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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Miyoko's paranoia pays off! Unless she fails and gets everybody killed. In that case, not so much. I'm like half asleep, though, so I'll try to get a response in first thing in the morning.
Son of a bitch. So the time I try not to blow everything all to hell, a goddamn NH-18 takes over the armor.

Fantastic. Just fantastic.
I still remember the discussion we had in the IRC about whether or not ghost misshu prevention systems had been installed on SAoY ships. I'm glad to see our consensus of no was right. XD
Just a precision:
Kotori was the one that telekinetically slapped Miyoko out of the Mishhu's way when it tried to pass its tentacles through her.

The Ayumu post doesn't have to be edited, because her assumption is a reasonable one. I just thought pointing it out would help you guys better imagine the scene.
Doshii Jun said:
Son of a bitch. So the time I try not to blow everything all to hell, a goddamn NH-18 takes over the armor.

Fantastic. Just fantastic.

May explain why we were suggested to just let the armor destroy itself instead of slagging it with the flamethrower.
Kay, deploying in the next 4 hours.

I believe there is a way for the forum to automatcially send me updates? In which case, I will probably just e-mail responses to things. Otherwise I'm going to pick someone and harass them. I believe our e-mails are updated by satellite once a day, even if we don't have access to internet.

But I'm just tripping. We aren't going that far away and we ought to be back in, within the next few days. If all goes well I will continue posting semi-regularly.

See you guys around.

(P.S. If you really, really, really have to kill me, at least make it cool, Fred.)
The forum subscriptions will let you know if someone replied since your last visit but doesn't actually send the post content or send more than one post.
Hinoto, now standing on the upper tier of the bridge, drew out both combat knife and her service pistol, her eyes flashing an angry gray, ears flattening back and teeth bared in hostility.

*makes a mental note to never have Miyoko fuck with Hinoto*
Yeah, hinoto is pretty femme fatale when the narrative allows her to be.

Also, precision: the defense line was attacked by 2 battlepods, not just 1. I assume Masako will have her shots concentrated mostly on one.
wheeee. Kai's got your back. once the NH-18 posessed armor comes and tries to screw with us, you'll be glad he's smart enough to pay attention.

if that is indeed the case anyway. Knowing my luck,nothing's going to happen.
Another precision:
there is no tentacle presently stuck into Miyoko's body. The Ghost Mishhu unfurled it before it was rendered corporeal.
I...feel like I just watched all of Evangelion in a single marathon of madness. I've finally managed to get caught up, and would like to start posting here again. However, I'd understand if you didn't want more people on the boat. Things are...crazy (in a good way), and I have a feeling they're only going to get even more so as time goes by.
Kyoki said:
Can others hear what Hinoto is saying? I thought it was like... only Yukari and MAYBE Nyton or something.

Yukari put it through to the other squad members earlier in the mission so she would have to just repeat it herself. Suzuka Yukari is too busy for words.