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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Yukari's basically going to sit and smile politely through this next bit, and raz is going to have to strike up a conversation with Roken, as I have to take my computer in. I hope the Geek Squad can fix this thing.

X-posted via Goban.
*shakes head* Woah, Blas, you may want to edit that post with Nyton heading off to the main passageway. There's a large difference between going up the starboard stairs and heading off to the main passageway.

Seeing that Nyton has eyes to see with, I doubt he'd go and ask the Miharu which way she went. Perhaps 'which room', but not which way ^_^;
And, a reminder, since Chigusa just used it and her actual name doesn't get tossed around much- Tomi is a nickname, the concatenated middle two syllables of her name, Saito Miyoko. I think she mentioned that it was her nickname when Leutre or Nyton asked about her collar early in the day (too lazy to actually check which it was, given that my connection takes 3 minutes to load a forum page here), but otherwise people wouldn't have heard her addressed by it. Of course, she *does* have the kanji for the word on a collar that she's usually wearing, and it is used as a name sometimes (see note at the bottom, since it doesn't seem to want to accept URLs with hiragana in 'em), so I guess it isn't unthinkable for somebody to just decide to address her by that, either.

Edit: Gah, the link won't even work correctly if you copy-paste it. So, here is the name list it's on.
I agree. With no one really knowing 'Tomi' is permissible for use as a nickname, the family name would typically be used. Tomi has, so far, been mostly used in narration.

This can lead to some amount of confusion, I think. In my case, 'Tomi' is slowly growing out of favor for the benefit of 'Miyoko' or 'Saito' in both narration and dialogue.
Kotori said:
This can lead to some amount of confusion, I think. In my case, 'Tomi' is slowly growing out of favor for the benefit of 'Miyoko' or 'Saito' in both narration and dialogue.

Yeah, I considered switching over to just her personal name for narration last week. I almost always use nicknames for it in other RPs, but I'm finding this setting to be not very compatible with nicknames, what with everybody addressing each other by surname and title most of the time. The reason I ended up not switching is that abruptly changing it NOW would lead to yet more confusion. If it's okay with you, though, I'm all for it.
Oh I see. There must be a filter. I tried to type "e-d-i-t m-y p-o-s-t"

You try it, or maybe someone editted it. But that's NOT what I typed.
Just tried. It's a filter. WES YOU NICE PERSON!

edit from Fred: Calling the admin names is not a good idea.

Edit from Chigusa: Rawr.
Fred, my apologies. Yukari really SHOULD be going to Chigusa. I just don't want to slow things up with my computer being out ... unless that's okay?
Sure, we'll survive for the moment. Right now, it looks like dinner is slowly coming to an end anyways. >_>;

I'd move on for that evening... but I kinda need Nyton back, so, the people remaining on the table can talk about stuff (like their favorite mishhu, things like that).
Edited my last post and added something.

Funeral went well. Seeing most of my family again has been a mixed blessing of good time despite sad event.
UPDATE: Computer still in the shop. For the next two days, however, I will not be on AT ALL, as I'm going to Reno with the girl.

I shall come back a richer man.

X-posted on Goban.
Looking at the "About the Miharu" topic, I noticed that the only two sections not filled out were the Crew Quarters Assignments and the Ship Manifest. What is going to be put in the Ship Manifest section?
The Miharu doesn't have many extension slots and other modular components like ships such as the Sakura has, so, the ship manifest will be mostly particular pieces of carried cargo and current power armor complement.

The quarter assignment section is pretty much going to be filled once the crew actually sleeps in the Miharu. I'll likely pick the map for the upperdeck and label with letters which will indicate whom has which room.
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