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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

The battlepods have their own 'normal time sphere' equivalent, which is mounted on what looks like modified fold boosters. Shrinking the ship's CFS bubble would only make Miharu blind and unable to retaliate.
No one else is going to post?

Like, I could see a reaction post from Yukari; or a reply post from Kai to Kyou; a catch-up post from Miyoko if Kel is back; same from Yuzuki if Gallant is interested in having her evacuate engineering...
Once Miharu collides with the Shlarvasseroth begins the final leg of this plot. The Endgame... which is a power armor romp in the Mishhuvurthyar flagship to reach Melisson, confront her and destroy her.

Yukari asked Kotori whom would stay and whom would go. Kotori answered with a suggestion. The people she suggested were OoCly a mix of those whom were the most consistently active and contributive since they've been participating on this plotship.

These characters were her recommendation:
  • Suzuka Yukari
  • Nyton Claymere
  • Tom Freeman
  • Nakamura Kai
  • Asher Westwood
  • Gunshin Kyoufuu

The point isn't to single out the 'worthy' and leave others behind - just to pick a team which will be able to participate and maintain an engaging pace.

However, other than that seek-and-destroy Melisson mission, I actually do not have much to offer as a GM storywise for everyone else. You'll probably will have to come up with your own roleplay for the people which are being left behind to protect Hoshi and Kotori.

This doesn't mean you can't go - I meant for every player character to be able to go along. Should you be interested in going along, have your character volunteer to go along while the Black Knights are setting up to go after the collision. However, be warned that I am likely to be very draconian with those whom come along but cannot maintain pace.

For those whom do go, some helpful tips:
  • Hinoto will assist you with information, advice and directions for the trip in. Make sure at least one of your power armors has the Daisy 1C SAS pack to benefit from it.
  • To have a chance to win, four people must survive and reach Melisson's progenitor, the Infection Queen. Any less and the chance for victory becomes very dismal.
  • Anyone whom dies from this point on stays dead for the rest of the mission.
  • Prepare your loadouts in accordance to the task you are going to do: you will mostly fight a massive number of Mishhuvurthyar, which are bioengineered targets vulnerable to anti-personnel weaponry and fire. This makes the LASR with incendiary ammo, incendiary grenades and flamethrowers the weapons of choice to fight them. Keep in mind that the supplies you bring in are all you get (and that your Daisy armors have forearm weapons). Also bear in mind that the Mishhuvurthyar themselves are nekovalkyrja tank-equivalents; they have strength and resilience that is on par with power armors.
If I may add something:

I really think that there's a lot of great RP opportunities to be had with the ship defense team. Thinking about it, it's actually pretty exciting. Fighting off hordes of NMX trying to get into the ship!
Well, crippling all of the remaining CFS units on Miahru won't do much, considering that we're inside the spacetime bubble of the Shlarvasseroth.

Of course, we could break the Shlarvasseroth's CFS unit-equivalents... but we're already planning to take an armor team and try to make it to where Melisson lairs in her ship... and that ship in particular has more than 2500 battle-ready Mishhuvurthyar in it.
Well I know now what the problem is regarding my internet. At home it worked just fine and I could see the site easily. Here in this hotel I guess the bandwidth gets choked or something. It doesn't explain why only some pages of the site come up but hey at least I know it's not my laptop or the site.

Had a great Christmas home and I got to see my son Liam as you all know. It was a good New Year time and I hope everyone else's holiday went well too. Now though it is time for me to get back to work. Along with this I'm looking forward to this final leg of the journey. Not just the closing of this chapter but the future when new things hopefully start up. Depends on whether we survive or not, ha ha ha.

Oh hey Fred, I haven't seen your dancing sprite of doom lately. You ditch her or still looking for a new one? I imagine the carnage sent her into seizures by now so maybe that's why she's AWOL lately.

Jake, Tom, Matt, Koku, Aendri, Kel, and oh yeah Rin-tastic, lets get this party going and with a huge blow out. I want us to write boldly and with much vigor. I love this story so lets do it.
Sometimes, animated avatars from other people are bothersome enough to have me go nuts. I figured that the lil' fairy of death incarnate, after gracing my posts for years, might have had that irksome effect on some people too. So, I gave it a rest.

As for where we are now in the plot... I've been waiting for over four years for us to get to this point.It's amazing to me to not only have to brainstorm and plan about where the plot could lead, but actually reach its penultimate events which will lead it to its conclusion.

Now, hopefully, I can also deliver on the hype too. ^_^;
I like the phrasing there, Jake. We're infecting the Infection Queen! Does that make us the infection Gods or something? XD
Go go gadget kill-a-machine!

  • Back Module: Ke-M2-P2904 Barrier Shield Module - (SP: 10) Threshold 4 (Mecha)
  • L Forearm: Yama-Dura Shield - (SP: 8)
  • R Forearm: Plasma Torch/Gun
    • R Forearm Ammo: (Unlimited) Plasma Generator [SDR: 1(Torch), MDR: 3(Gun)]
  • L Shoulder: Weapon Mount: Ke-M2-W2904 Flamethrower
    • L Shoulder Ammo: (60 sec) Plasma Canister - (DR: Smokin' Hot)
  • R Shoulder: Ke-M2-W2905 Shoulder-Fired 50mm Gauss Cannon
    • R Shoulder Ammo: (18) Depleted Uranium/Nickel Alloy Rod 20 mm - (ADR: 4)
  • L Leg: Ke-M2-W2908 Offensive Augmentation Pods
    • L Leg Ammo: (10) Ke-M2-W2908-MSAP Multi-purpose Shield and Armor Piercing - (ADR: 2)
  • R Leg: Ke-M2-W2907 Countermeasure Augmentation Pods
  • Handheld: Ke-M6-W3000 50mm Gauss Bazooka
    • Handheld Ammo: (18) Frangible 50mm - (ADR: 2)


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Man hard to believe I put almost 200 posts in just M5 - Pt.1 alone.
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