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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

This is kind of tedious for me, guys.

I mean, I'm happy to give you the chance to flesh out that character-deserved downtime... but I've also noticed that our pace was flagging. If I give the opportunity for downtime, I'd greatly prefer that everyone rise up to it.

It may not be as exciting as kicking Mefpralphra in the teeth, but I was kind of hoping for the same level of involvement from interested parties. These are your characters and how they cope to the past momentous events.

So, I'd like to know: for the period of the third day's mid-morning, is anyone planning to get any specific roleplay done? I'd appreciate if we could get organized, apply some guidelines of what you guys feel needs to be covered in that timespan. As long as it feels like we're reasonably moving forward, I can stave off the urge to start tearing at my hair.

Kotori isn't waking up and being intelligible again until the afternoon. I can, at the appropriate juncture, create another thread representing a new timeskip so to allow another Kotori visit or other roleplay scenes in the afternoon
My intent was having Tom and Nyton talk things out for a while. Seeing as how they understand each other better via Mind 'Mel'ding felt he could open up to him better.
Just as a heads up, I'll be unable to post for a few days more. This Thursday, I'll be heading up to San Jose in California to attend Fanime Con. Though this is a little late, any of you happen to be going too?
Things are a bit busy for me at the moment. It's the summer class rush so I've been working a bit harder these days.
Between work ramping up my schedule and school coming to an end for the semester, I've been super-busy, and thus unable to post much.

Hopefully withing the next couple weeks I'll have time or something.
"Y'know, maybe y'juss need a size bigga?" asked Asher, before realizing what he had just said. He threw up his hands, "Not sayin' y'fat or nothin'. I mean... Y'got fat, but iss' in all tha' right spots, but I ain't saying y'really fat." He stopped speaking right there and put his hands on his chest. "Tha' fat right 'ere iss' what mattas."
Asher, man who talks himself out of a hole and into an early grave.
He just digs himself a hole, tries to dig himself back out, and manages to dig himself even deeper. That's got to be an actual skill at that point, I'm pretty sure most people can't manage that.
Whatever works. It seems we're coasting very slow slowly here to me.

Whenever people get sick of the slow activity, just pipe up and I'll see about advancing things.
False alarm.

Ha ha, I'm kind of notorious for this now; we just got internet back! Apparently who-ever we were chasing wasn't that important.

I don't really mind the slow pace all so much; it seems like, after that climax, this is kind of the third 'act' - the other side of the hill. Certain people are finding closure that they probably wouldn't be able to find after the 'official' closure.

Granted those people are becomming slightly fewer. I notice a lot of Asher/Kyou posts and it's degenerating into less of a closure and more of a silly example of what happens when you start treading water in a plot (no offense to either of you, the posts are amusing).

I know I, for one, still want to get with Yukari, and that's probably going to be my last JP/Interaction before I start waving the Hoo-Yay flag. Everything else I want to accomplish is Post-plot.

Want to just jump into it while we've got time, Doshii? I lead off with my last post.
Kyoki said:
The only problem at this moment was now how to classify Kyou in the grand scheme of competency, since, somehow, she hadn't forgotten.
Rin: "She didn't forget my tea ... fuck! I might have to upgrade her from 'complete moron' to 'mostly idiotic!' This throws the whole chart out of whack! Now I have to spend 3.92 seconds rebuilding it. Bitch."

Don't mind me, just being a smartass.
Rin: Oh GREAT. Now Asher gave a COMPLIMENT? What is this? How do I deal with this? Why can't they all just be nice and dumb until they hit officer level? God! This chart is so much work!