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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Keep your shirts on, ladies and gents. It's all coming.

My posting is delayed, but I'll come around to it.
Well, Miharu is running very hot due to the coolant having been reduced to 70% of normal. The three remaining CFS units are already past tolerance - more use of them and they'll probably be melted enough for BAD THING TO HAPPEN(TM). Yukari chose to shut them down and rely on the single gravimetric engine they have left. Regenerative shields are also presently down by Yukari's choice.

The energized armor is toast. Too much of the ship's outer armor took damage for it to function adequately anymore.

Main engineering probably looks like a mess with all the scorchmarks and weapon fire that's been flying around, but the rugged equipment there actually held up pretty well aside from the hyperspace fold drive, whom was destroyed when a Mindy invader decided it'd be fun to gut it open with an aether sword.

The entire port wingpod is a wreck. Nothing works there anymore and the whole gravimetric fin was severed due to the damage there. The nearby lower fin that held damage control and an escape pod-turned-fusion reactor suffered a meltdown and exploded... meaning that lower winglet isn't there anymore. There was a coolant leak that Junko, Tom and Ichigo were tending at the stern-end of the port capacitor maintenance accessway. Shortly after they were done, there was a structural collapse that nearly killed Tom; Junko sacrificed herself to protect him.

The port capacitors still work, and they've got enough charge for 3 main gun shots.

The starboard side of the ship is faring okay for now. The capacitors there were depleted of energy due to a nearby positron strike, but none of the equipment there is too badly damaged.

Note that with the loss of an aether generator, Miharu's main power was reduced to 75%. There are still three fusion reactors left to help pick up some of the slack (especially considering how they were designed to fuel the energized armor... and that that system doesn't work anymore).

Miharu's structural integrity estimate is presently around 40% after the latest decompression. The way the structure of the ship is feeling (from the sounds and vibrations it emits when under stress), it probably won't be long before some very nasty structural breakdowns happen.
I'm a little confused on the medlab's current situation. Did it decompress, or did it just get shaken by other parts of the ship decompressing?
Thanks guys... and yeah, no need to push it - I already had my kid brothers contrive up three noisy opportunities to sing me "Happy Birthday".

I expect to toss in a post later today. I've been mentally debating on the plot's story pacing and how to apply it in the next couple rounds of postage.
Fredly, could we get a post for the boarding party? We've gone through two pages without response now.
Sorry. My birthday coming around also came with a lack of motivation to post. I've thought about doing so today and felt rather 'blegh' about it.

I'll come around to it, don't worry ^_^;
So, I posted! Good job for the rest of you guys whom kept busy even though I wasn't posting, and my apologies to those whom were locked out until I worked the backbone into myself to post again.

That last post has Miharu take a hit - and a really bad one. I thought I'd flesh out OoCly the implications of those.

  • Starboard Particle turrets disabled: This is simple electronic failure due to the positive energy discharge. Given time, those should get better.

  • Starboard anti-matter containment units compromised: The positive energy discharge is threatening the stability of the magnetic-containment of the anti-matter. If this fails, the anti-matter reserves might 'touch' the sides of their container and provoke an explosion which will... probably destroy the main hull.

  • Starboard CFS unit shutdown: the breaker switch flipped, so that unit is offline. If the breaker box for that CFS unit is reset, it should come back online. Until then, though, you're stuck with only two CFS units left.

  • Starboard aether generator offline: Same deal as the CFS unit next to it. Resetting it on the breaker box will allow it to restart and generate power.

  • Starboard gravimetric sublight engine offline: Without power from the nearby aether generator, it can't function. It was also cut off via the breaker switch. If the breakers are reset and the neighboring aether generator put back online, it'll work again.

  • Starboard fusion reactor going critical: The electronics got fried and since the system was new, it wasn't protected by tom's jury-rigged breaker box from the Tsuyosa battle (mission 1). The fusion reactor needs to be manually shutdown or it'll blow, probably wrecking the starboard wingpod, damaging the last gravimetric engine, and even further compromising the anti-matter reserves which will likely blow up and take the rest of the ship along with it.

  • Starboard capacitor bank destroyed: It's gone. Miharu can only store the power for 3 main gun shots in the portside capacitors. Also, because of that, power feed from the starboard aether generator to main engineering is gone - some new connections will have to be juryrigged through the opened up portion of the compartment when time will allow (yeah, that place has a nice view of space now - it's almost totally opened up on floor, wall and ceiling).

  • Starboard redundant shield generators destroyed: Gone as well. Nothing do do about it - Miharu's shield strength - once restored, will be diminished.

  • Coolant leaks going through starboard capacitor compartment: At the two ends of the capacitor room, coolant lines ran through to keep the units and the nearby shield generators cool. With those place all torn up, both ends are spewing copious amounts of coolant out into space. In a way, it's a good thing that some systems in the starboard wingpod are presently shut down because if they hadn't, they'd probably be undergoing some serious overheating (considering how the starboard CFS was already hot, well, it appears the cloud might have a silver lining).

  • Electronic failures in main engineering: That positive energy discharge struck too deep and it wept through a lot of important electronics. Luckily, Miharu is rugged enough for the most part so that this only means the engineers lose out of some 'quality of life' features.

  • Hoshi's shields collapsed: Took too much damage, disabled, wait for a bit before it starts having anykind of protective value.

  • Navigation disabled: Basically, all navigation control went up to crapville. This includes CFS, directional thrusters and gravimetric engines on the main hull - everything there that's related to navigation has become unresponsive. It could be due to the electronic systems connecting the main hull and the auxiliary ship being disabled, or due to the electronics being all messed up around engineering and maybe the MEGAMI. The source isn't isolated yet, but the end result is the one big screwup on one of the qualities Miharu had going for her to compete against Takumi: Yukari's flying skills.

Long damage list, not everything can be dealt with at the same time either. You guys will have to figure out where you want your damage control to be.
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