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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Not a whole lot, no. Asakura vs Nagato was probably the high point of the show as far as action goes.

...and I'd argue that the Haruhi anime was eccentric rather than goofy. I quite enjoyed the first season. The second would've been okay if the endless eight episode had not been the equivalent of the groundhog day times eight and just two episodes. The Haruhi movie was also quite good.
I think I will have to explore this Haruhi series better than. I've been so out of anime/manga lately outside of a couple series like Yotsuba, FMA, and Battle Angel. All of which seem to take forever to update.

And then I go exploring some of the other links on Youtube. How are Code Geass and Lucky Star? One looks like a mecha anime and the other about.... cheerleaders?
Couldn't stomach Lucky Star.

Code Geass is a mecha series made by Sunrise, the same studio that does the Gundam series. I personally enjoyed it, but it has its special quirks. If you can stomach the Clamp artstyle, you might like it. There's over-the-top drama, clashing armies, scheming and such.
That was painful to write as a post for Kai. I have other characters whom it would make sense to write things like that for, But not Kai. Someone save him before he's forced to do something regretful!
Oh dear.

Asher, you should have put more points into Wisdom - then, your Will save might have been higher, and you could have resisted the Confusion spell!

Confound it all, where's a wizard with Clarity when we need one?!

Kotori halp, your buff wore off!
Fred said:
Code Geass is a mecha series made by Sunrise, the same studio that does the Gundam series. I personally enjoyed it, but it has its special quirks. If you can stomach the Clamp artstyle, you might like it. There's over-the-top drama, clashing armies, scheming and such.

Emphasis mine. I like to think of it as a soap opera with robot armor. Which was fun, it's just something you have to keep in mind going into it.
Nyton: Fighter (Weapon Master?)
Yukari: Cleric
Yuzuki: Rogue
Asher: Barbarian
Tom: ???

Looks like we've found who has to be the Bard, by way of elimination.
I'm going to wait until work finishes to make a reply.

What I can do right now, though, is point out that I'm rather displeased with how Tom acted on an something I don't qualify as a keen observation, and consider more metagaming. Nyton was being subtle, Nyton was being cunning and Nyton was being careful. Tom should've been none the wiser.

Because Tom metagamed, Yuzuki followed suit on the observation, and Yukari followed up on that as well.

We'll stick to your actions. Progression from there is not a problem and there's no editing needed. But you guys are far less better off than you would have had Tom not noticed and cued everyone else on Nyton's subterfuge.

On my side of things, I was pretty much planning to:
1- Have Tom and Yuzuki's combined firepower bring down the damaged strut on this posting round.
2- Have Kotori free Nyton's mind before he could actually harm Yukari.
As a result, the Infection Queen would've been reduced to 1 maintainable domination attempt. You would've have four people present to coordinate against Melisson and get ahead/figure out how to defeat her. On the turn after that, Kotori could've canceled out the Infection Queen's hold on the last possessed person.

As it is now, though, Nyton will probably be freed, but there will still be two struts, so, I'll get to dominate two of you again - wittling you down amongst each other and wasting your ammo on friendlies. Heck, I'll probably dominate Tom, and again no struts are coming down at all since he won't fire those two plasma rifles - he might instead fire them on Nyton (seeing how shieldless Arethusa is very vulnerable to plasma attacks).

It doesn't ruin your chances, but if does improve the odds that one of you will be eventually taken down. Lesson of this story: you're roleplayers first, and I expect you to roleplay. I do understand you want to win, but don't do it at the expense of the former point. Metagaming just backfired in your faces and I don't even have to go out of my way to punish you for it. Don't do it.

Also, keep in mind that the foundation of your teamwork relies on orders being tossed around and then seeing those followed. I understand underlying roleplaying considerations, but not following orders is not conductive to good teamwork.

Without good teamwork, you're not winning this.
Was it metagaming?

Oh man, I'm sorry about that. Now that I reread it, I can see your point. When I wrote the post originally, I read it as Nyton actually slinking the blade out of his arm.

Despite that, you know, it's a long shot that Tom would even see it to begin with.

And to make matters worse, (and I just noticed this after reading Yuzuki's post) gallant thought Tom shouted a yell of warning when it was actually telepathy (italicized, in quotations and bolded. I used that to emphasize the emotional impact of the observation). It wasn't meant to be an actual shout...

So, bleh, it's a huge mess.

