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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

The kick had been inadvertent, and Yukari winced after realizing what she had done. Dominated or not, Asher did not deserve to be hit so hard. She did not put force into it beyond Nyton slinging her around. A lucky strike.

But she welcomed the brief reprieve. When she was back to her feet, she kept her shield up and took stock. Melisson in front of them, not far enough to avoid phasing but far enough to throw her discs again. Asher dazed, but not for long. Then he was no longer dazed; he headed up into the air as a subspace missile shot out from him.

There was no time to dodge, but Nyton did so anyway. They were twisting out of the way, moving together as one, with him pressing her against his shiny, sleek armored frame. The frangibles exploded just past them, fire and shrapnel pelting her barrier. When they arrived at the end of their dodge, she saw Nyton's ASPs out, ready to blast away at Asher while she was faced with Melisson again, with her own shield up.

She did not understand why she was not dizzy.

CIES certainly was not dizzy, and faced with its first clear picture of Melisson and her crystalline protective system, it began analyzing every bit of data it could find on the alien technology. That included data already gleaned from Amaya's Gate. The tachyon unit on her helmet aided the computer by suddenly coming to life, draining the forearm weapon on her shield arm to power itself as it blanketed the room with invisible particles. Yukari still gripped her revolver, but with Nyton ready to pelt Melisson with his ASPs, she withheld her fire.

What she did do, with whatever time she had left before Asher was ready to destroy them, was give herself some cover.

She finally appreciated all of her time in the pilot's seat, as well as communications officer, as she instantly connected to the systems interface of Asher's armor. Visualized as a switch panel in some part of her digital mind, Yukari flicked off Asher's ability to see his fellow armors with radar or other visuals. His assisted targeting suite also went lights out on his HUD.

Asher still could hear them, if he tried, but as far as his HUD showed, Melisson was facing off against empty space.
Glad you enjoyed that little touch, Kai.

I think we only need a Tom post to proceed. I hope to get it today to either post at the end of today or tomorrow.
Here's some 'behind the scene' stuff from me, sketching concept stuff in regard to the Miharu-class.

General silhouette with the kind of curvature I want for the ship, along with some details over the torpedo launchers (note the two slits are different launchers for probes and such), after countermeasures launchers and a side view of the lounge flanked by the gravimetric drives.

Another set of sideviews with me trying to determine the right angles and curves. The second one has be satisfied with how I managed to level off the fore/aft torpedo launchers, with vertical lines showing the main passageway and closer to the ventral front, the ventral retrieval bay.

The top view that comes after has be try to line up the fore torp launcher with the matter collection intakes and further out to the sides, the slits with the reverse thrusters. To the left of the top view is a semi-perspective sketch showing details on the gravimetric drive photon exhausts (laser heat sinks) and further to the outer edges the main fusion thrusters. Right on the side is my attempt at RCS thrusters, to which I'm not really satisfied off for the moment.

Then some more scribbles with me trying to figure out how the aft torpedo launcher lines up with the lounge below it, and then the upper deck of the crew compartment.

Then finally to the bottom right, you see side and bottom view scribbles of the ship's rear part, with emphasis on the launchbay, where you can see ghostly lines define where the cargo bays and vehicle bays will be. Flanking the rear door (which doubles as a ramp for ground vehicles when the ship is groundbound) is two grappler to physically tug equipment like survey platforms, and two minelayers.

Here, it's more in the way of interior layouts.

Up top is a rendition of the lounge, with hydroponics facilities facing out a rear window, virtual reality chambers and some tables where people could mingle (or the Taisa have the chef bring up lunch via elevator to dine privately with her officers, ha!). Note the sideview, which shows how an armored cover slides down during combat conditions.

I'm planning for any window in the ship (and there are few) to be double-layered in the first place, so to have a armor cover slide in-between seamlessly. I could go with volumetric window, but I don't dig them: if I was Kotori, I'd rather have a realview of space rather than an illusory one.

The two other decks are the main crew areas. I'm having serious scale issue there, since that place should be as big as a Nozomi scout, but I doubt I can really fit 80 people in there. however, the basic idea is to have crew quarters at the bottom, with bath facilities, and then those lead out to the wardroom, where you get your food, pick a table and eat with your fellow crewmembers. Stairs lead up to a split between a surelevated portion of the wardroom - again with tables - where you can eat, and the stairs also lead to officer quarters that are somewhat larger; with the Taisa's suite at the very rear.

Note that the main passageway is flanked on each corner with elevator shafts to facilitate moving cargo and non-floaty people around the ship. This ship is meant for nekos, but a few tweaks, and it should be just as servicable for Nepleslians for joint-operations.

Further down is my rendition of the upper reaches of the launchbay. Of interest are the power armor facilities that are set up on a balcony-like structure overlooking the launch hangar. Thus far, I don't have any rapid-launch bay facilities set up (yet), so the assumption is that they leave my shuttle, through airlocks, or via the main ramp when it's open (just like shuttles leave). On each side of the launch hangar's hatch are the winch-style assemblies of the grapplers.

To the right of the same deck is my scribbles of the ships administration facilities, to the fore of the main passageway. I tried toilets, CO's office, XO's office, conference room with the bridge itself (which is a balcony-like structure surrounded by a volumetric projection of space); but that side is still pretty jumbled for now and needs some straightening out.

The deck under is the lower part of the launch hangar. There, you see the minelayers, the vehicle compartments (with the T7 Raccoon being the standard), the cargo bays, leading right up to the main passageway. On the fore of the main passageway, there's my fledgling attempt at the medical bay, with the retrieval bay right in front of it.

Why a retrieval bay? I was struggling a long while to match the ease the Plumeria has to lower power armored wounded to the medlab. After realizing I couldn't get that set up with how I was designing the ship and how much larger I wanted the medical facilities, I figured that instead of receiving wounded through the armor fitting area, I could dedicate a part of the medlab to do the very same.

