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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Ya know Koku, speaking of dreaming, I'm surprised Asher hasn't had any ogle moments as of late. After all, when Mel got blasted with plasma her dress was pretty much burned completely off. Barring the charred flesh and chest wound I'm pretty sure Mel is lying on the floor all naked like right now.
Asher isn't all into mutilation, to be honest. He'll mildly admire what was lost, but once start ripping stuff off, his eyes will go for more whole subjects.
I had absolutely no idea what to post, but I really needed to post, so I settled down and wracked my brain and came up with that thing.

I hope it's not too off-color.
I like the way you've set up the matter collection system.

Honestly, Fred. You're very detailed, and I don't have many supplimental ideas. I would, however, like to draw a few similarities between the ship you're making and the ship I'm sitting on. You seem to have a fair understanding of the basic gist, so;

Pretend that space is water.

The seachest/matter collection assembly draws this water in.

The boiler/matter reprocessing unit makes it usable.

And then what? One massive problem I see that's going to either have to be handwaved or explained is exactly HOW the Matter reprocess magidget works. Does it have nanomachines roaming around inside of it that put particles together and conveniantly drops them off somewhere? Are there beehive-like catacomb-tube things that the matter is sort of electromagnetically drawn into, and then converted and seperated before it's even turned into useable matter?

Also keep in mind that these storage tanks - and that's what they are, storage tanks - are going to have to be large enough to keep the ship running for a goodly amount of time should the matter collection assembly fail. Anything less is poor engineering and planning - and tanks that large are going to end up taking up considerable amounts of space. You said that this assembly was three decks high.

Yea, I can see that sort of size. It might be interesting to describe all the pumps and various subsystems that would have to go into something so catch-all. Hell, I might even throw in some edits on the page if I can carve the time out to sit down and actually put something together. There's got to be plenty of mechanical pumps, macerators, and so on that go into the inner workings.


I'm not sure if there's a correct way to spell that. Regardless, that's what this is missing; what happens when something solid gets pulled into the intake? Does it get jumbled around for a little while, while the electromagnetic nets nibble it down to size? How are large particles broken up by the matter collection assembly?

It also seems to me that with these additions - the armor bay, and everything - you've promoted a frigate to a cruiser, in EVE terms. (I have been playing too much EVE lately). What I mean is, it's an entirely different ship class. Much larger, so the engines can compensate for the power demand. I don't remember you putting it into text, but there's certainly a lot more room for capacitors and energy solution subsystems.

The armor bay.

That's a damn good idea. I would like to suggest, however, that in the interests of saving space, the armors be stored on racks beneath the deck, as opposed to in containers. That way the armors could just be placed mechanically on the elevator platform, as opposed to... like... moving boxes. I may have simply misunderstood the text here. I probably did. Yep. Oh well, good idea anyway. You could also do weapons loadouts the same way.

Sometimes I think of donning power armor like donning firefighting equipment; there's just no good way to do it, unless you pre-stage. What if there were some way to, standing on the platform, have the armor - already open - just slide up around your legs. That way all you would have to do would be to close the chestpeice, coat-like, and grab the helmet? I'm not sure how to accomplish this but I am sure that coupled with the elevator it could save a great deal of time. Perhaps inertial systems would be required or utilized in some manner, as opposed to a physical elevator?
I thought it was fine Gallant.

I'm going to need a Tom post to proceed with the confrontation against the Infection Queen. If I don't get something by the time I get home tomorrow, I may have to make Tom unable to pitch in with the pain of his wounds briefly overwhelming him or something.

There also should be room for Masako, Miyoko and Nao to be posted for if their players desire.
In regard to the MCS intakes, it was my assumption that there would be filters in place to protect the system from objects hazardous to it. I assume that the graviton tech involved could also act as a failsafe. Not to mention adding filters and whatnot gives the system a role for maintenance crews (whoever hasn't been behaving gets to scrub the MCS filters. Great fun! ~_~ ).

Once particles/gases/small elements are taken in, my assumption was that they would be pieced down to their component atoms by nodal nanomachines - not to unlike the recycling process that can be done to dismantle materials in a ship's fabrication room - these atoms would be identified and then shunted toward the assigned storage area for them.

According to Wikipedia, a human being takes up 5kg of matter to subsist in space, daily. Twice that if we take into account quality of life elements such as water for hygiene. A crew of 80 people are going to take up 800kg of matter daily minimum - and usually more given that KFY vessels are typically reasonably luxurious for starships.

The above also does not consider the things needed to run the starship itself. Lubricant that must eventually be replaced, reactant mass for the sublight thrusters, and so on.

Typically, I expect a good half of the ship's cargo bays will contain supply tanks to keep the ship running for awhile. While the MCS can be used to resplenish resources, perhaps even entirely if the ship is left idle on low-emissions at a resource rich spot where it contents itself to simply harvest to renew its stores. But in military-heavy activities, the MCS will only supplement and help lengthen the operation of a ship. Nothing can really beat quick refueling/resupplying from freighters.

I feel this is nice, because Wes wanted in the coming IC years to show how the wear-and-tear and attrition of the war affects ships as resources are scarce and that crews must tighten their belt. Without supply lines any expenditure of countermeasures, ammunition, fuel or coolant will carry a toll - one that will become especially more critical if a ship also sustains damage. The MCS as written here gives one way of nursing wounds and staying active, though a ship in such situation would require much more care on the regards of the often-taken-for-granted logistics.

So, the Type 33 Miharu-class Light Cruiser is pretty much meant to be made to cope with such conditions. And yes, I do stick to the light cruiser name with the intent of backing it. For the Miharu plotship, it's been called an escort/light cruiser and it never really fit the bill since it was pretty much a slightly beefier version of the Sakura-class gunship. With this overhaul, I mean for it to deserve wearing the classification.

Regarding the armor bay, I used containers because I thought it'd help with logistics and suit stowage (especially if each person would have his own assigned unit, whereas the preferred loadout would also stay in the container)

When you spoke of ways to don the power armor, I was reminded of the Mark 5 "briefcase-version" Ironman suit shown in the Ironman 2 movie. I suppose such could be elaborated on, though making an armor more segmented and expandable means it'd also be more brittle. However, armor design is not a conversation meant for this thread: that should go in the Kishi design thread.
Guys I'm feeling a little left behind and in awe at the amount of detail and planning you've put into this. This all seems incredibly detailed and I can't add think of anything to it even after reading several times over.
I've got a post, but it's pending. Yukari doesn't really have any orders for Mefpralphra characters beyond "be ready," though everything before stands.
So, now that the thing is well and truely dead (hopefully), it's time to split up the loot.

First dibs on the ship models!
Whew. Five pages of fighting against Mefpralphra, my plot's antagonist.

I hope you guys are satisfied with this last confrontation, and that it lived up to the build-up and hype. Some of you have put effort into your writing and characters for four years to get to this point - congratulations!

The story is, of course, not over. You saved human civilization as you know it, and now the struggle to get back home begins.