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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

If there's anything either of you want to contribute, feel free to post in the overhaul thread.

I've mostly decided on what I wanted her to look like, but it's still a work in progress so it remains highly 'morphic'. I made the thread in the first place to accommodate player advice, feedback or wishes after all.
Woah. I've been quiet about this for a whole year. Talk about a long design cycle. x_x

I have the broad lines of the ship defined and the ship exterior made so to match well with my mind's eye image of what it'd have inside (unlike the present Miharu, which was made to look cool first and then had its interior clumsily crammed up in). A few months ago I decided on a base exterior design and this was the last sketch I made:

Since then, I've worked on it in 3ds Max, struggling to have the thing shape up in three-dimensions the way I liked and on-scale too. This is still a work in progress - it's shaping up well and I'm striving a achieve a level of detail equal to Mass Effect 2's SR-2 Normandy, so, this is taking a bit.

I'm not sure about interior schematics! Nashoba's last creation raised the bar intimidatingly high, so I'll probably go for detailed schematics rather than fully rendered 3d-interiors. Maybe I can refine them later in three-dimensions apiece - but if I go for perfect now I'll probably never finish before the end of the present plot.
I like this new look- especially the side-view. I think it's going in a very good direction, though yamatai's distinct lack of external STL engines is a feature that always confuses me- it's a preference thing, really.

The summary of what Aendri and I discussed was that the Miharu was more of a heavy cruiser than a light escort, and that, with a little slimming of the armor, and extra power generation, she would be a lot more reliable, and maybe capable of avoiding attacks instead of hoping she could weather them.
Ah, well, it's apparently not obvious on the drawing, but I was planning to give it two large STL thrusters in addition to maneuvering thruster clusters all around. I wanted to account for primary thrust as well as reaction control and reverse thrust.

And when I'm talking about thrusters, I really mean honest-to-god fusion thrusters. As a GM I realized that most of the sublight speed used so far in my plot are actually very fast in battle - the close knife-fight-style battles between Miharu and the Sakura gunship squadron or Takumi herself showed me that.

My plan was to stick them somewhere around from 500 to 1000 km/s by default with Uso's concerns about acceleration in mind, and rely on the FTL propulsion system at very low power to make space more 'slippery' - as Gallant put it - so to motivate inertialess instant acceleration and greater sublight traveling speeds such as 0.3c

When the term 'light escort' was used, it was in comparison of the humungous Arashi-class... and frankly, I wanted her to be a cruiser. I've personally found that Miharu's present identity was much more as a buffed up version of a Sakura/Plumeria gunship than anything else. The cruiser vibe is desired, but not quite there: she doesn't boast the size, crew complement nor the presence on her specs to be a real cruiser - her claim to the 'light' cruiser title is tenuous at best, I've found.

So, I made up for that. She's going to be beefier, and have more on hand in terms of cargo space, auxiliary crafts, power armors and crew accommodation (my present target is 70-80 as for her standard crew capacity).

The armor gets slimmed down, but it's less to make the ship lighter and more to have more credible values there. 1.5 meters of armor isn't thick - it's ridiculously thick. It was a value given at a time when I knew less what the numbers were about and just tossed them out to clearly say "she's better".

As a GM, I've found that halving the armor thickness value wouldn't make that much impact. What was more important was to grant the ship 'crunchability' - the ability to suffer an extensive number of flesh wounds and yet still be capable of functioning, with redundancy to allow initial losses to feel more like increasing vulnerability than to be crippling. It allows for superior interaction with a plot's technician playerbase, where they can credibly work on damage control during a fight, and actual repairs outside of one.
Apparently not. Well, I saw 4 SDMs, but no ARMAs. So, Mani's shields and propulsion might be disabled, but Asher's entrance won't have much in the way of sensor cover.
Sorry but replying is going slow. I've got something saved but it's too late to finish it up and I have to get up early. Will try and complete tomorrow.