So, the retrieval bay was born: an ideal place to cut up a power armor to extract its pilot, bring him to emergency facilities immediately. Alternatively, it's a great place to receive escape/soul savior pods, medical supplies, or hazardous substance you want to screen through the medlab first. There are also vertical winches and other gear to collect salvage and ease extractions/rescues.

At the bottom is my attempt at a more detailed armory balcony. I inspired myself from an idea Abwehran Commander first suggested, about putting power armors inside containers. Those containers, closed, would be ideal for storage under the 'balcony'. When an armor (or replacement armor) is needed, mechanism under the balcony would raise a container up a floor slot to make it available quickly to the armorers and infantry.

The container would be open, and then machinery would extend the scaffolding holding the power armor to allow the crew to equip and board it. In the case a power armor is damages, it just has to be put back into the container and lowered down. A fresh one will replace it, while the one flagged damage will transit next to a workshop area where more specialized equipment will be at hand to fit/repair the unit.

The floorslots where the containers emerge are actually on a single-step elevation with guardrails - which make it evident where the containers will emerge. The steps also make a convenient place to sit so that all the infantry people can looks at their wing leader (probably positioned by the console controlling the logistics of the armory) when in pre-mission briefings.

Also, there was an attempt at making changing rooms. Two, in this case, since I wanted the ship to have 27 power armors on standby, and up to 72 more in reserve if needed. Both changing rooms are necessary to support 'scramble' situations. ^_^;

Why so many? Well, it support having enough armors to oufit a good-sized ground force at need - which possibly makes the ship a compact base for more ground oriented action. Furthermore, I was a bit tired of playing underdog with gunships as far as armor complement went. 27 hot standby with 72 more in reserve (which can come up the moment one armor launches) seems like a pretty good deal by comparison and makes the assets look more cruiser-like.


The last picture presents more detailed views of the armory and medical bay. I still have scale issues, since I can only be so accurate with a pen while doodling in my breaks at work; while not even being clear on how big exactly the ship will be so I really know the extent of the room I'll have.

When you enter in the medical bay/sickbay/medcenter/whatever, you have three seats to wait, by the chief medical officer's office. There's a toilet nearby. The doctor can receive you in his office to chat, but if you need a consultation, there are two examination rooms ahead - set up much like our present-day clinics. These, though, are more high tech and include the ST backup devices too.

The doctor's office opens up to the actual MedLab portion of the complex, which has the medical supplies, special devices, tool, and machinery to do the brunt of his work. This is, though, not usually the place to receive patients.

Through the two examination rooms, in easy access to the medlab as well, is the emergency rooms, where the HS tanks are, as well as a set of surgery beds, with more tools and supplies lining racks on the walls. Also, the sides and the ceiling support medical instruments on robotic arms akin to the automated submissions Nashoba made. Personally, I'd rather have them assist a surgeon rather than do all the job on thier own, but they're there, just in case. One thing I planned, though, was to have the ceilign set up so that the medical instrumentation could move through all the four surgery beds rather than a single one.

One you've been operated, you can be moved to the recovery ward, which has a series of beds with bedsides tables. At the far end, there's a bathroom (with toilet, sink, and a place to wash).

And then finally, there's the retrieval bay, with room for a Raccoon shuttle, cargo bays on each sides, the winces that are usually retracted into the floor, and at the very front a graviton projector assembly.

The retrieval bay closes with a split door and shutters as well. It's access to especially shielded to not make it a liability, and in a pinch its interior forcefields should be good enough to bear up with atmospheric re-entry and hot pick-ups while under fire.

* * *

The doodle bellow is a more refined Armory. Two row of nine containers which are moved up and down at need, with 9 other containers (in stack of threes), not on the floorslots, but already geared up on hot-standby.

Behind the container rows is where the modules and weapon racks are stored. Most of it are handhelds, snap on, or easily fit on SQUIRE; so there's not much need for automated robot arms to do that part.

Finally, there are the changing rooms, with two nine-locker rows (though vertically there could be more). There are two benches - the room in the middle is to afford more ease of traffic in high activity periods. The toilets are easily accessed, with the sinks/mirror/towels/toileting supplies close by/ Then there's the entry into a shower room that's probably very similar to what was once available on Sakura gunships.
I posted this up in the settings discussion thread I have going regarding the Miharu plot's conclusion, but I figure some of you guys might have missed the artwork I posted up there too.

I had art of Kotori, redone to represent her at her 5-years old, commissioned.

Click on picture to see full version with two close-ups

Also, happy birthday Blas!
*looks at the IC stuff* Wow, that went by quickly.

Kokuten, Yukari just gave Asher his helmet back. I'm giving you permission to write a small post about him using the helmet to gain missile locks on the disc and fire twin subspace collapsing mini-missiles at them.

Aside from that, all we need is a Yuzuki post and we're ready to roll.
I will post at first available opportunity (not now).

If you're lucky, that's two hours. If you're unlucky, it's six or seven.
...and posted.

You can post again if you want, Gallant. Yukari's orders are already out. :)

Your confrontation against Melisson lasted from page 47 to page 66. Took some doing! XD
As thorough as always. I admit that spatially I have a hard time grasping it all ... going back and forth between text and 2d art. So let me go broad.

I think you've cut the right balance between warship and long-range exploration vessel. Plenty of amenities, reasoned out crew quarters ... places for supplies and other things a ship way out in space would want if they're going to stay out there for a long time. And you made sure to give this ship a fighting chance!

I wonder how the large armor teams will work. Well, less "wonder" and more "intrigued." That's not part of this overhaul thread, but I still want to see how players manage that.