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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I posted. I apologize for the wait, but this post was the first actual post where I'd go and actually overtly roleplay Eve. As some might know, Eve isn't my brainchild - she's Wes's - so I had some trepidations about 'playing her right'. Even just now, it took me over an hour to render the IC post... and I was also struggling with Kotori at the same time. I eventually had to settle for what you get right now, because it's in the wee hours the morning as I write this.

Before that... it took me several days to mull over how Eve would present herself, how Eve might feel with the way things are going for her, what sort of demeanor she would show and why she would feel like that, along with how she would make decisions from that point in time.

I could've written Eve as a dumb antagonist made to be slaughtered in the next encounter. OoCly, that's what she actually is... but the legacy this character left behind is something I feel still needs to be lived up to.

The next battle is likely to be short, deadly and brutal by necessity, but I want Eve to be Eve to the last, without being corralled by constraints derived by my own desires for dramatic flair and such.

Frankly, this is not Wes' Eve anymore. I can't portray her like Wes did. My Eve, shown here, has grown. She went from being one of Yui's crazy deranged cousin (of sorts), to an independent agent building up her own fortunes with a few sidekicks along while she was working to fulfill certain goals... to eventually become the leader and mastermind behind a much greater operation that was meant to bring Yamatai under her bootheel.

This Eve was winning. This Eve was about to get everything she needed to become Empress and at long last get the better of her longtime nemesis Yui. This Eve was thwarted by us swinging by like Scoobie Doo's gang aboard the Mystery Machine. She's not going to shake her fist at us, though. Miharu is presently - as she sees things - the only way she has to get out of the Expanse alive. She thinks the Gate can be reclaimed, and Miharu in time - with her remaining resources - repurposed to salvage her plan... enough so to turn this fiasco into a mere setback.

Eve's present drives? Wiping the floor with Kotori's charred corpse - a person she presently resents having been convince to allow to live, and she's even angry at herself for even allowing her to become such a big threat to her. You're all Yui's lackeys, sent after her. Eve survived confrontations with Yui's little pawns before, and there's no way - as far as she's concerned - that she's going to allow herself to be beaten at this point. This Eve has way too much to lose to be the canny daredevil Wes wrote her as.

That's the Eve you get to confront. Hopefully, I will be able to have her live up to her hype for you. Hopefully, Wes will read across the plot and be pleased with the portrayal and ending given to one of SARP's most ancient antagonists.
Working on post. I think everyone with a headset on can hear this since it was sent to the Armor teams.

Fred, with Eve hacking in can she already hear their encrypted conversation on secure channels or is she still focused on just breaking in and can't hear them yet?

Oh and this time no speed rounds. Period.
Um, yeah. Kotori left the channel open, so, I suppose everyone that's listening heard her have her case of endorphin withdrawal. It's probably not something Kotori would have liked her crew to hear, but yeah, it was an open channel.

*gives Koku a poke* Hey, you guys gave me 3 pages worth of postage to fill up with on Kotori's side of things. I also went and opened up a rare window in what Kotori thought and felt. I can refrain to do so in the future if you prefer (even though me doing so was a request from Doshii).

That's a good question Nyton. Honestly, I think Nyton ICly really has no way to be sure about it (it's not like NH-23s are well documented, y'know?). It's certainly a possibility, though Eve hasn't yet managed to crack the PANTHEON network on 'our' side.
Fred said:
*gives Koku a poke* Hey, you guys gave me 3 pages worth of postage to fill up with on Kotori's side of things.

*Coughs* Twas' to make up for the several days and pages that I couldn't post for.
Okay, sorry. My mother recently got hospitalized for heart problems, so, I might be a little high strung and I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep.
I'm thinking if Eve hasn't broken into the MEGAMI then the comm can still be encrypted from her although if it's one of those systems where it can be chipped away and certain things cracked then she may be able to get into the secure comm freaks. I agree though that he doesn't have an IC way of knowing it. It's up to how we roll with it.

Sorry to hear about your mom. I pray she'll be alright though. Serious hospitalization or will she be up and about soon?
Miharu's MEGAMI is shut off. Right now, that computer can't make anykind of difference in the situation.

On the upside, for Kel's benefit, the timing is a mixed blessing. Taking over the MEGAMI would have taken Eve longer, but having the MEGAMI presently offline saves it from being taken over. Even if Hoshi's CIES is compromised, the MEGAMI post battle can probably easily fix up her little sister.

Like I said, I will give no insights on wether your side's encrypted telepathy is as private from Eve as you'd like. You're free to assume and guess, of course - but I'm going to show, not tell.

Also note that Kyou and Asher presently have 2 teleport charges each. There's no reason why they absolutely have to finish their charge cycle to get the maximum 4; they can go anytime (preferably after disengaging from their armor support frames).
You know, Aendri's post brings up a good point, how much combat experience does Asher have since he got revived? He was a two-year vet despite missing two years of his life(though he was still Santo Hei at the time).
Initially, I wanted him to have everything he got while onboard Miharu, but you restrained him to just the experience right after the battle to take over the Meng Po.