Well, until our Nyton post, here's a random trivia bit:
Mishhumachinas never really got thier wiki entry, and I'm probably never going to give them one. the most detailed info you'll find on them is probably in the analysis Hinoto made of them during the Bowhordia mission.

The Mishhumachina are logically the larger 'big sisters' of the nekomachina and the latter more or less are a mix of nekovalkyrja-shaped T-800 Terminator and Crash Dummy... but it still leaves a fairly vague mental picture of the Mishhumachina.

Well, if any of you have ever seen the movie 'The Matrix' - the first one - you might remember these squid-like robots trashing through stuff and looking very mean. The Mishhumachina are larger, their main body even more armor plated, and they likely have three times the number of tentacles the Matrix Sentinels have - but yeah, the Sentinels were a huge inspiration for them.
It's nice to finally be home. With that nonsense behind me I can focus on more important things. The baby looks to be coming real soon. A lot sooner than the due date so I'm on alert for signs of labor. On top of that writing was just plain hard. I mean like writers block/start over/nothing works hard. Oh well I need to stop being so critical and just let it go.

I took the liberty of finding us a soundtrack for our final battle with Eve. One track that kept recurring as I pored over ideas was the final battle in the Fatal Fury movie. Say what you will about the source but if you ever saw that fight and how badly the heroes fared against the final villain before winning and you'd likely make a similar comparison.

Just bare with me here and listen to it while I narrate the battle to the theme.

The track starts right as the three Black Knights arrive to support Kotori. The music's intensity rises right as Kotori shouts that Eve is taking over the Hoshi's AI. The music then shifts into the fast tempo right as the Black Knights swoop into fray. Nyton pushes back Meni while Masako and Nimura fire off SDM and plasma. The missiles get shot down while the bolts are absorbed by barriers. At second 36 when the music gets sharp for a couple beats is when the Black Knights form up which making Meni back up and representing a moment of strength. The twins and Eve have their telepathic discussion during the more subdued fast tempo beat. Right as the music builds up at second 42 Eve fires off her aether blast which gets caught by Nyton along with the SDM missile that Kotori stops.

The cymbals crash at second 49 signaling the end of the aether blast. Eve rattles off her orders to the twins while the music jumps back and forth. Here the scene begins to split due to the simultaneous actions going on. When the cymbals crash again at second 56 the camera focuses on Meni performing her somersault towards Masako, closing in and beginning their melee but not showing much more, Nimura simply going 'off camera' before the scene shifts to Mani falling back to cover. The music repeats itself two times during which the second 'repetition' at second 59 plays when Mani performs her action. At second 1:03 the camera is now focused on Eve charging towards Nyton. During this action sequence Nyton's taunts Eve while the music is repeating itself for a few seconds before it begins the build up at second 1:09. During the build up Eve replies and they engage. Nyton dodges about while firing plasma which Eve blasts away with her own plasma while the camera closes in on her before abruptly switching at second 1:14.

The intense drum beat continues while the camera now focuses on Masako while she struggles to avoid Meni's onslaught. The music goes a little smoother at second 1:17 which is when Masako's plasma rifle gets sliced. Meni is then warned by Eve of Nimura's incoming attack and counter strikes. Nimura barely manages to parry and the exchange continues through the duration of the smoother portion up till second 1:29. Nimura shoves her rifle under Meni's saber rifle while launching the SDM at point blank. The explosion concludes at second 1:29 which is when the drums start to lightly rumble. During this point Nimura's stealth fails and she blasts Meni's arm off. The gong sounds signaling the removal of the arm. The music goes smoother again which plays while the scene shifts to Masako as the aether blade flies just past her. Masako boosts back towards the weapon and fires her HEI round before the scene shifts to Mani standing off supposedly by herself.

At second 1:35 is when Eve warns Mani. Mani narrowly dodges Kai's attacks while dispersing chaff and flares suddenly revealing that she was nearly surrounded by the second wave of Black Knights. During that same move where she deploys countermeasures Mani moves into position to attack Asher at second 1:37. Kyou calls out her need to have Mani occupied while the exchange continues. Asher shouts his encouragement that he has Mani's attention when the scene shifts at second 1:44.

