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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread


I've been paying attention, but don't have time to post. I'll get to it in a day after things cool down on my end.

Hope everything is well!
I feel a little bit late to the party but I've been busy like Tom there. Wow, talk about insta-action.
Tom was busy putting a red superhero cape and asking me "WHERE ARE THE BREAKERS?" He'll be around shortly. ^_^;
Electrical note: Capacitors can still shock when they're not being provided power. The only way they're really safe is if they're totally discharged -- that's why you can still get electrocuted by an unclugged CRT monitor or TV, for instance.
If the console exploded at mid or upper torso, Leutre would of likely been thrown upper body first (head or back). If you combine the force needed to hurl someone backwards two meters, the fact engineering is a hard metal environment and that he didn't have a helmet on, I think it's very likely he would have at minimum a grade three concussion. That's assuming he wasn't immediately killed (which he wasn't according to Tom's post).

For those not familiar with basic medicine, a concussion of that magnitude causes unconsciousness for a very short period (less than five minutes), nausea, confusion, minor hallucinations (seeing stars), and amnesia.
Kotori said:
The ship was already in bad enough straits... Kotori could afford to lose her technicians.

It's a good day to be a medical officer. *relaxes in the medlab on a pile of injured technicians*
I'm going to be out of town until Wednesday or Thursday, and I'm not sure if I'll have internet during that time. For that reason I'll have Leutre in his quarters resting, on account of his head wound, until I get back.
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