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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Yukari: 'Ahhhh! Claymere-san! Stop that; he must look good for the wedding pictures!' *not caring about his physical well being at all, he'll heal eventually*
Fred said:
Okay, so, Kokuten wanted to get some Kotori+Asher/Rolf time so I started off my timeskipped thread with a JP.

Is there anyone else I need to attend to, or whom wants to interact with Kotori?

I'd like Miyoko to, and I should actually be able to focus on the game again now that I've beaten my job into submission. I can either start a-postin' in the timeskip thread or we can try for a mini-JP, whichever works better for you.
If you want to get roleplay going, Kel, initiate action.

You can post Miyoko visiting, or request some time to meet up with me and do a JP. I prefer the former to the latter since I dislike how JPs seem to gobble up whole evenings of my time, but whatever works.

If you don't really want to spend an entire night at a JP, we could still use TP. I'm able to check at least once a day, if you don't mind JPing a bit.
Not quite a Miharu-overhaul update, but related. For scaling purposes, I have to figure out what auxliary craft the ship will be using. A replacement for Hoshi had been considered at some point and I figure it has to be implemented eventually.

So, I juggle with the idea for the last half-year or so, and came up with what I'm tentatively calling the Iruka-class shuttle/corvette/dropship/whatever applies once its done.


I wanted a smooth hull design that easily visually tie in the Iruka to its mothership. The Iruka would launch from the hangar bay rather than be a separable portion of the ship (so far, anyhow).

The Iruka, as far as auxiliary crafts go, is meant to have a good operating range. It's made to have powerful thrusters, lightspeed drive and fold. Fusion thrusters are built into the aft fuselage around the cargo hold.

The gravimetric drive is built into the wings, which are also made to swivel at the base to fold up to the top of the craft so that it'll take less room in storage.

The fold drive has an almost fold booster-like flavor. It's powerful and compact, but the caveat it lack of hazard shielding which makes it unsafe to have the functioning unit be built into the ship. So, instead, its put on a pair of retractable pylons. When not in use, or when the craft is in storage, the fold drive is tucked in an hollow in the belly of the craft. When it is to be used, it extends into position below.

Most of the interior kind of balances economy of space and comfort with fold-out seats, tables which extend out from under flooring and such. It includes a bridge/cockpit with two seats (two optional extras), 8 cabins with cleverly disposed drawers and a fold out seat to do office work (in a wall alcove), a central hallway with fold out seats and floor extrudable tables, a bathroom, a kitchen, a medlab (which has an examination bed and two HS tank), an airlock section that also grants access to small engine compartment for techs to do maintenance; and finally the hangar at the back with a mini-balcony section for power armors, stairs going down, a space for supply crates under the balcony, and then some room for a tank before the rear hatch/gangway (there's also a winch/rear graviton beam turret there).

The Iruka's mission profile is similar to the Kansashi-type auxiliary craft, the YSS Hoshi: be an auxiliary craft that will serve as a mobile base for a ground unit. By default, it is crewed by 2 operators and 6 infantrymen; and made to support 6 power armors and 1 small tank (or something like a Tasha, maybe) with room for several supply crates. It's made to have about a 50% volume reduction in comparison to the Kansashi-type Hoshi.

Note that this assumes that the craft can take such an unit and support it longer than a T7 Raccoon could. It's also a good number for a unit consisting of mostly player characters (I generally handled ~6 infantrymen at a time in my plot).

If the tank is moved out, the craft can support 6 more infantrymen (adding extra armors and supplies in the tank's place), though this assumes that they usually do double-shifts due to the limited 'comfortable' sleeping accommodations; though sleeping arrangements can also be made for the central hallway.

On shorter assignments (not immediate, but that are not expected to need to spend the night), cargo supplies can be sacrificed for more units. The ship can support a maximum of two small tank-like units (with 6 power armor); or go all out and field a total of 18 power armors.

On immediate engagements, infantry already donned in power armor can occupy space in the living portions of the craft. Assuming that every soldier is sitting somewhere, 30 extra infantrymen can be accommodated (totaling 48, or 36 with 2 light tanks).

