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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

There are reasons why I wouldn't ICly bring Rin as well and i can relate with Yukari's reasons, but I'm going to have to request some OoC bending of IC action here to allow her in.

I really meant for any player whom wanted in to participate. Be it Nyton, Miyoko, Nao or Sanjuro. Kyoki/Rin are showing initiative and want to participate and it's something I find important to foster.

...and yeah, if anyone cannot post for their characters, I'll be blowing them up Wes-style. I will, of course, be understanding and allow for some leeway but if a character becomes committed but then has a player unable to roleplay them due to malady, death in the family, dropping out of touch for career reasons (including military service) or some other reason, I will still kill the characters involved.

Simply put, I will not tolerate deadweight in the attack team. The people whom wish to roleplay without that kind of pressure are recommended to stay at the defense line.
Aendri said:
Can we go with grunt birthday party as our death option? :P
Bad command or file name.

Err, I mean, I don't understand that question. Please indulge the french guy and explain what you mean. ^_^;
If you say yes, I would almost pay to see this go down every time one of us dies. Or better yet, the Misshu. We could pass it off as a side effect of Melisson's first bit of mind-raeping. :D
You wish. =P

The point is that I usually go to great lengths to make sure everyone is included. When someone's postage is lagging, I'll typically kindly poke them about it. If they can't post, I'll NPC-auto them for a turn.

I like being nice, but there are caveats. The first is that everyone else waits on that person that I'm trying to patiently wait on. The second is that NPCing another person's character creates a bad precedent (no pressure to post, the GM can post for me).

Me waiting on you or NPCing your characters is a priviledge I granted, but it wasn't my responsability. Roleplaying your character is your commitment. Back when Kotori was a player character on the Sakura, I was very eager to post for her. No one had to push me or prod me into posting because I wanted to. I expect the same out of my players, especially at such a juncture in our plot.
I'm happy for this turn of events. I hate seeing people get denied opportunities to have fun in the RP.

All's well!

Oh, just so we know, what are the 'firm' post requirements? 1/day?
1/day is fairly safe. Some more prolific poster might chafe when they are available and on a posting spree but I know that Tom is liable to post at the start and end of his day, and that Doshii makes roleplay posts when I'm asleep (with everything else being bonus).

1/2 days gets close to the limit. It's when I notice that everyone whom could post quickly are ready to move on but that I'm still delaying because I'm missing posts from the others.

Beyond that becomes determined more by my whims, moods and the person's track record. I'm not a heartless tyrant and I get that you all have lives - I'm just not going to allow it to slow the pace down.
I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas, but I'm always on IRC. As you know, I can post in a pretty wide time frame.
I won't be hunting for people on IRC. Part of the point of what I said is all about not hunting for people. Of course, this doesn't stop other players from giving the laggards a helpful elbow nudge.

Aendri, considering I haven't seen a KFY armor not able to go into thermoptic stealth, I'm going to say 'yes, you can'. It was a good question, but I'm fudging it in your favor for the sake of expediency.

Keep notes, guys. After all this, I'm definitely planning on designing a new KFY armor to make it more useful, practical and player friendly.
Why? I mean... the comparison here is to the Daisy (didn't people like the Daisy because it was grittier and more rugged?). It feels bulkier? More modular? Or you get to customize it more?

I know customization is a mixed blessing. Some people just love outfitting and customizing their gear, but other then to get confused over the many options
There are already standard load-outs on the page for Spacy and Ground combat. The MCAS just needs a little more work on it, and more optional load-outs for those who don't want to be to intricate with their planning.
Let's take this from another angle.

What makes the Mindy and Daisy less appealing? What are they missing? Is it stylistic? Kokuten did reference to Armored Cores, and that's an entirely different style of mecha...