Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

My prayers go out to your mom, Fred. We'll pray she can get through this.

Sorry guys, between take home work and getting the kid to bed I'll have a post tonight sooner or later.
Erm... sorry to hear about all this bad stuff that's going on for everyone. But, er, two questions.

Can Rin even get out of where she is to do anything (namely that valve)?
Is the AMES suit, if that's what it's called (I forget), vacuum-proof?
That's part of the woes of being part of an aging population demographic, I fear. >_>;

* * *

The starboard wingpod, which is where Rin is, has a door that leads to the starboard capacitor room - which was shot and blew up, opening pretty wide to space.

Rin wears an AMES suit, which in itself is a spacesuit (she's supposed to be wearing the helmet, so she ought to be fine. On the doorway, Rin can setup an atmospheric field to make sure there is no loss of air in the wingpod, and then cross through to be in the ruins of the capacitor section.

Close to the door, on her left, there will be a valve not to far away. Rin can then move there, grab it and then turn it until the coolant flow stops (when the section got damaged, the plumbing was torn off, so, all the coolant fluids going through it are instead geysering into space).
GM ruling:
I don't feel the Daisy armor is capable of a real D&D style Mirror Image spell. However, I do believe it's capable of providing a credible displacement effect as long as the armor doesn't move much (normal walking speed max).

It's like thermoptic stealth, but rather than showing nothing, you should your own image something like 30-50 centimeters off to one side. It's the difference between a shot striking your head or striking nothing, or again a shot striking the arm rather than striking the chest.

Note that your shadow and the origin of your attacks are unaffected by this.

I'm pointing this out so that you guys know what to expect from your hardware - as befit professional soldiers. Kai, feel free to edit accordingly if you want more clarity in your post.
I'm still not quite understanding the advantage here, wouldn't she still be able to use her AIES to assist in her aiming and kill us anyway?
Well, it could pay off for the first shots in a volley, but since Mani's weapon is a high-rate-of-fire submachinegun with incredible range and accuracy, she'll likely figure out pretty quickly and adjust, just like people playing FPS online games try to fire ahead of someone to account for latency.

It's not great, but it might save you some damage in the immediate future, until the next 'bright idea'.
Do we have to follow the charge times for our teleport packs? And no matter the answer to that one, how long would it take us to get the location zeroed?
Allright, thanks for the clarification, Fred, I'll go edit.

Blas would also like me to inform the Armor team that he does have a plan.
I keep getting the feeling we should just shoot the ship's weapons at the stupid Mindys and be over with it.

Eve needs herself alive, and to do that, she needs the ship alive. Might as well use what we have and then figure out things as we go on.

I should also send Nao and Rin out into the battle too. :D
Mara tried, actually. There were a bunch of error messages - since the ship is being hacked into (rather successfully too). Yukari ended up sending Mara to trip power feed to weapon systems at the breaker box-level that that we wouldn't end up having weapon pods or Hoshi's dorsal particle cannons firing at the Black Knights.

As for Rin and Nao, both aren't in Daisy armors. Sending them in- not to mention neither of them have any good affinity for combat - might just end up with them dying.
Hey guys guess what-? Tomorrow I get to go on a lovely trip to Fort Bliss. So that means...... I might not have ANY access or time to respond. Lovely. I remember there being an MWR there that gave me some access the last time I was there. But it's hard to know how much of a chance I'll get with that.
I was about to edit when Koku had to go and post something, ha ha.

Just got a heads up via Face Book that the MWR there is still up and running. So I should have some wireless access out there. That should make it slow but possible for me to reply.
Getting teleport coordinates is pretty quick. you're a neko so it's basically "I want to go here" and "Energize!"

Then you appear at the chosen location, in the orientation desired. It's not a gradual Star Trek transporter effect: the teleport happens in an eyeblink. There's usually a certain time to orienting oneself after a teleport - you know, just to get a sense of where you're at. Nothing stops you from doing something semi-blindly on appearance, though.

As for number of teleports at a time? I'd hazard 1 per ten second slices... which is usually a turn of actions from everyone. Meni and Mani always restrained themselves to that limit anyhow.