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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Gallant, I think Kai was also looking forward to roleplaying with you. Perhaps you could arrange something together on one of the previous days?
I'm always open for something like that.

Also, take note to the rest of you; I am completely open for the previous days. I prefer the fourth day. It won't be a JP, anymore, because the ship is underway and I don't get that much time out of the day to surf the web.

Just drop me a message with a general outline and we'll start SPing in one of the previous threads.
Yes, that's how it is.

If you have a problem with coming to me, you can come to me with it directly.
So my next question has to be;

Did I kill the thread? Everybody was moving along at flank speed until I posted.


Gallant said:


I've been busy running around all over the place, going to school and rebuilding a truck as well as trying to keep fit by riding bicycles up mountains and various other obstacles present.

I've been trying to post but have had trouble thinking up something to do; mostly because I'm kind of tired of Military RP in general and have a strong desire to Roleplay as the employees of a Grocery store...

So, Yeah... If you have any ideas, Mike, Hit me up, I'll see what I can do, though my time's probably as limited as yours, so we'll probably have to do the E-mail thing or something.
I'm half wondering if I'm allowed to jump into the repairing Sutur thing... but I don't want to get in the way sooooo I'll stay quiet.
I have done hard forum-searching research and have inferred enough to make a post.

Expect one soon.

Also feel free to correct me if I am incorrect in my assumptions.
It was hard, giving that cake away, I somewhat enjoy cake. Though, it was even harder giving that maid away.
I'm kind of idling and waiting to see where Tom and Nyton go. I did hint to Blas to have Nyton go for some closure.

I owe Jake a post, I'm just waiting for the Nyton/Tom/Yuzuki thing to get resolved - or advance so that I can acceptably spring in the post that will allow me to spring another thread from it. I don't mind keeping the present thread up for tech shenanigans and such.

Note that I'm planning to start the next thread, ICly, after the Battle of Nataria. We won't be roleplaying through it after all.

Some could wonder why. Firstly, I feel there's actually not that much this crew can do of credence within the multitude of things which are going to be going on, and since I'm treating none of you as supermen, actual involvement is entirely too likely to equate to character death - which would be really lame by this point.

Secondly, some are really looking forward to Jake's 44th Fireteam plot, and the more we dawdle, the longer it'll take to get there.

Third, we actually still have a lot to cover. There'd be some stuff to cover in the homecoming and how your characters will cope with things ending. We need to eventually get to this point, and roleplay out those outcomes as appropriate (for example, I don't see the 44th Fireteam plot launching before Tom and Yukari get married; and Eve's safehouses taken care of).
I keep wanting to post, honestly, but I've been busy with classes and exams and all that sorts of stuff so I've been too distracted. With my distractions... I know I'd post slow(er) and I know Fred just wants to be getting out of her ( ) so... I don't want to be slowing down the necessary stuff with Tom + Nyton + Yuzuki more.
Hey Tom sorry I just sort of pushed through and had Nyton leave the scene like I did. With the way time has been dragging and with Fred already past his departure date and Jake's story being held up I didn't think we really had much to go with for the scene. Plus it would be more pressing on Nyton's mind to hurry up and make his report. So if there was something you wanted to do I apologize for not sticking around to do so. I haven't exactly been the most available nor present on IRC.
It's all good. I was dealing with Mr. Typhoon so my time was a bit limited too.

As for the RP, I'm find with skipping ahead and giving everyone a kick in the butt.
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