Star Army

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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I'd like to say that I was impressed with Asher's previous post. Firing on mostly helpless looking targets isn't the most morally fun thing to do - I really like how Asher rationalized his ruthlessness in juxtaposing how Sanri had previously been killed.
Those involved on Amaya's Gate, listen up.

The last combat encounter on the Gate has begun. It's bound to be a very brutal one at that - keeping people in reserve is not a good idea because you're facing Amaya, Meni and Mani all at the same time; it's likely a good idea to keep the reverse engineering for later and get everyone involved.

I'm liable to post once or twice daily for combat progress. I won't be waiting around to get a 'full combat turn' from everyone so if you don't end up posting regularly, you'll lose actions. Unfortunately, anyone lagging behind not only loses actions, but also decrease the odds of survival of those that will be active.

So, check in often if possible, and try to be at the top of your game.
Damn dude, fast is fun and all but I DO have a job yo. :P

And a post I was about to submit but got totally edged out so I gotta start over. AFTER some work.

EDIT: Sorry if I came off a little snappy in this one. There's frustration when I know we're in the middle of a big event and I'm forced to divert due to a series of factors.
Internet has been down at my house, so I'm only able to respond at work at the moment. I don't know how long Charter Communications is going to crap on my day, but I'm going to try and stay up to date as best I can.
You're doing fine, Koku. Don't worry about it, and thanks for telling us.

* * *

This said, things don't look good for the Black Knights. I'm expecting a couple more reaction posts/thought bubbles about the situation and what looks like the prospect of your shortened life expectancy and perhaps some mortality pangs. ~_^
Would Kai's armor, with its modified internals, be affected differently by what was going on? or would it react the same regardless?
Well, there you go. You're freed now. :)

Kotori prefers the Akuma to be captured rather than destroyed. Her psionic defense abilities seemed to have a much harder time coping with Amaya when the nepleslian psionic's powers were amplified - her hope is that if she can have the Akuma captured, she'll be able to use the psionic amplifiers herself against stronger opponents like Eve (whom can arguably do worse than Amaya, especially considering Eve's ship has psionic amplifiers too).

If someone can go point-blank and fire a subspace detonating mini-missile at the Akuma's barrier, then people like Asher and Nyton will be able to pour down the heat on the Akuma.

You could also not bother and just pour down as much firepower as you can on the Akuma - it's not invincible and can be destroyed. However, you won't be able to capture it that way, and Amaya will probably die in the process.

If you remember from some way back, Kotori feels she needs to face Amaya herself so to master how to protect others from 'burst telepathy' - eyeblink-fast spurts of psionic power (like she used to slap Asher back into the main corridor). That's why she needs Amaya to discard the Akuma so she can isolate her and fight her by herself. Amaya is, in a way, Kotori's vaccine against much stronger psionic opponents.

Also pay mind to Amaya's order to kill Kotori. All it takes is a spray of an aether machinegun, the slice of an aether sword or a teleport and knife her in the back with an elbow blade to end Kotori's life, at which point Amaya will be able to use her amplified psionic powers against you again. Kotori's exhausted and not too mobile about now, so, the ball is in your court for now.

Okay, so, Masako and Nyton are down. That leaves Kai, Kyou and Asher... along with Tom and Ichigo once Tom manages a post - I'm just assuming they're obeying orders, but not being very effective about it in the meantime for reasons going from bad luck to technical difficulties due to some of the pieces lost.

Meni and Mani are pretty brutal opponents. If it's any comfort... very few people in SARP could actually match them in an even one-on-one fight and I refer to rare people like Yui, Tsuya and Irim.

On the bright side, Asher's flamethrower looks like it might amount to something good. If that can be kept up for a little longer, something good might come out from that. The twins also seem too busy to even attempt to attack Kotori anymore (they don't rely on psionics, so, they can always kill her later =P ).
There should be some armor defenses still on the ship. I had Tom divide the sprite crew evenly between sentries and technicians before the mission began. Of course, without Tom or Ichigo (who was in charge of the defensive team), someone upstairs needs to get them moving around. :)

Aendri, I'm going to give you the opportunity to edit. There are a couple of things you might want to know before commiting to this:

1- Firstly, I'll express my surprise as to the decision. Despite the loss of the barrier system and the two flesh wounds, Kyou's not all that impeded. Her HS insert can compensate and heal her wounds, the slices in her armor are thin and can be self-repaired, and the loss of her barrier system doesn't mean she can't still take a bit of a beating.

2- Kyou sacrificing herself means she loses most of her hard earned combat experience, which have turned her from a rookie/green soldier to a blooded 'regular'. You may want to gamble keeping on that hard-earned combat savvy.

3- The Daisy's self-destruction system is a self-termination measure to ensure the technology used does not end up being salvaged by a surviving enemy, or simply for the pilot to avoid capture. Unlike the Mindy, it doesn't create a huge blast radius.

Is the explosion damaging? Yes, but you'd probably do more damage with your plasma rifle or a grenade's explosion than a M6's self-destruct would achieve.

Finally, if it could really create a deadly blast radius, you'd probably harm Kai in the process.

It's your call. Leave me a word OoC here about your decision if you want to change your action or not.

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I'm waiting for Kel to fire weaponz to resolve things with Miharu.
I'mma change that then XD. Definitely didn't realize me'n Kai were that close, or that the explosion was that small. Can't get to it now, so I'll just delete for now.

edit, nevermind that, I'll put something new up. Oh, and a +2 circumstantial bonus! for koku!