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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Hurgh.... I want to participate, but Gallant's gone, and I'm otherwise lost... could somebody who knows more what's going on and would like to write with me give me a PM so we can work something up?
First time trying to post from an iPad. Not easy but I think it got through. This touch pad thing is not something I am used to. Sorry for the slow post though. We've been busy as usual.
I think I've milked the Day 4 scene for all it's worth. Also, Yukari seems to be a bit in stasis there. What's the plan, amigos?
I was letting you go on your talk as you liked. I know Kotori isn't going to answer the door to anyone for the rest of the day.

I'm not sure what to do with Rolf. He's with Melisson... and goofing around. I'd like to satisfy him, but frankly, I'm not sure what I'm appealing to in that scene, and I'm on a deadline too.

If you guys feel like you are done, I can transition to Day 5.
Don't worry about Rolf, Fred. We can just transition in favor of continuing if it helps the plot move along.
One or the other, I'd say. Doshii likes the one that's piggyback better. It looks more integrated, has the ship serve as 'armor' for the auxiliary craft better than back with Miharu having Hoshi for a tail, and uses that hollowed V-shaped space under the rollbar (giving it purpose beyond 'rule of cool').
mmm. Yeah. that is pretty neat. though, I like the look of it with the tail, so if you could incorporate some tail-like piece, perhaps?

I'm probably just crazy, but, eh. it's a suggestion.
I know I'm not exactly the postiest (which is totally a word) right now, but I'll be taking an unexpected week break starting tomorrow. See y'all afterward.
Sorry for the delay. That was about it. They can bug out, Nyton can give them the skinny on the Reiaz deal and possible direct threat associated to analyze whether it is a valid concern or not. Other than that its break time to transition time.
Disclaimer: I draw a lot of what I know of the japanese from the portrayal of House Kurita from Micheal Stackpole's battletech books. My latest post actually contains a few word for word quotes from his work. I felt it was fair to say so.
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