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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Fred said:
I plan to end my tenure as a SARP Game Master in August and discontinue my activities on the site after that.

I hope you're not leaving over some Jess-related drama. I care about you a lot and I appreciate it when you speak your mind. What can I do to get you to stay?
I don't care to justify myself. I'm making a notice to give fair warning - not to be an attention-whore. This is nothing new to me: it's a decision I've been mulling over taking for the last couple of months.

There's no need to make this any bigger than it is. My plot is nearing completion and I've chosen, considering what the Star Army community can provide me from continued participation, to instead move on.
I'm sorry to hear you're leaving, Fred. I enjoyed reading the Miharu, and I'm sad to see you go. Best of luck in your life, Fred.
Well Freddington. I had hoped to enjoy the banter between Kotori and Yuriko. But alas... If you really do intend to go, at least I am hoping the Miharu has a damned good ending to warrant it. :(
I can't say I'm exactly pleased that you're leaving the site, but I can't say I blame you either. The face of SARP has changed, and many of the new people here aren't in the same vein as the Vets, whom themselves seem to be slowly disappearing from the site.

Also, I can see why the lack of posting would dishearten you, it does that to me sometimes, but it seems that, all around, people are a lot more busy this summer than they had really expected to me. I honestly would really like to continue with Miharu, but at this point i've gotten so far behind that I'm certain I can't catch up, and I'm just so busy that I can barely keep up with my responsibilities.

Hopefully, Your life will go better for you, and you'll enjoy your time away from SARP, but, please know that a lot of us will miss you and your wisdom, and that you are always welcome to visit. Who knows- Perhaps sometime you'll come back to check in on things and find a Plot you enjoy, and feel like just playing rather than Being a GM. I'm sure if that happened, there would be nothing but benefit from it.

In any case, Have fun, good luck, and don't forget about us!
I don't really know what I can add that's... significant?

I know that I've been a bit on the flaky-side when it came to posting, which I do apologize. But, regardless of my posting habits, the plot you've put together has been one of, if not the, best plot I've been in and, likely, one of the best on SARP. I admire your writing abilities, and I can only hope that I might have picked up at least something from all of this.

Anyway, I will miss you when you leave Fred. I wish you the best of luck with whatever it may be that you continue on to, and I hope you'll remember us. Please visit some time?
I appreciate the sentiment guys, but the farewells (as well as any rejoicing about it on IRC) are kind of premature. I'm not leaving yet - I'm just saying when I'll leave, and pointing out that in that period of time you should make the most of me while I'm still a GM. Failing that, I'll make sure to wrap things up properly so you guys can move on with minimal loose ends.
Well guy that sounds good. We'll save the sappy farewells for when its time to go. But if anything at the very least give us that chance to do the goodbyes, okay? Don't just go stage lefting us and vanish into the mist. Dude that would be so wrong.

And yes I'm working on my post. Just never enough time.
Sure, she is. Though consider that by this point, it could be possible that any meeting that happens with her won't be one-on-one. I've a hard time imagining Tom announcing marriage with Yukari - for example - without Yukari being there.
I would just like 15 minutes alone between Tom and Kotori before Yukari enters the scene. I think we can balance that realistically.
I think the portrayal of the hurt of those involved in that crazy triangle was very moving. And that's what's most important, that good RP came out of it.