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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Basically -- just do stuff for now. If Fred wants to goof you up or make a Mishhu appear from a bag of potatoes, he'll do so.
I'm gonna go ahead and NPC Kokuten a little so we can move ahead to pick up Ryzard and advance things. This scene really shouldn't take too long to finish up if there's no major plot or battle points to be made.
For the two newer crew members, you'll likely function best for the offloading of the AS-5a torpedoes by suiting up in the Daisy power armors on the Miharu's auxiliary ship (a detachable section of the vessel which acts as a independant dropship/transport of a sort - generally referred to as Hoshi). You can see the information on the Daisy power armors here.

Odds are the Shikaku survivors aren't familiar with the Daisy, but it operates pretty much like the Kylie, except it accepts larger operators in it and adapts to their sizes through contraction of its synthetic core-lining. The Daisy models on the Miharu are of the 1B variant, which can operate a bit better in space. For any info on how to board one of those, just refer to prior posts made by Masako and Nyton.

Added note: the AIES systems of the Daisies Nyton and Masako are operating are using pooled combat data gathered back in the simulation on Scorpio. Any preferences and setting have been set the moment the armors closed up around them - which is to say, each time power armors aare going to be boarded by specific individuals, either the MEGAMI-IES or the C-IES will upload personal data into the chosen armor to match to pilot's style as best as possible. Though you can't really physically alter the hardware, the software can be adapted to the pilot.

Trivia: Having the main hull be called 'Miharu' (Guardian/Protector) and the auxiliary ship 'Hoshi' (Star) is a wordplay in naming the combined vessel "Guardian Star".
January 27 I'm leaving for field training at Ft Knox. This is going to run until 14 February. I won't be on or have any access during that time period.
Hey can they even hear the chit chat coming from the bridge over the radio? Or is that just bridge chatter not being said? I'm not even sure they've even heard the part about getting the MEGAMI probes.
Nyton specified he wanted to be privy to it, so, yes: he can hear it.

However, Yukari is not broadcasting at the moment while she's talking with Mara... it would look bad after telling Leutre to keep the chatter down ~_^

Therefore, only Nyton.
'And then, after a three hour armed search of the ship, Mara realized that she'd slept on top of the little chocolate mint on her pillow and it had melted into her hair.'
Yeah I was confused too. I thought the engineers were on the Miharu and Kotori was using the Hoshi and that the Hoshi was being used for scanner probe dispersal and where Sigurd was.
The Hoshi is right next to the salvage and such ... but I thought I had Ichigo and Nimura. If not, I can just have Yukari make two more or something -- it's my goof up, I'm sure. Sorry.

Kotori has the Miharu because it has the torpedo tubes needed to launch probes.
Doshii is right. I will restate for clarification.

The YSS Miharu disconnected from its auxiliary ship and headed further into the asteroid field to launch sensor probes into the aforementioned null-sensor zone.

The auxiliary ship remained by the Shikaku while the salvage and rescue operation was still underway. That is where you are. Since Ichigo and Nimura were acting as armorers at the time, they were on the auxiliary ship.

The main hull is not suited for power armor activities since it only houses shuttles and fighters. The auxiliary ship, however, is the ideal base of operation for power armors, with no small reason: the power armor bays are actually on it.
Oh, the two new guys would probably do well to review the procedure for boarding a Mindy power armor (in this thread here) to have an idea of how it goes. While a Daisy's interior is synthetic - likely sort of like smooth, slippery rubber - I believe it does require the user to strip naked before boarding it.
Since Chigusa was quitting this plot ship I guess that bloody mess gives us a convenient way to kill her character off? >_>
Chigusa is alive and well in the subdeck working with Tom (both are NPCed at the moment).

I told the player I would remove her character from the plot, but unless I cannot avoid it, I will not kill her outright in such a fashion. Otherwise just treat her like a sprite or ignore the character. *shrugs*
Heh, was just a suggestion. Woulda been an ironic way to go. Left Taiie station and avoided death there just to get splattered by some freaky flesh monster on a ship. >_<
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