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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Anyone else care to roleplay the green-paneled officer Yuzuki is interacting with? Doshii, this is partly tied to Yukari - wanna do it?
Damn. I knew this was going to end badly, but Space Raptors? Christ!


So, Kel, if you're wanting to play Miyoko, why not slip her into the lunch scene? Or the bath scene? Haven't seen much of her since the previous day.
Alternative: I create a 'timeskipped' new thread with Kotori awake again, allowing someone else who has been meaning to meet her to do so.

Miyoko wanted to, I think. Nyton as well.
Kokuten said:
So, Kel, if you're wanting to play Miyoko, why not slip her into the lunch scene? Or the bath scene? Haven't seen much of her since the previous day.

RL stuff. I'll try to post in the Kotori-awakey bit, though.
I know there's a JP going on with Yukari, Yuzuki and Ayumu. Keep going guys (last I saw, they were waiting on a Doshii post).

I want to see activity for Tom and Nyton. It's been 4 days since Blas has posted and Tom has not been replied for. Guys, please stick to posting daily or bi-daily. I don't mind you go and take the time to roleplay together, but we need to keep the momentum going.
I posted to the JP, so we're rolling again.

Also, I'm gone until Wednesday for my anniversary vacation with K (three years!). I will have infrequent posting power during this time, but for me, I think we can timeskip, barring Tom/Nyton stuff.
The Tom/Nyton posting pace has been slow, and I was willing to understand them both being tied up... but with 5 days elapsed with no Tom post I can't just sit on my hands anymore.

Therefore, I intend to timeskip sometime this weekend.

The JP Doshii/Gallant/Blas have going can be posted even after the new thread is posted. Besides, the new 'day 3' thread will be more Kotori focused and timewise be in the afternoon, so anyone that wants to pursue roleplay can still do so in the first 3rd day thread as long as it's not momentous or anything.
Okay, so, Kokuten wanted to get some Kotori+Asher/Rolf time so I started off my timeskipped thread with a JP.

Is there anyone else I need to attend to, or whom wants to interact with Kotori?
If you want to do something with Kyou, I'm down, but I don't have much of anything planned past what I have done. So past here I'm just running with what happens.
You know there's the obligatory visit by Nyton sometime although I don't see that as pressing. That was a great JP so its hard to follow anything up on that.

I'm just trying to see if there's a chance to finish hammering down the events with Tom first. Otherwise it can be glossed over.
Yeah. I've been away a bit. I'll try to be back more.

I needed some time away, I suppose.

Don't know if I have the time to get a JP in for Kotori/Tom, but I'd like to if possible. It's not massively pressing for me, though.
D'aw, it wasn't that great, I'm just glad Fred humored my Santo-Hei a chance to speak to Kotori. Plus, if you wait an hour or so, you could probably catch her awake, unlike Asher did.

And Aendri you be trollan.