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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Also note that with Yukari suddenly splitting the ship, it means that the bay where Nimura, Nyton, Masako and Kai are have these atmospheric fields coming into place before Hoshi quickly splits off from Miharu. This prevents them from accessing the central bay on Miharu, where the M10 armors are.

Not to worry: Hoshi has some Daisy power armors left to manage in the meantime.
Cadette, Nao's Metaphor is not something she'd know- Neko don't have body hair beyond their eyebrows, ear hair, and the hair on their head. so, she'd never have waxed and never know what it felt like.
Alright guys, momentum please. I've only got a couple more months where I can predict my availability.
I'm fairly sure everyone is waiting for me to post, actually, so I'm the one at fault. In the past few days I've tried to muster the will to write a reply post for you guys, which required me to backtrack two pages and take into account the things my playerbase has been doing and after a couple of minutes of it I go "Blegh" + Alt-F4.
You could always respond to one group at a time and take care of each group at your convenience.
I'm actually waiting on Nobody, really. Just been a little busy with school and a few other projects I've got going.
Been busy with finals and then being with relatives and such, so sorry about the non-postage.

What's the next most critical thing I should be fixing down in Engineering now? Getting the Aether generator going again? Or what?
Kyoki said:
What's the next most critical thing I should be fixing down in Engineering now? Getting the Aether generator going again? Or what?

Well, take a look there: viewtopic.php?p=86861

What do you think Rin ought to take care of, considering she's working around the starboard wingpod and that she took care of the fusion reactor already? Nao's going to handle the anti-matter reserves too and Yuzuki is doing 'NPC stuff to keep things together'.
Actually, I just thought of something. Don't fusion reactors not go critical? Since it's a miniature sun and all, doesn't the fusion reaction collapse upon itself when a reactor stops working?
You're right in saying that fusion power is generally one of the safer power sources available to starships, but that doesn't prevent extenuating exceptions to come up.

In this case, those exceptions cropped up with nonstandard additions to a ship's power grid given away with a slightly different technology base (those are pretty much NDI fusion plants). Add in some positive energy discharges courtesy of positron anti-matter weaponry to spice things up over the electronics you have handling the whole thing and yup, things can go wrong.

In my plot, anyways. =P
Negative, magic is a frilly explanation behind unexplained science. That said, that makes this Science Magic.
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