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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Been awhile.

Plans haven't changed much. I'm done a lot of 3d work on her, though many of that was starting something, not being satisfied, and starting over. There's a specific, smooth, curved look I want for her while integrating mechanical complexity that will define and detail her without detracting from that smoothness.

I've done a lot of doodling of ship interiors, how I was going to fill in the decks and such. My first attempt at it was kind of laughable seeing it was horribly out of scale (my elevators were as large as my cargo bays, ha!) but it gave me good a good enough reference point to start pondering on the things I want in the ship.

I figure that's all hard to relate with for the reader, so, I'm going to use more direct questions.

Medical Center:
- Does a starship need a morgue?
- Is it worth including a waiting area (like in most hospital) for people to come in and make themselves comfortable until they can be attended to?
- Is a convalescence ward a good idea?
- How many hemosynthetic tanks is enough?

Armor Bay:
- Are Rapid Launch Bays (a hole out into space, with an atmospheric field retaining air, that power armors can spontaneously fly out through) desirable? Are airlocks or hangar doors viable alternatives?
- Miharu introduced a motorized, robotic system that could outfit power armor modules automatically. Is keeping that around worth it, or does it detract from the technician/armorer profession? Would people fetching weapons from racks along with having technician help to fasten mounts on hardpoint be better - especially with a cruiser that has the crew for it?

Weapon Lockers/Armory:
- Are those really useful? Since every crewmember wears a weapon, the weapon lockers were never really used.
- Armories feel useless to me. They are places to store ammunition - it feels to me like the cargo bays would handle that just as well. Are they really worth having?

Bridge/Office/briefing space:
- I consistently used Kotori's quarters for officer meetings. Given that, is there a need for office space, like the Star Trek TNG-style ready room, for the CO and XO?
- Is a conference room/briefing area really necessary? It seemed we jumped around with those over on Miharu from sensor dome to wardroom. I was wondering if I just should try to set things up so that certain gathering locations, like the wardroom and the armor bay, would be setup with facility to stage briefings within.
Medical Center:
- Does a starship need a morgue?
Nope, waste o'space, especially considering most people die gruesome deaths on-board a vessel anyway. Not only that, everyone just revives at one point or stays dead to eternity in space. That said, I don't think there's any concrete reason to have a morgue, at least on a Yamataian Vessel. If anything, we need a room for body parts. We'll call it, "Asher's Trophy Room".

- Is it worth including a waiting area (like in most hospital) for people to come in and make themselves comfortable until they can be attended to?
Yes, having them congregate in the halls can be troublesome in an emergency situation. If you're trying to get to the armor bay during a battle and you happen to run by the med-bay, which could be crowded with a line of people, what will you do then? Not only that, I'm sure it's also nice to have a measure of privacy while you wait to get something taken care of. There's also RP opportunities for just waiting around in the med-bay while Miyoko gets busy doing work at Sanjuro.

- Is a convalescence ward a good idea?
Even though we have near-miracle level med-tech, it would be nice to have a small recovery area for people. It could be the room where they tell you "Hey, you died, this and this, time to get back to it." Or, it can be a place where people can recover mentally after something traumatic happens to them, and they can stay under the watchful eye of Miyoko and Sanjuro. I mean, where's Sanjuro going to sit after he has to reflect on why Miyoko snapped his neck?

- How many hemosynthetic tanks is enough?
Ten sounds like a good number. That way there's plenty for injuries, but not so much that it clutters a med-bay. I mean, c'mon, everyone knows these things aren't all that big... Are they?

Armor Bay:
- Are Rapid Launch Bays (a hole out into space, with an atmospheric field retaining air, that power armors can spontaneously fly out through) desirable? Are airlocks or hangar doors viable alternatives?
Rapid Launch Bays would be pretty cool for players to look out a see a battle happening in space before they join it. While it does seem to represent a structural weakness in the ships all around armor, it sounds like a pretty cool idea. Even so the RLB should still have some kind of sealing door to armor it or prevent entry from the outside... Kinda' makes the RLB more of a screen-door on a starship, but that's good. Or am I just not picturing this?

