week of Dec. 11). At that point, I have final exams and then from there is up in the air. I'll note my schedule change when I find out more.
Double Posting because I can:

I'd like to set up dinnertime now. Some player characters are to the side seeing no action or roleplay and I want to have them at least have the chance to be included in. Tom, please make an intercom call or something in regard to preparing the meal at your earliest convenience.

I know this might interrupt the conversation between Mizuho and Nyton... but nothing really stops them from talking about it over dinner. It's a large table.

Mizuho: "Did you know that Mishhu intestines were a slimy green?"
Nyton: "No... really? So, we could make haggis with them or something?"
Kotori: "No fucking haggis talk in my wardroom!"
Nyton: "Eep."
Mizuho: *snickers*

Miles: "I just got this chill going down my spine."
OoC: Oh fuck! I just realized why people have been saying my character is "giant!"


I'm fixing that. No one change their posts, just refer to her as normal sized in the future.

And excuse my cursing, but that was a big error on my part.
Bleh, that's my bad, sorry. I was taking advantage of the pause to catch up on other writing stuff I was behind on, like the Freespacers and psychology papers. I'll avoid doing so next time.

And I'm glad Chigusa is supposed to be 6'3, not 7'3. A giant Neko would probably have Leutre running for the hills.
Chigusa is Yamataian.

And 63" is equal to 5'3" instead of 6'1". It was sort of okay for a yamataian to be this tall.

Hey, wait.

At 5'3", Kotori would be taller than Chigusa would be.

Chi, can you clear that up, please? 73" is an okay height for someone born a geshrin - they're kinda tall. Taking 10" away from that is a sizeable reduction. sure, you could have done it when you soul transfered (it would give you access to the Mindy II power armor, which is not a small advantage) but I wanna make sure.

Also, red text here isn't necessary. This is an OoC thread ^_^;
Alright. Well, yeah, I was planning on her being -short- not tall. Besides, I'd love to be able to pilot a Mindy. It was a typo on my part, and I'd fix up the posts if I could but I don't have editting powers on other people's posts. I'm not asking for a fix, just to remember that she's short in the future.

On that note, she probably WOULD have gone for a height reduction during soul transfer so that she could fit into a Mindy, or future Power Armors made for short people.
Alright. I'll go and fix it. Just make sure the modification to your bio is done (I suggest the feet/inches format)
Naraku's theme: Spookshow Baby by Rob Zombie.

Dude I kid you not, was listening to this song in the car and the image of Naraku ripping through people with sickles and telekinesis gripped me.
Blas, if you want to have Nyton talk to Mizuho, now is the time. The same goes to Masako. Conversations will not start if you don't, well, start them.

Also, Tomi wanted to talk to Masako about armor training, right? Now's the right time to ask too.

Also, since we are around meals, I'll dig out something from the CCG to freshen up the memories of the neko players:
Even the most cheerful ones obey to a set of particular manners such as eating as quietly as possible, never putting anything in their mouth just to chew on, treating guest honorably, accepting gifts and tolerating instead of complaining.

Not many neko players actually follow the above. Sometimes, it's not all that easy to keep in mind too. I usually interpret it as Kotori setting her ustensils down to talk. Kotori does not talk while she is eating. Sadly, this often results in Kotori having to eat cold ^_^;
What is this? A triple post update? Ugh.

Chigusa, please try to take the habit of identifying your character when you write posts. This makes three posts that I correct the starting 'She' with your character's name. If this were in a JP or read as a novel, a reader can't divine just who 'she' is all that easily since there are 7 female characters at the table.

Also, I retract my statement about the Sakura being the ship with the most girls around: the Miharu has 5 female PC characters now (excluding Kotori).
Yes, but your guys are more normal.

...your girls, come to think of it.

Gimme a sec, I'll be right back.

* Elisa puts up a sign on the Sakura's port side, "Desperately Seeking Non-Headfucked Crew (Men Preferred)"
Yukari: *holds up sign in observation room* "Elisa-san -- please keep your 'headfucked' crew. We like them there. Arigatou gozaimasu."
Why did you have to take Chigusa? She's so pretty! And extremely intelligent.

I'm jealous. *_*
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