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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Would Miyoko have any idea if fluid from the Hemosynthetic Conduit System would be able to heal people the same way the tanks do?
Earlier, while on Amaya's Gate, Nyton and Asher used the inserts of the the two fallen Black Mindy power armors to heal Kotori from the hurts she had suffered in her duel against Amaya.

If the soldiers could figure that much out, I'm sure it's easily within the realm of Miyoko's knowledge as well.

Note to the wise: punching walls open in Hoshi qualifies as 'fucking with Hinoto'.
Hey so long as it's not Ayumu doing it. I mean, don't worry Kel, Hinoto won't notice. Maybe if you ask really politely too.

Saito: "Hinoto, do you mind if I bust some of your pipes and-"

Hinoto: "Don't. Even. Think. About. It."

Saito: "Uhm... what if we already did?"
Because the only thing more damaging to a door and everything in the vicinity than regular Gauss and SLAG dakka, is MOAR GAUSS AND SLAG DAKKA in a SMALLER AREA at the SAME TIME.

Miharu, Fuck Yea.

Wow. So this is where we lose some PCs. Huh.

At the risk of getting too meta: How could they possibly save Rin or Tom, now that they're infected?
Tom isn't. He was just railgun shot and even that last shot didn't wound him so much as bruise him at a bad place.

As for Rin... if your circumstances with Kosuka facing down an NH-18 are any indication, this doesn't bode well. Not to mention Kosuka was stabbed once; Rin was stabbed three times and the tentacles are still left on her.
Gah! This thing is just as scary as Eve!

Thanks for the save, Kyoki. I'm on my iPhone so posting from me will have to come after work, unfortunately.
Oh great Kotori in the sky that saves us from damnation! Can you not save this poor soul from her maligned fate!? Amen.

Typos Doshii~ And by typos I mean wrong names.
I've been muddling around power armor ideas for awhile now. The M6 Daisy served the Miharu extremely well, but there are little bits and elements here and there that overtime I noticed and thought I could work and improve on in order to have a power armor which would built upon the Daisy's strengths and perhaps become an even more player-friendly tool.

Before I get too far ahead, though, if some of you guys could chip into this thread and perhaps elucidate what you like about the Daisy, like less, how you feel it handled within the Miharu plotship, how a power armor could be better tailored for -your- character, and even potential wishlists on features you'd look forward to... I'd like to have your opinions.
Wrist-mounted plasma cutter. You never know when you'll need to go through a wall, shear off some armor, cut heavy metal on damaged shuttles to get people out, punch a hole into someones armor, light something on fire with proximal heat, generate some visible light for unassisted eyes, light a cigar, or if you just want a wrist-mounted plasma knife.
I'd look forward to not dying to an NH-18!

But really, I thought a lot of the armors were being phased out in favor of the MCAS or something. But more ideas is always good.

As for suggestions/wants... I suppose I can't really say. Haven't had that much experience RPing with a Daisy, and really haven't had anything else ever, in terms of PA.
If I could, I would give it the knucklebombers I wanted to give it in the first place. *grins*

To be added to later!
Ah a PA discussion. Yeah I can think of a few ideas that are within reasonable limits, not even close to touching my ridiculous levels of PHALANX fanaticism. I'll need some time though, which I don't have now, but I at least need to throw a post in just so I can SEE this topic when I click the 'View your posts' link. It is literally the only way I can see subjects in Miharu now and I only caught wind of this via an email notice.
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