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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

If it's just text and telepathy then these actions can be taken before others post, right? I sometimes forget about the speed of actions and such, especially in non-combat situations.
My Internet, which has been down for about 36 hours, was repaired today. My posting frequency should return to normal.

Man, what a post spree. Bad time to lose Internet.
Yeah tell me about it. >_> *eyes everyone who posts in the middle of the night while I'm busy sleeping*
Oh oh oh...

Important points for Doshii:
1. The Daisy armor itself is also nanite infected at the areas it was struck - armor layering and flesh insert. Pulling Rin out, chopping her in half and then putting her back into the suit would be ill adviced. Actually I'm not even sure it'd be possible in light of the NH-18 rooting tendrils anchoring the struck areas together.

2. Rin being chopped in half outside a power armor will have her bleed a whole lot. And by lot, I mean a lot. A neko can survive that (NH-22M Kotori was once chopped in half at the waist and survived it), but it's still life threatening and the shock can still kill - something the power armor can help compensate for.

3. Chopping through the power armor with Rin inside would get rid of the infection on both neko and suit. It would also rupture the insert around the sliced area, making it bleed out over Rin's own wounds and helping in quickly sealing it. Considering how you'll need to drag and carry Rin around afterwards, having her in the best health possible would likely be ideal even if she'll be unconscious - it'll increase her odds of survival.
I only celebrate my birthday because I respect my mother.

In every other sense however, screw birthdays.

Though I still take advantage of the day enough to take the day off from school and work.
Whew, glad I waited on posting for that.

Hey I got a question about the whole nanite thing but I already expect this to be really streeeeeetching things. Would it be possible to have Arethusa absorb some of the carbonized remains of Kotori-C to glean some data about the nature of the nanomachinery she was made of? And would this process of absorption allow Arethusa to then develop some form of 'antibody' that would allow it to better combat the infection inside Rin so we can avoid ripping the poor sprite in half? You know so she's not all, hmmm, gimped and completely unable to participate in battle?

I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask and I was waiting on Hinoto to give some sort of reply on that as well.
Blas, what Nyton said about that bit didn't sound all that directed to Hinoto so much as just him thinking aloud.

I've also been very clear about what Arethusa was and was not capable of. Limited shapechanging and resisting nodal invasion were the two highlights. If you want to expand beyond that, you're free to try. I won't give assurances as to the result - you'll have to gamble and find out.

Yes, gamble. The time you take to find out is very likely to be the time where cutting-her-in-half won't save Rin anymore. From there, you'll be stuck with either putting her out of her misery or actually seriously considering asking Melisson to save her (if that's even feasible, or if you're really desperate to save her life and willing to bet on Melisson's fledgling sense of fair play).

Rin is in an unenviable situation, but I stand by the event that lead to it. It's mostly a result of player actions. Had some actions been different, others might have bitten the same bullet or you might have had been entirely unscathed. Your actions made a difference in this: now, you just have to deal with the consequences - as unpleasant prospects as they might unfortunately be.
Yeah you're right. The way I wrote it doesn't read directed. I reread it and was like, huh. My bad. Ah well.

Sorry Kyoki, I'm gonna have to take some blame in the situation Rin is in right now. Killing Kotori-C was important but that took time away which Nyton could have used to try to purge earlier rather than later. All the combat lifesaver classes they teach us pretty much tell us to finish the fight first THEN attempt to apply first aid. The reasoning behind that is that you either kill the enemy and end the battle so you can safely administer first aid or you risk getting MORE people hurt or killed trying to heal them while getting shot at and then taking even longer to finish the fight. Usually in combat the wound is either severe enough that there's nothing you can do about anyway (ie fatal headshot or blown up) or it's bad but you won't die right away from it (big bloody holes in vital but non-fatal area). So that was my reasoning behind trying to finish the fight first. Could Nyton have left the battle and just let the others finish her? Maybe. Its hard to say now, even looking back.

Hopefully Nyton's surgical skills are enough to keep Rin from dying horribly. Being cut in half is kind of pushing the limits of neko survivability I imagine. In the meantime, maybe I'm being overly cautious but having read that bit how Kotori-C was able to regenerate from just a head I don't see why any of her nodal remains wouldn't also be able to pull off such a feat. With Arethusa attacking it and keeping it busy it shouldn't be able to retaliate and if it gets too feisty then Asher can toast it. We really don't need a Kotori-D running around now.
I agree that Nyton might have dropped the ball, but I don't think Blas is looking at it the right way.

Blas, you chose Arethusa. Arethusa had certain qualities - qualities I was betting would eventually become useful. I know you too valued the fact that there would be no nanite assimilation going on with this one; I was fairly sure it was a big selling point for you.

The one time it would've been obviously useful, the fight against NH-18 Kotori for starters, the whole group turned invisible except Tom and Rin, exposing mostly them to harm. Even after the fight started, it was other Daisy power armors whom went to the front and risked damage and a similar fate as Rin.

Meanwhile, Nyton stayed back, and fired his rifle from his safe vantage, and watched others put their lives in dire perils in a situation that had he gone into melee, he would have excelled at. Suffice to say that had everyone in the group cloaked up and had Nyton left himself as visible bait, the fight would have had probably turned out to be very different... and also probably ridiculously easy.

It's not that the way the fight was orchestrated past that initial mistake was bad. The team acted together and ruthlessly suppressed the enemy. That in itself was excellent and everyone involved did very well. It's just a bit unfortunate to see one defensive advantage be untapped when it could've made all the difference at the brief point the NH-18 ambushed and made her 'damage spike'. Dealing with Rin's ailments after the fight was pretty much all you could do given the circumstances (and the other people at risk) so I don't think that was a misstep.

Also, Tom chose not to hide himself. Rin did the same. Rin even was ready to stand in the way of harm should an officer be threatened. Those were all your decisions. I think everyone could agree, if you take a step back, that you kind of reaped what you sowed.

Of course, hindsight is always 20/20 perfect. My point isn't leveling blame. It's showing you what I think went wrong so you can pick up on it in the future. There's more yet to come.

It's tragic and unfortunate, but Rin still turns out having been very heroic for the occasion. If that would be character death material, I wouldn't view it as a bad way to die for a character in SARP. Still, there's a chance Rin might actually still survive her sacrifice, even if it took her out of the action. I think that's a decent enough silver lining considering everything that's happened and your present circumstances.
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