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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

True but you're also missing another point dude. It made sense to off people when they charged in blindly. It makes no sense to just off them because 'charge' = 'auto-fail/death'

Thanks for the heads up though. We won't go charging anything again. Remember that guys: 'charge' = 'death'
You're being cynical. It was never an 'auto-fail', as you're apparently assuming (I deal with each situation as they come - I recently noticed a pattern and pointed it out... but it doesn't mean I have an overarching scheme of "if they do that, they die" *eyerolls*). There are obvious inherent dangers to coming up-close to someone that could spank Yui herself that has on hand six different ways of poking lengths of cut-through-anything zesuaium in you - which makes closing the distance a very risky affair at best.

When Nyton went and grappled Mani's arms, he actually was lucky and enjoyed a good degree of success. Mani was focusing on using her ranged weapon and when he came into melee, she wasn't prepared to deal with him (the NDI armor was obviously tougher than the other enemies she had faced and had been able to last a straight charge).

What canceled out his advantage was Mani's quick realization that she was in trouble, motivating Meni to use one of her few teleport charges to go and make a decisive strike at Nyton while he was fully engaged with restraining Mani in order to destroy her arms.

You guys will notice that while they've used their thermoptic stealth to be hard to track, their teleporter charges have been carefully hoarded and used extremely sparingly. Just enough to keep their heads above the water.
Honestly, I really don't see much of a problem.

Then again, I've mostly been glancing through posts now that Masako is unconscious. I'm actually quite satisfied with what happened to Masako. But that's mostly because I was playing her in a berserk rage and fully expected her to go down in some way.
The only problem I have is that my actions weren't mentioned at all. Even if Kai was charging, I was literally right on top of her. I find it hard to believe that coming from a distance away Kai could beat Kyou's missiles from point blank to the punch. I'm willing to believe he beat the plasma rifle, since that was a delayed strike, but... otherwise it makes no sense to me.
It was my impression that Kyou's action were mainly defensive, so, I prioritized that line of thought. While she was rolling away, Kai charged in, cutting off Mani from attacking her. From that point, Kai and Mani were grappling so firing either missiles or rifle seemed unwise.

Once Kai died, I figured Kyou's reservations about risking to hit a friendly would've misted away, however, Mani used Kai as a shield, shoving him into the way of Kyou's intended attacks before tumbling to make a grab on Kai's discarded weapon.

Again, I'm sorry if you guys feel like your actions get shortchanged, but I had a lot of posts and actions to adjuciate and keep into account and unfortunately, I don't always succeed in keeping my playerbase straight, especially when I have an infantry and spaceship (with said spaceship being invaded) sequences going on.
honestly, im over it already. i took a risk and it didnt pay off. my earlier question was just that; a question. now, you've done something dangerous by giving me a reason to ponder things... and i have slready replaced Kai in my mind.... tee hee.
Ya know what?

I'm going to see if I still feel like arguing after the story is over. For now I'll just move on. The energy being expended on butting heads over something like this is right now going to waste. I'm hoping by the time everything is said and done I will be looking at it with a different view so I'm backing off for now.
Doshii Jun said:
"Do it," was all Yukari said to Miyoko. She lined up Miharu for another shot, though each movement was quickly feeling more futile than the last. "Fire your next torpedo, as well."

I used to have my own tally, but I've lost track. How many torpedoes does the Miharu have left?
Miharu has...


1 subspace detonator torpedo left. That's all.

Also, I'm not sure why Yukari is asking to fire the next one immediately: Takumi should still be incapacitated by the second one Miyoko fired for another good 20 seconds.
There are some recoil issues involved that make it unwise to do both at the same time. The grenade launcher is, after all, underslung right under the rifle's muzzle.
Cadetnewb posted this:

Cadetnewb, I see something very wrong with this post. I preserved the text here so you could perhaps use parts of it in your next try.

The first thing is that you're essentially godmoding, assuming that Nao can just leave the medlab unopposed. Granted, your injury was self-inflicted (because as a GM I never said you'd get burned or anything) but now that you're in the medlab (essentially providing roleplay opportunities for the medics in the same process) you're going to have to stick to your guns more here.

You're an injured sprite. I expect you to roleplay an injured sprite that lying on a bed, faintly hurting, with a nasty burn wound in the back (burn wounds for nekovalkyrja are much tougher to heal than many others). You can't just decide on a course of action and suddenly Yo-Yo away from it on a whim if your portrayed character is to have any credibility in one giant post; you brought yourself in a situation and you need to commit to it and make the most of it, If you want to get up, make it a roleplay opportunity with other people. Give the medics a chance to interact with you. Don't blurr through actions - in a combat situation, your posts should cover roughly 10 seconds of in-character time (give or take).

Note that there should be two nekos dragging two burned victims into the medlab as well.

Also, the gauss cannon shot happened right by the medlab (in the corridor that goes around it to reach the MEGAMI computer room), not somewhere down the decon room/MFB bays.
Yeah, it's completely my fault for impulsively posting, especially without considering the ramifications it has for other players. It's just that I really like to, well, come up with things. I'll save this to my personal notes so I don't forget about this, and get to work on a more proper post that is more considerate to others. This is horribly embarrassing, and I will try to avert something like this in the future.

Thank you for letting me keep playing.
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