Honestly, and I mean this, I wasn't trying to get a one up on the situation... I was working under the assumption that Nyton's action would go through without enough time for Yukari to do much of anything.

No malice intended, really, and I'm really sorry guys. In character mistakes are fine, I mean, those happen all the time and we work through them. But for me to cause problems OOCly that directly influence the other players of a plot negatively is a terrible injustice to the rest of you.

The last thing I want to be labeled as is a cheater/metagamer. I'd like to hold up my earlier RP history on Miharu as evidence of this. I'm more than happy to take my fair share of hits and abuse, and can only hope that it stands up to your judgment of my character as a player.

If anyone should be punished for this, it should be me. Don't take it out on the other players.

If it is permissible, I will gladly do what is necessary to amend this mistake.
I –did- assume that Tom yelled. Which was incorrect, turns out. If he metagamed in the first place, that started a snowball of misunderstandings which turned into an avalanche which just ruined us. Without seeing the danger, Yuzuki would have kept on merrily whittling away at the strut. Likewise, so would have Tom.

In short, we're all embarassed, so let's just forget it ever happened.

Delete it. Retcon while the retcon doesn’t change much, and then continue on. Tom realizes his mistake, since it was pointed out, and I likewise, and Doshii likewise (though there was no mistake on his part, I expect he would be glad to support a retcon). If there had been time to point this out, after Tom had posted and before I'd read/posted, this situation would have resolved after a simple edit; why make it any more complicated than that?

I don’t call the shots, however.
Give me your redone posts in the OoC thread in quotes. Tom's first, Yuzuki's second. If Doshii's cool with editing his post to account for the changes - in which case all he has to do is also add his own quoted 'corrected' post in, I'll see about applying those changes.
I think the best thing to do is simply remove the offensive part in question.

Thanks for your understanding, Fred.


Tom panted deeply as he was spared from the destructive power of both Asher's missile and Melisson's projectile. He assessed the situation quickly in the moment that he had.

Yuzuki was still blasting away at one of the support structures. She was almost there, but the glowing hot end of her plasma rifle indicated that the weapon was about to fail.

It was obvious Asher was being dominated, but Melisson's grip on them should have collapsed after Kotori's interference. Kotori wasn't dead... if she was, everyone would have been under Melisson's thrall once more. There had to be another factor...

The infection queen.

Pieces started to fall together as he whipped out his plasma rifle and took aim at the same point Yuzuki was shooting. Hot plasma sprayed from the edge of his gun, joining with Yuzuki's efforts to bring down the structure.

The psionic amplifiers... that's got to be it!

Yuzuki! Keep peppering the struts! We need to take down those amplifiers!

He hazarded a glance at Yukari as she was protecting Nyton from Asher's assault. His lover was holding her own under pressure... that snap kick to Asher's head was a thing of beauty... and Nyton was there to move her away and regroup at a distance.

Time was short, and he had to act quickly. Asher's destructive power could only be deterred for a short time.

Despite his best efforts to remain calm, he felt a tugging in his chest. He wanted to be there for Yukari, but had to trust Nyton as he had trusted Yuzuki before.

Come on, Nyton... buy me time.
A small victory made the chaotic battle swirling around her seem somehow easier to bear, and the pressure that still exerted itself – even now, she was staving it off with pure, unmitigated, directed rage – upon her psyche seemed somehow less pressing. But, there was a difficulty.

A third party observer, Yuzuki couldn’t help but watch the deadly dance of the Taii, the Shosa, the Demon, and Asher in her peripheral, and she was finding it gradually less and less desirable to hold to the orders that she had been given. The two of them were fighting toe-to-toe with the other two. That was an extremely uneven battle, given that Melisson was the opponent. It made her extremely uneasy to think of what would happen, should both of them fall.

Fuck this, whispered the Anger.

Yuzuki exhaled heavily, her breath misting the inside of the helmet, felt instead of seen; she was fully relying on her armor’s skin-vision, and had been for some time now. She was anxious, and standing idly by was killing her. If she had been given a heart, it would have been pounding in her ears; even the rush of her real blood was like a small turbid river, the canals of which she was now acutely aware of, and her whole body seemed to tremor with heightened awareness. Every inch of her was willing her to fight, to jump onto an enemy with a reckless abandon that even Yuzuki realized was amateurish. With extreme difficulty, she bit it down.

Just a little bit more. Yuzuki coaxed her rifle, which was already overheating.

Another breath misted the inside of her helmet.


I swore I'd use that breath-thing somewhere.

You all heard me.