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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Back as well! Sorry I couldn't post my absence myself. The day I was going to post just so happened to be the same day my ISP was doing some repair work, so my internet was being a complete pain in the arse. I'll put up my next post real soon, and all that jazz.
Note for the new guys: Masako is telling you to head for the wardroom, but you have no idea of where it is.

In case you wanted to have more details on the Miharu, its specifications are all here.
Note about the YARD pods (Yamataium Armor Regenerative Drones):

Blas post mentions that half the damage the ship sustained except for system damage was fixed. I will precise:

- The Xiulurium-coated Zesuaium cannot realistically be replaced out of spacedock. The Miharu doesn't even carry spares (as it'd take too much space anyways). Areas initially damaged will be more susceptible to harm once damaged (hull rating of 9 initially, but can only be fixed by the YARD pods up to 8).

- The YARD pods only repair yamataium, they do not repair the ship's framework if it is damaged. Structural damage will require the framework to be replaced with another material if parts of the zesuaium frame has been compromised.

This is currently the case for one side of the rollbar and the front of the engine section where the MCS (Matter collection unit) unit was.

- Please note that the speed at which a YARD pod functions is pretty fast. These are designed for emergency battle repairs; having multiple units working on the ship's surface damage makes for speedy restoration of the ship's 'skin'. The Miharu might have taken substancial damage, but it is also designed to have a lot of endurance in an extended campaign.
Didn't quite understand the various hull materials. I just figured the armor was getting undented and holes were being patched. As for systems like the MCS, I didn't think they could fix those. That would be left to our plucky mechanics.
I'm sorry but you'll have to scuttle Ryszard ._. Work + Online Class + Full time classes + Busy weekends = Little to no time for Yamatai

I'm really sorry, I should have realized that this would have happened when I got a job!
Speaking of leaving, wheres Abwerhan Commander? Its been over half a week, and both my characters are frozen in time warps until he comes back. >.<
*blinks* Did you try to drop him a word on YIM despite him being offline? That might be a good idea.

Abwehran Commander does study and work, I believe. Maybe this week is more rough for him than usual.
I think the official Miharu warning should be 'Warning: Having a character on the Miharu may cause your work load to abruptly triple.'

Looks like Ryz will be gone. I haven't had any replies from him and his current situation. *sigh*

Right now, I'm giving you guys a moment to just interact with each other and refresh your characters. If you do not take advantage of it, I will have to move on to Day 5 (the rest of Day 4 will probably be to assist in the repairs of the ship).

Seeing that I cannot make Yagen join the Miharu plot without a good IC excuse that likely won't happen until a certain point in Day 5, I'd like you guys to get to it - at least make the most of the time you have now to make his wait be worth it more. I don't want to rush you people but on the other hand I don't want to make him wait more than he has to.
Kotori said:
"Oh, I did not mean me." Kotori smiled and presented Nyton with a gesture. "I was about to offer you the services of my faithful retainer Claymere-san. He's a renowned hair stylist as well as being very handy with the washtowel."

Fred, your assholery knows no bounds. I salute you.


Really? I could have sworn he was a robot. ^_~
Also, 'straight heterosexual' is redundant.
Kotori said:
But I was certain most nepleslians were homosexuals! I mean, your home planet is over 90% dominated by the male gender...

Miyoko: But more or less 100% of nekos are female, and it... isn't... like we're all... wait. Fuck. Forget I said anything.
Elisa: "So why don't the nekos and the neps get together and start breeding? You'd create the perfect species of soldiers! And it'd make peace in the galaxy, you know? Drunken marines and slutty catgirls are a great combination."
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