So, he was rescued from the Yui-class destroyer by Miharu, and he joined in the fight to capture a Nozomi scout and then he got his backup and got revived.

Meaning that by your choice, Asher lacked any sort of experience tied to Mission 2 - such as participation in the simulation they had there, with Nimura being a party crasher by 'winning' the simulation by exiting it and pointing a gun to the person running it, threatening to shoot if the Taisa wouldn't allow them to win. Asher was really pissed at Nimura then. Also, Asher was being considered for promotion to something like 'sergeant' because he had experience... and he did not seem too eager to be anything more than a grunt. That created arguments - namely between Masako and he.

So, Asher here has one mission to his belt. Kyou is green and only had training sims up to my knowledge until she got on the Miharu in mission 4 and started participating in her first and what probably is bound to be one of the toughest conflicts of her life. >_>;
Oh, trust me. If Kyou makes it out of this alive, she's going to go find the Personnel officer who cut her orders and punch him in the face. Repeatedly. I don't think this is anyone's idea of a "training" mission. XD
That's right, come to papa, baby. :)

I'll have something posted tonight. You know the usual drill. Busy until the little guy goes to sleep.

edit: Finally done. Took a while, especially in trying to figure out the delivery. Cheeky taunts and one liners were never my specialty.
It strikes me that I never submitted visuals for the Akuma. Frankly, I never intended to, seeing I considered it something that'd only show up in the Miharu plot (which is why you won't find it in the wiki as a submission).

Well, I can bring forward that a lot of the visual inspiration for it originated from the Code Geass' Guren mecha, which you can see on this Youtube video.

Note that I won't hold myself responsible if the corny dialogue or the overabundance of explosion mentally scars any viewers. All I wanted was to show that mean, flying red thing with the big claw and say "the Akuma sort of looks close to that".
Good call on the waiver of responsibility for scars, Fred. I forgot what typical anime dialogue sounds like, and now I'm painfully reminded.


In other news, I'm moving today! And for the whole week, putting up boxes and other such things. My plan, as I have it now, is to be absent from the site for three days, tops, before I can post again.

That might become two days instead. I'm not sure quite yet; depends how much sleeping I do on the road.

I'll get a Yukari post in today, however.
The barriers of both Black Mindy and Daisy fell, but in the following split second Nimura was prepared to capitalize on it as she discharged her plasma rifle into Meni's right armpit. The roiling blast of plasma pushed Nimura back with her Daisy's stealth failing, but it did far worse to Meni by consuming over the whole shoulderpad and flinging her suddenly severed arm away, the saber-rifle it held spinning through the air until it landed point first only a couple of meters past Masako, right in front of the entrance to the changing room leading to the public baths

[beowulf]We should totally hang Meni's arm up above the doorway to the wardroom.[/beowulf]
Ouch, Tom. x_x

Some news from me: I mentioned that my mother was sent to the hospital a wee bit ago. She's finally back home and is likely to be at rest for the coming month while taking in a cocktail of medication.

My mother's physical condition has been deteriorating since she hit her menopause. She was experiencing blood loss in ties to her menstrual syndrome going amok (hormones and all) and it eventually lead to anemia.

To help with this, doctors had two options: blood transfusions or medication which would help her blood thicken or coagulate better to help mitigate her blood loss.

The thicker blood lead to the formation of clots, which formed an occlusion in her right marginal artery. This lead to her experiencing an heart stroke last week while she was at a public pool swimming. She experienced cramp-like pains in her upper torso with the urge to vomit, so she quickly left to head for the nearby entrance office (she was seeking out a trash bin to 'unload in').

The personnel at the swimming pool quickly had her settle down. Amongst one of the swimmers was a doctor whom was called up to give her a check up and the guy quickly ascertained her condition and prepared for the worst, making the call for an ambulance himself.

So, my mom got carried off to the hospital where she was put into intensive care. They identified the problem, sent a probe in through one of the arteries going through the thigh to get a view of it and they removed the occlusions (there were two problem areas). After five days at the hospital, she's now back home - everybit the harpy and the shrew she usually is, though lacking the strength to go enforce it (our house is very 'mom dominated', heh).

Once she's past her menopause, she ought to be able to get off medication - her menopause is really the problem period that created the chain of event leading to this incident. Otherwise, my mother is supposed to be quite fit and healthy (she exercises, doesn't smoke, and eats well) and the damage the heart attack caused to her heart muscle was minimal (having an occlusion in a coronal artery is bad in itself, but it happened in the least 'damaging' place possible).

Even if she recovers from it, barring the minor damage to her heart muscle, I actually think the worst of the damage was psychological trauma. I think this is the first time my mother's aging has caught up with her (aside from issues of vanity with sagging, wrinkling flesh and graying hair) and that she's had a face to face meeting with her mortality. She's putting a brave front, but it's hard for her not to get emotional when the topic of 'how scary it must have been' comes up - she's very afraid, and I'm not sure that'll ever go away.