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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread


Nyton, I made slight edits right after posting, adding a music link, elaborating on the condition of Tom's rifle and describing the subsequent actions of the surviving Ghost Mishhu.
Noticed. I gave the first rendition a glance, figured I'd wait to post, then noticed the revisions. Figure I'll work on a my post now that I killed my cell phone calling home.
Hopefully that thing's dead now.

My original plan had been for Kai to have his AIES locate the thing within him and then stab through a softer part of his armor with the blade, so this has a bit more finesse.
While I don't get kicked in the crotch very often I am well aware of how it feels to take a shot to the crotch. The description is just my personal take on it. Seriously. Did I stay on my feet? After the second time on a separate occasion. Barely.
I'm sure he'll put something through soon. Yesterdays server break didn't help and neither is the disaster. How's it looking on your end Tom? There's been so many news events out there that I wonder about asking folks what they see from their side of the looking glass.

Like folks on west, how goes the radiation scares? Or the latest round of flooding and land slides in CA.

Are people in Australia getting a whiff of the radiation cloud?

I hear there's food shortages developing around the world and while many people are not affected drastically there are sure to be market rumbles creating higher costs.

What was the deal with that Canadian baby that had to come to the US to get a surgery. Was there something up with the health system?

You know, things like that. >_>

Okay I guess it's not exactly discussion meant for this site but you got me rambling Tom. I blame you. XD
Nyton said:
Heh, that's kind of what my idea would've been if Nyton wasn't busy keeping Mel occupied.

*rummages inside Black Knight medkit*

Nyton: "Okay Kai, I'm gonna shove my nodal tentacle into you and let the nanites kill, shred, and extract the bug chunks. You get two choices of where I shove this thing."

Kai: *running away*

Nyton: "What? I was gonna say either through your mouth or through your chest. What were you thinking?"
Blas, you just made this forum's 100,000th post!
Probably not. I bet some posts in the past were deleted. =P

* * *

Guys, be careful with the 'coping with pain' thing. I've some warning bells about that right now: Nyton has a gimmick to cope with pain, Kai firmly believes he can ride through very bad hurts, being in pain makes Asher horny.

I'm presently reluctant to kill any of you. If I kill any of the Black Knights, they end up forgetting a large chunk of what happened to them that was momentous in this mission.

My alternative is hurting you enough so that you cannot fight anymore. Try to wound you to the point where you can't fight, or can't go on without rest (for a skirmish, or for the rest of the scenario). Being too resilient (or better able to dismiss mundane hurts) may not be that great a trait because if you don't stay down, I end up being forced to have the NPCs still consider you a target, and try to finish you off when you;re already in poor condition to survive.

Of course, I understand and expect some grit from your characters. They're cornered after all. But still, please try to keep that in mind. I won't choose to toss you around, hit you and say you hurt, or you're dazed and such for nothing.
Fred said:
... being in pain makes Asher horny.

I don't remember writing a boner in when Asher got hurt!

Asher does get a rush from pain during battle, it almost acts as a temporary stimulant in his brain. Think of it like how one takes drugs. Take one too many, and you overdose.


Bruises: "Less' me know I'm alive!"

Broken Bone: "Bitches don' know 'bout m'broken arm!"

Broken Bone, Deep Wounds, Bleeding: "Tha' enemy needs t'stop multiplyin'... and dancin' on tha' ceilin'."

Anything in excess of the above: "Floor iss' a pretty color..."
Well I would've written that the strike Nyton took to the head had him seeing stars for a second but the crotch kick kind of stole the spotlight.

Oh don't worry, broken bones mean broken bones and there's no using the limb after that. Even if you just ride the pain train. Okay except fingers. Everyone knows that fingers can be snapped back in place, wrapped tight, and ignored for the rest of the fight even if they can't be used. XD

And despite resilience after taking a shot to the nuts there will be no sexing celebrations later for sure. Although hilarity can still ensue if a boner occurs. That too is a painful occurrence I'm familiar with, lol.

I guess I'm going over a list of painful scenarios that are just overwhelming. I like Koku's chart o' pain tolerance. It makes sense in a way. I also understand where Fred is coming from here. It is tough to really gauge just how much pain a character is. I wouldn't say Asher gets horny from getting hurt, I would say he's too psychotic to feel pain. At least minor pain like bumps and bruises. I'll just have to be really careful not to let 'character pride' override good writing sense.

Wasn't trying to make a big deal but I'm still scratching my head on trying to see just where the post count is. >_>
Sorry for being absent for a few days. Went into a blackout area for reasons undisclosed.

Contributing to the discussion, and also posing a question; if I remember my reading correctly, aren't NH's supposed to be able to voluntarily switch off stimuli from their bodies such as pain, and feeling, altogether (one of the primary traits which used to lead to them being nearly unstoppable in combat)?
Welcome back from the blackout. Glad to see you're alright.

Not sure about the NH question. I just figured they were more machine like and had the option. >_>
There, posted.

And I'm pretty sure it was a major feature of at least the first NH model, when they were Ayenee'd up for powergaming internet trolls.

Not pointing fingers.
A lot of things with the nekovalkyrja get kind of odd.

I view it as more player-friendly to have the nekovalkyrja boast pain resistance rather than pain immunity. It's not that they don't feel it - it's more like they have the possibility to forge on without being overwhelmed by it if it doesn't impede bodily functions overmuch.

As far as I'm concerned, this isn't a trait shared by Yamataians.

Also, nekovalkyrja lack hearts and don't sweat. This screws up a lot of possible emotes us as human beings can relate to, turns their vascular system into worm-like monstrosities we usually try not to think about, and they lose out on sweat which is extremely important for bodily heat regulation.

I always get the impression that this is the kind of thing Wes made up when he was younger and that it sounded good at the time... but that in the end of it it's not that much of a great differential asset.
Oh yeah, I forgot that they didn't have hearts. Huh....

Turning off pain makes sense, but I feel like it takes away from fun stuff that could happen. I figure it takes conscious thought to do it so if they're in extreme pain already, they wouldn't be able to form a good enough thought to turn it off. That's how I played Rin anyway.
Actually, I heard that tickling sensations are along the same wavelength as pain when it comes to nervous signals. Why not switch pain to tickling?
Do you guys think it'd be a good idea to have the Kishi's barrier protection be centered on the dorsal module component? In which case the barrier pack or the propulsion pack are essentially a trade off of resilience vs. speed/travel distance?

Also, one thing I'm pondering on is the boarding sequence of the power armor. Right now, the way to enter KFY power armors looks kind of impractical: you have to lift yourself up to fit vertically through the upper chest.

It seems to make it hard to board the armor quickly, not to mention that if you don't have a support frame holding your power armor (miniature scaffolding, pretty much) it makes it pretty hard to wriggle in and out of it in the field (like, you make the armor lie down on its back and awkwardly wiggle into it? It's not like it can stand straight while you climb over it and insert yourself in).

Also, it doesn't make getting wounded people out of it easy.

So... I'm trying to think up of a way to have the boarding/exiting sequence be streamlined, faster and more effective. But that, in itself, could greatly alter the geometry and fabrication of the power armor so it feels like a pretty major point.