- Miharu introduced a motorized, robotic system that could outfit power armor modules automatically. Is keeping that around worth it, or does it detract from the technician/armorer profession? Would people fetching weapons from racks along with having technician help to fasten mounts on hardpoint be better - especially with a cruiser that has the crew for it?
Always thought that Asher never really had much of anything to do since the robotic system did his job for him. I do think it's a little repetitive to have armorers /and/ an armorer system when the latter just out-does the former, but it has it's merit. Oh! Hey! We could combine them! That'd be pretty cool, right?

Weapon Lockers/Armory:
- Are those really useful? Since every crewmember wears a weapon, the weapon lockers were never really used.
Hard to argue that since most small-arms aren't all that useful against borders, especially our tentacle-raping opponents and power armor. If we do need our weapons, the NSPs should prove to be more than enough against enemies they're actually effective against. I mean c'mon, have you seen how Hinoto uses hers? ~After she uses her mouth, of course~

- Armories feel useless to me. They are places to store ammunition - it feels to me like the cargo bays would handle that just as well. Are they really worth having?
I feel armories for our actual shuttle/cargo/armor bays are necessary, unless you have the entire cargo hold next to the bays. Even so, that would mean the cargo hold would need to stretch to both ends of the starboard and port bays... Hrm, that's an idea...

Why not make the armory a small cargo area that links both Starboard and Port bays?

Bridge/Office/briefing space:
- I consistently used Kotori's quarters for officer meetings. Given that, is there a need for office space, like the Star Trek TNG-style ready room, for the CO and XO?
That's really a matter of who's using it. You could always do what Miranda did in Mass Effect 2, and have your office /in/ your quaters. I think Picard did that too. That, or we can just get Kotori a much larger bed.

- Is a conference room/briefing area really necessary? It seemed we jumped around with those over on Miharu from sensor dome to wardroom. I was wondering if I just should try to set things up so that certain gathering locations, like the wardroom and the armor bay, would be setup with facility to stage briefings within.
The Wardroom does that beautifully since it's a nice comfortable place for everyone to settle, but it would be nice if there was an actual center area in the ship that could be equidistant to most stations. Or we could meet in the bathes! Nothing says trust like a naked conversation.
Ha ha ha, Asher's trophy room. Yeah that should be what we call whatever repository of enemy dead corpse bits kept as souvenirs. Even when he's not aboard the ship.

Anyways, double that, morgue is unnecessary. Bodies either get reconstituted or properly laid to rest depending on the character. Usually reconstituted. Or there isn't enough left. Really I can only think of this current battle and one other corpse back in Bowhordia.

I like the waiting room idea in that it just makes a little sense in not having a bunch of patients loitering outside in the halls where there may be action. Perhaps the waiting area can double as the holding cell area or something. If it has a double purpose you can more efficiently distribute space.

Convalescent areas make for cool 'survivor' story moments. Like when Mara had her legs removed she was down for a while. Not critical so the Tanks were used for more critical patients. But it made for cool story element potential I thought. I would keep that area limited though since we do have some very rapid recovery patients.

Ten Hemosynth Tanks? Isn't that overkill? Not that I'm complaining but I thought those suckers had to be a little on the hefty side. My mind envisioned something akin to the Bacta Tank in Empire Strikes Back that Luke was in but not as bulky. More human tube sized than overlarge. But even that size would still require a good bit of space. Especially for the machinery and the tubing and stuff. I would say six would be feasible. Maybe a number in the ball park of 5 - 8. I know that's only two less than your suggestion but hey if possible to eight or even ten then why not. Dream big. If it can be done.

My thoughts on RLBs is mixed. I don't ever really see them being used. Never really liked them much either. I mean they make sense when shooting out Armors but lately Armor defense doesn't seem to involve any kind of rapid launching moves. Its more just open the doors and let the Armors out to fight kind of thing. I dunno they just don't make the same sense as they do in say Gundam or Gunbuster or Battlestar Galactica. They're not launching massive mecha sized armor or space ships.

The robotic system for outfitting Armor was clever and very useful I felt. It lessened the dependency on actual personnel to be present to give even the least knowledgeable Armor pilot the means to prepare. It also reduced the dependency on actual personnel and make the Armorer skill practically useless unless the auto-outfitting system was broken or unable to tweak something. We managed to make it work at times so it didn't feel as detracted but I can see this happening.