Right at second 1:44 the scene switches and the music becomes more exciting when Kotori closes in to try and attack Eve. The music follows the rather quick and one sided melee to second 1:50. At second 1:51 Nyton then attempts to close in and attack, his taunt sounding out again only to get immediately caught by Eve at second 1:54, her own taunt ringing out while smashing him into Kotori and pinning them down.

At second 1:58 the scene changes over to Meni spinning out from the blast and firing her scalar cannon Nimura, dropping her. The scene instantly shifts to Masako grabbing the saber rifle at second 2:00 and just barely meeting Meni who is already right on top of her again. At second 2:04 Meni kicks Masako back into the bathing area. The tumble ends right as the music quiets down at second 2:07 right when a piece of debris falls in front causing a black out scene change.

At this point the music is softer and we see Tom in engineering monitoring the battle. He determines to join the fight and sends a message to Yukari. Summoning Ichigo they run out as the scene changes again now to the bridge. Yukari receives the message and wishes him well along with the cold declaration to send Eve to hell. The scene fades out at second 2:33.

The camera is now suddenly focused on Mani soaring away from the second wave. The music has picked up again at second 2:34. Again she narrowly avoids their attacks and shouts her defiance before sniping at Asher. His Armor takes hits and growls before shifting his focus to attacking Eve at second 2:37. As the camera tracks Asher's for approach before it suddenly advances to Nyton being pinned down atop of Kotori. The camera bears in on his face as he shouts back at her. No sooner does he finish speaking than the camera shifts back to Asher's strike being easily stopped and getting thrown, Asher's shout being heard, before Kai's attack, coming from apparently nowhere, is teleport dodged along with Kotori's strike. Teleporting in front of Kai who gets blasted by plasma before being riddled by Mani's strikes. When he gets flung away by the fuel supply explosion the fire from the blast fills the camera.

The fire flickers away to reveal Masako and Meni locked in intense combat. Meni brings up her scalar cannon which Masako dodges aside before Eve warns Meni. Kyou teleports in and they engage each other. Meni kicks Kyou and she barely dodges the zesuaium spike. The camera refocuses on Masako who is in the middle of her attack, the swipe by her saber rifle fills the camera before shifting to Asher crashing away and cursing.

At this point we pretty much run out of music but I think it's time to change tracks anyway. Onwards to final epic conclusion of battle mode. Music pending.
Whoa, man. You so totally overthink these things! XD

This said, things are pretty grim for Nyton in the roleplay, so, I thought I'd mention this: if Nyton intends on following Kotori's orders, all you have to do is pretty much declare in your post that Nyton is ready to follow up on it - Nyton's actions upon the trigger conditions being satisfied will be handled by me via GM narration.

Also, Kyou and Asher are out of the fight for the moment. Sorry guys - you coming back on your own power at 100 kph would take over 12 days. Even sacrificing battery power to recharge a capacitor whom would then be used to provide a teleport charge would likely take much longer than the span of the fight. ^_^;
Oh, I have no problem with that. Kyou has now contributed directly to death of one of the twins at least three times. For a rookie, I think she's officially fulfilled her lucky survival quotient for about the next three years. XD
How many ASM missiles do I have left? Tom launched a few at the Mishumachina back at the gate and another volley at Eve just now.

Also, I'm having a little trouble imagining places to take cover. Of course, there's a bunch of blasted open ship to use, I suppose. :)

Also, thumbs up guys. I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Tom, there's the kitchen, the public bath, and the stairs up to the starboard crew compartment.

As for number of missiles... I've no clue. I think Tom used them pretty sparingly, though, so he probably still has 5 left on each leg.
No worries, Asher would only be inconsolable if he was stuck out in the middle of space with another man.

Also, that music is now stuck on repeat on my headphones and my head.