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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I'll take blame. Yukari was the commander, after all, so Rin's situation is her fault anyway. I didn't think about how to organize the team into fighting as a cohesive unit, nor did I think about the advantages presented by Arethusa. I just thought about what Yukari could do to set up an attack involving an EMP grenade, to knock out the Daisy in one blow. A common and regrettable mistake on my part.

Sorry, Kyoki.
Don't start, Jake. You and I had a talk about Yukari and micromanaging already.

It's bad enough that something unfortunate happened to Rin. But something like this was bound to happen to someone in this mission sooner or later. You didn't expect this to be a cakewalk, did you?

So, if you want to wallow in the depressing thoughts of how lame you are, please forget it. Not always acting perfect is not lameness.

Personally, I think it's to Kyoki's credit that she's taking this very well in stride. Sure, she doesn't want further harm to come to her character and seems to care greatly about Rin living on, but I haven't seen her mope or make drama out of it.

If she can keep a straight face through this, I heartily recommend you dignify that effort by keeping your chin up and making sure Rin's hardships have not been for nothing. Channel the frustration in the one way that's going to be constructive: make it count when the time comes to face Melisson.
Well regardless I think I would've reacted more or less the same. Mainly because of the timing. After all, before I could even bark any orders at all Asher had already popped off and begun shooting. Jumping at Kotori-C for melee risked getting hit by friendly fire. I can't blame Kokuten for writing Asher like that, I mean that's just how Asher IS. Going stealth was something I had assumed everyone would do. None of us knew what the extent of Kotori-C's abilities were. Yeah hindsight. Oh well. The chips fell where they fell just like in my little scuffle.

Jake, I know Fred said to focus and not worry about blame and stuff, but this was my ball to drop. I did pick the anti-nodal suit after all. But at the same time I ain't gonna get down over it either.

Oh btw, I think Yukari's guns and grenades are still intact in the other room. >_>
I'm rather happy about how things went with that. We didn't pick the best options available, but it certainly did turn out rather well, considering how it could have gone. Also, with how far we have gotten into the mission and are at Melisson's door (and have gone through), I'm surprised at how little damage we've actually taken. Yes, Ichigo died, but she wasn't supposed to be on the team either.

I do wish I could have gone on further, but I'm perfectly fine with how far Rin got, especially if it prevented more extensive damage from occuring.
Nobody should take the blame for what happened. Roleplay is all about the journey. As Fred said, if everyone acted perfectly all the time, it wouldn't be any fun.

I figured the Kotori-C would attack anyone who was visible, and that left Tom and Rin to take the brunt of the damage. Could I have meta gamed a bit and done it differently? Sure, but it didn't sit well with me. Kotori-C hit close to home for Tom and I wanted to show that in his fear. Going invisible and shooting rockets seemed like a cop out to me.

So Fred took the initiative and beat up on Tom, then Rin, which was natural. I don't consider it a mistake because it spawned some very good roleplay in the process.

And it seemed natural, like Rin was destined to fulfill her goal in protecting the officers. I mean, the character made this a point in several of her posts before, and it seems like a fitting end to her character arc (in this mission) as it was already foreshadowed.

And, of course, Rin becomes a rallying point for the rest of the characters to try even harder now. Very good stuff!
You'd think that Yamatai would develop counter-agents for its own models and the models of it's enemies by now. Y'know, considering their super-science.
Well, what about a little bio-engineered organism that goes in and fights the infection? It'd bolster the immune system of even a Nekovalkyrja.
Nah, the level of anti-nodal technology you would need to combat something like this falls along the NIWS level of power. Yeah granted NH-18s are not NIWS, if you go and augment a NH-29 or Yamataian with this sort of ability I think it would be a little much. It would be breaking the 'design limits' that the model is meant to have. Nodal powers are superhuman beyond the accepted enhancement of the regular peoples. Maybe you can advance the immunity of Yama/29's a little further but to combat a nanoengineered infection requires hardware not typically installed.
If nekovalkyrja weren't immune to poison, I'd just settle for poison, y'know. Nodal infection, as nasty as it is, was pretty much - in this fight - equivalent to a venomous sting or the like.
Really? I guess when you take poison out of the equation you have to come up with an equivalent. Still, nodal infections still seem a bit on the extreme side. Especially when its a nanomachine colony recreating the makeup of the victim. Ah well I guess it's just a matter of perspective then.
There, posted. Now hopefully we can put that part behind us soon and move on to the climax.

Hoshi people, I owe you a post, but I did not have the heart to write something else after Nyton's operation. Besides, there are only so many ways I can say "more enemies approach and you can't hold on forever" and "Kotori looks like crap".
Nimura did not understand why Yukari had insisted in propping up Rin like a tree to be cut down, but as Nyton finished his cut the sprite lunged forward and seized Rin's severed upper halve - losing no time in lifting the slimy-red underside from the lower body to avoid any last second with invasive nanomaterial.
In my defense, I didn't realize the plan was to cut her in half. I thought he was going to cut upward, from stem to sternum.