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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I lurvs the Daisy. I had only one problem with it, and Kai went about and fixed that for himself ICly.
I didn't say I liked it any more than the Daisy, I'm just saying I like it as it is. Daisy is awesome Ground Pounding Armor, as it's designed specifically for it. Though, the M10 offers an amazing amount of customization that allows us to mold to any situation. I like both equally.
I like the MCAS system because it's not as overpowered as the mindy always has been, but it gives the options that the mindy gave. The Daisy is good in its own right, just not what I like. I can't describe it any better then that, sadly; it's really just a feel thing, more then anything specific.
Well, alright.

Koku, I love your new avatar. I think Kotori would totally be able to relate with him. ^_^;

I'm just asking the power armor questions to figure out what works, what doesn't, what's superfluous and should be trimmed out, etcetera. Doshii and I made a lot of brainstorming through the M4 to the M6 armors trying to get some good stuff going while not going along with the uber-awesome monopoly the Mindy had in the power armor field (with Doshii making the winning contribution, as my Sylph has - even after being overhauled - been mostly forgotten).

The Daisy is awesome, but it's over four years old. It's been played, had its victories, its failings... so I was just wondering, as I looked at you cobble the things you wanted together, how I would go and attempt to improve on its recipe for success and provide roleplayers with a reliable piece of equipment that kept up with the times. Considering how the MCAS is more or less a stat sheet that people are suddenly fond of because I gave access to customization to this extent, the questioning felt warranted.
I'm finding this looking down on engineers kind of funny too. Some of Miharu's best fighters are techs and engineers (Tom and Nimura, anyone?).

Yuzuki is really going?

The jaunt inside the ship and the confrontation against Melisson is likely to take more than the two weeks Gallant has.
Oh, if anyone can, can we have a quick visual of the squad layout? Like what kind of formation we're using and who's grouped with who?

I'm just imagining some loose blob of 6 people here.
Hey YEAH, where IS Nimura. I didn't see anything about her being in the group or anything. Is Nimura with them or no?

Oh yeah we should form the Armor team shouldn't we. Jake you're in charge. How about standard wedge with Asher up front? He's already on point so I imagine it like that. I could put together a little diagram but I need to know the names of everyone who is for certain going. Hey let's g get a ROLL CALL! Ho!
Why not? Shouldn't it be up to the player anyway?

Gallant has to weigh whether he can stay active or not. If he feels he can't, fine, but if he can, he should be able to roll the dice with the rest of the attacking crew.

Fred admitted he doesn't have too much for the defenders to do, and, although I'm sure they can stir up some fun RP for themselves, it seems silly to punish people who are willing to go.

Again, they die if they can't keep up. The ball is totally in the player's court.

As for Nimura, I think Fred is basically keeping the NPCs to ship defense. Something tells me that this final mission is intended to be a 'player's only' affair.
Tom is correct. Player-only club and all. Nimura is at the Defense Line.

Yuzuki's presence is Gallant's call. I'm just making sure he'll know what he's getting himself into.
OK, that's cool! Yuzuki's in if Gally wants it.

Nyton, in the area of infantry tactics, I'm no better than Yukari. You're the man with the experience, so I'll defer to you. Wedge sounds good.
Could I get the names of characters? I can put together a little diagram for that. It at least gives me an idea too as to what all we have on this mission.
I have given it some thought (as opposed to just disappearing on you guys for a half a day) and I have concluded that I will be committing Yuzuki to this last push, if that's alright with Fred. In the past I have not given this plot my everything, and I apologize for that.

Since joining the Navy, at the end of the day I am usually too exausted to come up with the quality that I think this plot demands, and Fred and I have discussed that before. I joined the Miharu when I had the time to read and write - more time than I have now. Even though I understood my time would be reduced, it was not my intention to be on intermittantly, to hold up the plot by my absense, or to cause an undue strain on Fred as a storyteller or the other players in Engineering. I have in the course of my tenancy here done all of these things and every once in a while, looking at the healthy pace of the plot, I will feel that sort of guilt.

Having said that, it is nevertheless my intention to see this through to the very end. If I should fall behind because of my work or my deployment schedule, and the character should die, that's just about as much as I can hope for and it has been a good run - I hold no grudges and understand the implications.
Alright Gallant. That's okay with me.

Black Knights:
  • Suzuka Yukari
  • Nyton Claymere
  • Tom Freeman
  • Nakamura Kai
  • Asher Westwood
  • Gunshin Kyoufuu
  • Yuzuki
  • Rin
Yamatai's a matriarchal society, isn't it?

If that's the case, it's Tom's name that I wrote wrong.

Suzuka Tom?

* * *

Asher is taking a 'middle passage' when the rest of the group are following Yukari/Hinoto's direction and taking the upper passage?

Gravity and top/down in a Mishhu ship is a screwy thing. Right now, with the 'floor' being Hoshi's orientation, you guys are headed diagonally into a hole in the ceiling which extends into a tubular corridor for 75 meters or so.