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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Kai had a blade in his gut; might even still be there. And he's going to have a hard time fighting at full strength.

Is he pissed about that? Is he cool under pressure? What is he?
Chiming in.

Tonight I will sit down and compose something cool. For the moment, I am just checking in, and stating my intention to post in the near future (within four or five hours)! Please do not kill me heinously.
Actually Kai, didn't Yukari ask him for a status on himself? Something like a "I hurt but will live" kinda update?
You know, Rin has plenty of ammo left. Even if she dropped her guns back there, she should still have her backup weapon on her and plenty of LASR ammo at least on the lower half.

My latest post describes Melisson's bedroom. Just make sure not to remove your helmet in there; it stinks.
I would have posted last, but that was just too good to let pass.

That being said, the post's chronology is noted in the top line; 'the last person to file in'. She didn't do anything big or important though, which would have pre-empted people who could logically act faster or first, I mostly just wrote thoughts and impressions and intentions and so on.

I do hope I'm not stepping on toes.
I am suddenly and strongly reminded of Irenicus's room, in Baldur's Gate II.

It's fucking TRAPPED.
Darn. Finally get a chance to come by, and I'm paralyzed on the floor in the antechamber. D:

I'm guessing you would be cool with me de-paralyzing Kyou, Fred, at least enough to help with the defense, but since I'm not sure I'll wait on a response. Should be able to jump on about this time or earlier again tomorrow, since I think I've finally got my personal scheduling fixed up so I can steal some time in the comp lab on a regular basis.

Or, if you happen to respond to this before I leave to go to my next class, in... about an hour, I'll throw something up then.
Sure, I don't mind. Paralyzing Kyou was my way of disabling her without having to kill her. You can start playing her recovery - a blade slick with mishhu poison might not be as venomous as the injected thing since it was exposed to air. Pulling the blade out would allow the insert to bled into the wound and while Kyou might lose the use of her left arm until better treated, she'd probably be quite functional (if a bit in pain).

Given your schedule and present difficulties, it might be better not to join up with the rest going after Melisson. Besides, despite the wound and how it'll slow her down, Kyou's probably the most combat capable of those left behind.
I always kind of pictured Melisson expressing herself more like Asakura Ryoko. A dash of pleasantness, amorality, alien thinking and ruthlessness.

Also: nope. Kyou still has that blade in her.
Only Gallant is left to post for those facing Melisson. Hopefully, he can get that done by the time I return home tomorrow.
I intend to post soon.

Give me approximately one hour and I will be off for lunch, and will be able to write something up. Right now, I'm just taking a short break and I have to go back down and continue work.
So wait, they have like fighting and stuff in that Haruhi show? I just thought it was a goofy school anime.
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