Typically everyone wears a NSP. However there are times when something else should be used. Or is needed. I think the NSP can only shoot a few blasts set to Heavy. Yeah usually its Armors that invade ships but in scenarios where you have more fleshy critters or Mishhu, even just a SMG would be useful. I say keep the Lockers.

I suppose having an Armory outside the cargo bay is a little redundant. Yeah may as well meld them together. Have it be cargo and armory. You go to both to get stuff.

Office space as we know it would require storage for files and papers and stuff. Office space in SARP is the MEGAMI. Where ever you go the MEGAMI brings up your stuff. Maybe a dedicated desk site for people to do work?

For meetings I would say outfit the Wardroom to have a separated meeting room. That would not only make more use of the Wardroom but also give it more purpose. Its great for socializing and during business hours you go into the meeting room to do business. Then when it's out you're close to whichever direction you want to go or maybe even have a catered event immediately after. Sound good?
Dammit, Doshii. I wanted to post. I have an idea and everything, and I had said I would be keeping up with the Miharu.

The black knights' methods of saving people are very reminiscent of Nanoha's means of befriending people.
Doshii, I kind of agree with Kai here. I think the godmoding was justified, but, it still was godmoding. Frankly, Yukari's rank entitles her to do as she pleases in this case, but OoC, it's not very fair to the player.

Any chance you can edit your post to leave Kai room to act as well? I think it might be more fair to have Yukari get to Kai and offer via a telepathic message like: "Heisho, I can save you by stunning the bug mishhu... though this will take you out of the fight."

Also, it'd make Yukari do less things at once and still fulfill the purpose of having her stationary enough to look a tempting target. Maybe she'd expect that too.
Ok, so the more I read, the more I begin to think that I missed something. Currently, as I understand it, there are four ghost mishhu, one elite misshu and one Melisson still active and on the field. The rest were taken out by incindiary rounds, and missiles, if my memory and situational awareness serves.

Am I understanding incorrectly?
Yukari meant for Yuzuki to finish off the 4-5 Mishhu elite in the ramp that were in the throes of burning.

Because those Mishhu are still alive. Perhaps not capable of fighting at present, but they might still recover.

Firing four thermite rounds within the observation deck, to me, means risking friendly fire. Plus, the ghost mishhu are phased - those explosive probably won't harm them as long as they maintain phasing.
Will those countermeasure missiles Tom has help in revealing the phased Mishu? I'm not sure how phasing exactly works, but does 'electo-magnetic-gravitic spikes' do the trick against that?

And, anything on the enhanced sensor suite Tom's wearing that can target them? Or are they like completely physically out of reality somehow?

It's hard to picture how the tech works.
The Ghost Mishhu are insubstancial. When they are not too deeply phased out of your dimension, you can sort of see their ghostly outlines.

None of your counter-measure mini-missiles or weaponry can hit them while they are phased. When they phase in back into your own state, then they become physical enough to attack.

Firing at their position like Asher is doing does serve a purpose: they obviously don't want to phase into a place where its burning hot. Otherwise, you're only going to hurt them when they phase back in.

Nyton's Arethusa is a special exception. Anything that's around melee range of Arethusa cannot change its phased state. For example, as long as Melisson remains within 2~3m of Nyton, she can't phaseshift. If she'd be phased, she couldn't change that to, say, leave a bug inside him - likewise, she presently can't phase away from real to ghostly presently.
I think everyone posted except Kai - who probably doesn't yet know that Doshii edited his last IC post to allow him to act.

I'll leave until tomorrow for Kai to catch up. Basically, when I wake up, I consider that I can post my next IC post and Kai will be NPCed just wheezing in pain for the moment.
Posted. My idea is probably a lot more painful, but it should keep Kai in the fight, and uses something that he picked up like ten pages ago.

It will suck, But Kai's more useful injured than unconscious.
Heh, that's kind of what my idea would've been if Nyton wasn't busy keeping Mel occupied.

*rummages inside Black Knight medkit*

Nyton: "Okay Kai, I'm gonna shove my nodal tentacle into you and let the nanites kill, shred, and extract the bug chunks. You get two choices of where I shove this thing."

Kai: *running away*

Nyton: "What? I was gonna say either through your mouth or through your chest. What were you thinking?"