The ship's weaponry would probably consist of two beam emitters mounted fore, and one mounted aft. Defenses would likely include gravimetric barrier as well as energized hull for either stealth or defensize purposes.
I also approve! Looks like it would be a very effective vessel for shuttling around a single squad of troops and their support vehicle.
Not to rain on the Chiaki's parade, but it did occur to me that the Iruka could possibly meet your plotship needs better than the escort destroyer you previously built-and-wanted-to-pilot.

It's not what I conceived it for, but it seems to match the quiet-insertion/avoid-space-combat angle better than the Chiaki (the Chiaki by contrast is a compact space-combat beast). Plus, it can fold, it's quick, and its bridge is an actual cockpit!

I figure any captain staying on the craft for a longer time could justify some alterations. Power Armors could be tossed out to make the balcony section an armory section instead. If just five people need be supported, rooms could be expanded on (larger CO quarters, larger kitchen, larger bathroom).

Well, you can tell me what you think on that angle.
I'm perfectly aware that the Hayai is a competing design. I'll acknowledge that the Hayai is also a presently finished product. It doesn't mean I can't also do my own thing and that it could perhaps be also appealing from a different angle.

The rest is pretty much for Doshii to decide. I thought what I was doing might appeal to him. That's all. I'm not to start debate about it... because Nashoba pretty much designed everything I wanted to design before I could since I have a slower development process. I'm not going to let a "we have this and it's already nice" fear paralyze my creativity on designing stuff as I'd rather have it.

This is a sore point for me, so I'd rather not start a debate on it.

I just happen to think that maybe my vision of the Iruka finished may actually appeal to some preferences I know Doshii has, design traits I also do not see in the Hayai due to its limitations as a DOGA model. Either Jake will fall in love with it like he did with the Chiaki, or not.
After reading through it more thoroughly, I heartily approve of this design. I like the 'economy of space' ideas with folding seats and retractable tables, and desk space built into walls, as well as the capability of it acting as a sort of mobile base.

The way the fold drive works is also very neat, a nice functional stylization.

I'm looking forward to see where this all goes.
Kel, I'll get to you this friday or during the weekend.

I'm not sure why, but i have this fuzzy blank in my head when I think about Kotori presently. It'll pass.
Fred said:
Melisson unwrapped her arms from around her legs and bent forward, instead adopting a position on all four that brought her head right next to the transparent cover of the hemosynthetic tank.

Her face seemed much closer to Tom's now, despite the barrier. She seemed to be breathing out of her slightly parted mouth and Tom could see hints of her pointed teeth. He could see much more of the striated red-pigmented texture in Melisson's irises as her eyes bored into his.

"I do everything for a reason," she told him, her breath fogging against the glass-like cover.
Seriously, I'm gonna miss having her for an antagonist villain.
So, right now, I note that we have two things going on:

Tom talking to Melisson and Miyoko trying to visit Kotori.

From what I see, the activity elsewhere has petered off.

I've made Kel wait for 9 days because I felt incapable of posting something intelligent, or picturing what Kotori would be doing and her mood. Now, I've got a better hold of that. If Kel wants to roleplay there, however, Miyoko will have to be posted for more frequently - preferably daily posting (I know, double standards).

As for Tom, if he wants to have his chat, he'll have to give me daily posting too.

Without both situations resolved, I can't justify a timeskip to some later time. Also, I'm not sure how much you guys are enjoying the downtime, but things have been dragging for some time.

As I see it, we still need to cover:
- Staff brief with Kotori and figure out what the heck they are going to do.
- Follow whatever plan, and eventually get to Yamatai / renew contact with Star Army/Yui.
- Meet Yui, get debriefed.
- Closure/award ceremony and whatnot.
- Everyone goes their separate ways, join other plotships, remain idle or start their own plots.

Right now, at the pace we're going, I don't think we'll be done by christmas 2011 (if not further). Is that really what you guys want? I'm going to need some 'semblance' of activity that goes beyond Asher/Kyou posting sprees to make this ending not drag and become unpleasant.
I haven't really been posting much (see: at all) lately because I had tried to start something going on with Gallant, that got accidentally overlooked, and so he started something else with Doshii, and so Kai has been left kind of wandering around looking fruitlessly for Yuzuki. Since I'm not really sure of what's available for me to do, as in, what's in the Mokuren or the Hoshi, I've kind of been unable to post- I had already finished the more mundane things for Kai to do, and have been waiting for Gallant to make Yuzuki free so we can do something again.