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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

She saw the unit status of Takuma Kimura, her partner and teammate during the Meng Po boarding action, reveal the yamataian man's death as his Daisy armor was torn apart.

I love you Fred XD. That made me so happy reading that.
Ah... riiight. I suspected I'd get some form of comment from you after seeing the wiki edit and noticing you at the bottom of the boards. I also don't appreciate the sarcasm; it might not look that way to you, but I don't feel I deserve it.

Your post above is the first in over a year. While normally I try to have my inactive PCs stick around as long as possible and have them run around as NPCs while their players are inactive, that's no promise of immunity against harm. I figure you may be displeased, but other plots have shown far less lenience against inactives than I have.

In Takuma's situation, he wasn't the first, neither the last, of the NPCs present to fall and die. He died fighting as well, in a very pivotal mission. It's actually - sadly - more of a chance to shine than you yourself ever really gave the character.

I hardly enjoy you being displeased on the issue and can relate. I do, however, stand by my actions. This said, I do welcome you back on the Star Army Role Play - hopefully, you can have fun with one of your other characters, or make a new one (you may want to give the Iromas a look).
No, no, no, no, no, I honestly meant no sarcasm at all. I really was ecstatic to see that he wasn't just pushed off to the edge of the ship to a computer off screen but given an epic end to his career. I'm glad it turned out that way.

Sorry if my earlier post sounded spiteful, I intended the exact opposite.
Ah, my apologies then. I guess there's only so much written text can convey at times.

Tom post missing, and then we are go.
More on features that give ships more autonomy and turns them further into homes away from homes... and by that, I'm referring to one of the more handwaved system features in KFY starships: the Matter Collection System.

The Nodal Liquid Conduit System has been a stub article in the wiki for some time now, meant to be an HSCS successor. Wes also made mention in his to-do list that the facilities for water processing could be one thing that could be looked into and detailed for our ships. Add that to Matter Collection Systems and their respective gimmicks, and we pretty much hit on what I wanted to cover here.

We start with the collection vents, made to be the entry point for materials a ship could harvest from space. Using plain passage through (for gases) along with the used of Graviton and Electromagnetic funnels, the vents get to collect raw material particles from space. Plus, the use of grav/EM tech contributes to reducing clogging in the corner of the filtering intakes.

Once you have those materials, they end up in matter processing, which harvests the useful elements and shunt them into storage and filter the rest out of evacuation vents.

Elements Storage are different tanks and receptacles meant to hold most of the more raw materials such as hydrogen, oxygen, helium and so forth.

The refining plant, is a miniature refinery that takes the raw elements obtained and changes/combines them to furnish the ship with more essential supplies such as:
  • Water
  • Atmosphere for ship life support
  • Coolant
  • Lubricant
  • Deuterium Fuel
  • differing degrees of hemosynth materials
  • Metals and polymers needed as building blocks for whatever is built in the ship's fabrication workshops.

Most of these end up in the ship's refined stores, making the whole Matter Collection System facility something about three decks high. This is pretty much the hub of most of the ship's interior plumbing. The refining plant also handles part of the ship's environmental and life support function in the role of waste disposal, in which it resequences waste into more useful elements to lengthen the ship's range. There are also decontamination and purification measures present.

Those stores serve as reserves themselves, but they have the required plumbing to dispatch these resources to other areas that could share these reserves such as the cargo bays, or to exterior ports where the materials can be exported (from a tanker/supply vessel), exported (to refuel a ship in the same squadron) or to be purged (for various reasons).
I'm still kinda waiting on a response from Nimura, or, barring that, her at least doing something.

I'm at a loss as to what to do now.

If you guys end up needing Kai to join the fight, someone PM me or something, I'm more likely to notice that way.
Wait - no. I'll attend to Kai. >_<

The follow up posts I made around the time Kai expected a Nimura reply was made from work, where I don't have all that much time. It skipped my mind. I'll attend to him next time I make a post in regard to fighting Mefpralphra. Or try to, anyhow.
In case it is a concern: Yuzuki is presently only temporarily out.

This is like back in the first Daisy-qualification armor simulation during the Miharu plot's prologue: when you got hit too hard, the simulation would disable you for a set amount of time, assuming unconsciousness. Well, this is the same, expect Yuzuki was knocked out for real.
I'm physically exhausted. I'm going to get a post in but it's not going to be very high quality in my opinion.

Been way too rough a day at work, but I don't wanna hold up stuff any longer.